*Made some improvements to general server stability.
*All personal Reputation upgrade tasks in the Omega, Nukara and New Romulus repuations are now cancellable.
This will prevent players from being stuck if they accidentally slot a task they cannot complete.
So branflakes posted this update under general topics, and i think is a great improvement, my question though is the cancellable tasks are they only for upgrading to the next tier or dose that include all tasks? Also if you have started a task and want to cancel it but have all ready sarted putting in marks and dilithum do you get that back?
Right now, no (it even pops up a message that if you cancel, you loose everything you contributed; and while I COMPLETELY understand that for say, Starbase holding projects where you have multiple contributors (and I bring this up because they did state that the Rep system interface was based on the SB project interface); I DON'T understand it for Reputation Projects, as the character involved is the only one making contributions.
Also, it's an inconsistent policy as - if you cancel a Doff project, you get the any items/EC you contributed returned. I just don't get why for Rep projects, we can't have our character contributions (listed in the interface) returned as the system IS keeping track somewhere; so the info on what to return is still there.
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