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2nd half of rom missions....what's my motivation?

voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Okay I gotta ask.....WTF happened to New Romulus Command??

Got through the Romulan centric 1st half of missions and have been on the 2nd half or recycled missions. I can't remember the last time I had contact with NRC, I think it was my lvl 40 promotion mission. I'm constantly being contacted by Starfleet personnel for my missions now, ordered to go here or there by Starfleet and even constantly being refered to as belonging to Starfleet....


There is very little if anything mentioned in these contacts about me being a Romulan, and absolutely nothing about why a Romulan from the Romulan Republic would be flying all around the galaxy to help The Federation when they have WAY WAY more ships and resources and don't even remotely need my help.

So as the Title says "What's my motivation?"

I Really don't mind that some of the missions have been recycled, that's not the issue. The real issue is the way it was integrated into the Romulan faction, or more accurately, wasn't.

For example the Cardassian mission strings starting on DS9. Why didn't I receive a hail from New Romulus Command Stating that the Bajorian Provisional Government is requesting our presence to discuss a mutually beneficial proposal. Then we hop, skip, and jump to DS9 because this is something that could benefit RR interests.

Upon arriving at DS9 we go to ops and have our discussion with the Bajorian government official and they ask for our help in dealing with the Trueway because the Federationhad to pool resources for the defense of Defra against the borg. The Bajorians offer to send aid from Bajor and to help the RR government with advice on restructuring/renewing their infrastructure considering the Bajorians basically had to do the same thing.

After replying this to New Romulus command they agree and ask you to report to Kurland who will be the joint operations coordinator via DS9.

It's really just some minor tweaks that adds that motivation as to why you're far from the RR and why your doing missions that would otherwise have no interest to the RR.

I just used the DS9/Cardassian string as an example but all recycled Romulan missions should either come directly from New Romulus Command or Originate from there asking you to assist whomever because of <insert benefit here> to the Romulan Republic.
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