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Does Cryptic/PWE have to go back to school to learn how to program stuff c.c?

kiarasenakiarasena Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Decided to check old forum topics to check for replies, and saw someone posted a link, when I checked the page that was linked I laughed hard.. :D

"new bot system by cryptic/pwe auto-bans innocent players for just typing the 5 letter name of the money scamming company" :eek:

Seriously that's just epic.. finally after 4-5 years they get off their lazy butts and listen to all the complaints to make a fix, and it turns out a complete failure..

1, Block the website address and such from being sent through mail. (People don't really care about pm's..)
2, Ban IP's/subnet-IP's from where the accounts are made.

Those are 2 simple/standard things.. but I'm curious, who, how, or what is the staff (thinking)? I mean how can you not know that innocent players would type the company name? Those are general things you should be thinking about.. it's like building something, you can't go slacking or it's bye bye job.

You guys add nice content, characters, clothing, ships.. so why is a simple ban program so hard? And you really should notify players on the forums about it in release notes or such, and yet you may reply "but that will alert the spam idiots".. who cares? They will find out sooner or later.. and I think they already have as tons have posted about being banned already.
Oh and the staff needs fresh coffee or something and start unbanning innocent players, this should not take days/weeks! It's like "Oh I'm still not unbanned? Ok then no more money for Cryptic untill the ban is removed." for those who'd be paying. ;)

Ok I've had my laugh.. time to see the fun replies or the hate replies by Cryptic-lovers. :D
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