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Please Buff Torpedo Damage Vs Shields

freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
edited May 2013 in Federation Discussion
My ship is utilizing the Ferenghi console, 5x purple mk XII quantum torpedo consoles, and the 2 pc Adapted MACO set bonus.

My torps are listed to be doing ~8300 damage.

I fire them against shields and do about 300 damage.

That means my torpedoes are doing ~3-4% of their total damage.


I belive that the logic is that torpedoes should be best vs hull and energy weapons are better vs shields.

But, wait, cannons are energy based weapons that are the king of dropping shields and taking out hull. Buffed cannon damage puts torpedoes to shame by several orders of magnitude.

Why does my very slow firing weapon get out damaged by a very fast spamming weapon? The logic is broken and thus so are the mechanics for torpedo damage.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why does my very slow firing weapon get out damaged by a very fast spamming weapon?

    The fact that you consider torpedoes slow firing is the first clue you really haven't looked at the big picture. Specialized torpedo boats are more than capable of sustaining torpedo fire at the torpedo GCD, and in many cases supporting that sustained torpedo fire with additional energy weapons.

    Bottom line: players don't need to be capable of the one-shot ESTF torpedo of doom. Kinetic absorption is the single mechanic keeping that from occurring.
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2013
    The fact that you consider torpedoes slow firing is the first clue you really haven't looked at the big picture. Specialized torpedo boats are more than capable of sustaining torpedo fire at the torpedo GCD, and in many cases supporting that sustained torpedo fire with additional energy weapons.

    Bottom line: players don't need to be capable of the one-shot ESTF torpedo of doom. Kinetic absorption is the single mechanic keeping that from occurring.

    I don't think it needs to be at that point, but I should not be doing a pitiful 3-4% of my listed damage to shields. Even a TSS I negates all of my torpedo damage to shields.

    FYI, even with 3x Projectile DOFFs, guess what, there are times when the torps don't fire at the GCD.

    I have 2x quantum 2x DHC and 1x DBB on my fore weapons.

    When I try to damage spike a target that has any shields, virtually nothing happens and this should not be the case given my total investment towards torpedoes.

    Look me up on Gateway to see.

    Bottom Line: Players are capable of WTFpwning with Cannons, but Torpedoes are largely over-looked.

    You claim that players should not be able to insta-kill others, but with cannons that is more than possible, therefore your logic is flawed since players can already insta-kill each other.
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    istvaanshogaatsuistvaanshogaatsu Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm a torpedo specialist. As much as the greedy side of me would love to see a torpedo damage boost, the reasonable side tells me how utterly, blitheringly overpowered that would be.

    My current torpedo setup is capable of scoring multi-kills. As in, multiple klingon players destroyed with one spread salvo. It is my primary weapon system, 2 launchers fore, 2 aft, and I pack a DHC and an experimental Romulan beam array as my only energy weapons.


    I fire one of those a second.
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    gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Out of curiosity, have you tried using Transphasics?

    I've been tinkering with one, but unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get it to perform like I think it should. Now, this could be due to my lack of end-game rep gear/lockbox/lobi items, but even with that... /shrugs

    I'm running a Patrol Escort with the Breen space set, 3 Rapidfire Transphasics and a DHC in the nose (have thought about switching it to a DBB and utilize "Target Shields" or "Beam Overload), 1 Rapidfire Transphasic (or Breen Cluster), Borg Kinetic Beam, and Turret in the rear (again, thinking about switching the turret for a beam). Four Transphasic Tactical Consoles and the Assimilated Console. The most I seem to be able to get is around 484 DPS tooltip per torp, which considering the Breen set boosts Transphasic damage by 30% & the Tac consoles another 26% each (they're blue, unfortunately), I can get a whole lot more bang just by switching to the Jem'Hadar set w/ loading up on Polaron weapons.

    Any tips? :D

    Edit: Corrected DPS, also running 3 blue Projectile DOFFs -- I'm one of those poor space captains... :)
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    FYI, even with 3x Projectile DOFFs, guess what, there are times when the torps don't fire at the GCD.

    There are also times when someone wins the lottery. It doesn't mean it happens often.

    Set up your ship correctly, and your torpedoes go downrange faster than a herd of cats chasing a squirrel with a laser pointer duct taped to it.
    I have 2x quantum 2x DHC and 1x DBB on my fore weapons.

    When I try to damage spike a target that has any shields, virtually nothing happens and this should not be the case given my total investment towards torpedoes.

    If you can't shield break with 2 dhcs and a DBB, you're doing something very, very wrong.
    Bottom Line: Players are capable of WTFpwning with Cannons, but Torpedoes are largely over-looked.

    Because torpedo boats take considerably more finesse and skill (and frankly, a good deal of luck) to use effectively. They're not the claymore mines of STO ship builds.
    You claim that players should not be able to insta-kill others, but with cannons that is more than possible, therefore your logic is flawed since players can already insta-kill each other.

    You're hilariously confusing spike potential with one-shotting.

    A single shot from a single DHC cannot, under any circumstances, kill another ship from 100% hull and shields.

    With innate kinetic shield resist removed from the picture, correctly setup torpedo vessels can quite easily reach the kind of firepower necessary to kill, from full health and shields, another player in one shot, and if memory serves in regards to NPC health pools most non-battleship/dreadnought NPCs as well
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    rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My ship is utilizing the Ferenghi console, 5x purple mk XII quantum torpedo consoles, and the 2 pc Adapted MACO set bonus.

    My torps are listed to be doing ~8300 damage.

    I fire them against shields and do about 300 damage.

    That means my torpedoes are doing ~3-4% of their total damage.


    I belive that the logic is that torpedoes should be best vs hull and energy weapons are better vs shields.

    But, wait, cannons are energy based weapons that are the king of dropping shields and taking out hull. Buffed cannon damage puts torpedoes to shame by several orders of magnitude.

    Why does my very slow firing weapon get out damaged by a very fast spamming weapon? The logic is broken and thus so are the mechanics for torpedo damage.

    I guesss a Tetryon Torpedo should be created to boost damage vs Shields.
    We already have a torpedo that bypasses shields (Transphasic) so it makes sense.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
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    rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gurriknak wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, have you tried using Transphasics?

    I've been tinkering with one, but unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get it to perform like I think it should. Now, this could be due to my lack of end-game rep gear/lockbox/lobi items, but even with that... /shrugs

    I'm running a Patrol Escort with the Breen space set, 3 Rapidfire Transphasics and a DHC in the nose (have thought about switching it to a DBB and utilize "Target Shields" or "Beam Overload), 1 Rapidfire Transphasic (or Breen Cluster), Borg Kinetic Beam, and Turret in the rear (again, thinking about switching the turret for a beam). Four Transphasic Tactical Consoles and the Assimilated Console. The most I seem to be able to get is around 484 DPS tooltip per torp, which considering the Breen set boosts Transphasic damage by 30% & the Tac consoles another 26% each (they're blue, unfortunately), I can get a whole lot more bang just by switching to the Jem'Hadar set w/ loading up on Polaron weapons.

    Any tips? :D

    Edit: Corrected DPS, also running 3 blue Projectile DOFFs -- I'm one of those poor space captains... :)
    Try the Breen Cluster, RF Transphasic and a MKII Purple Transphasic up front.
    I hope you're using the High Yield 3/Torpedo Spread 3 combo and try to get a little close.
    If you're going to be using energy weapons, then Disruptors seems to be the better choice.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
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    freedumb4evafreedumb4eva Member Posts: 269
    edited May 2013
    rezking wrote: »
    Try the Breen Cluster, RF Transphasic and a MKII Purple Transphasic up front.
    I hope you're using the High Yield 3/Torpedo Spread 3 combo and try to get a little close.
    If you're going to be using energy weapons, then Disruptors seems to be the better choice.

    Look me up on Gateway... Torpedoes are completely worthless against shields.

    The reason that I have trouble getting through shields is because of high shields resistance on the target + all of my consoles are for quantum torps.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you use a BO3 with your DBB combined with a CRF 1 and an APO3 with an APA3, you should be able to down a single shield facing. And timing is required against players. You need to unleash that hell combo right before your THY3 quantums hit. The APA3 + APO3 + THY3 will boost your torps up to around 25k base damage, with 60-70k crits. And you won't have to worry about shields since your BO3 will have taken out one of their shield facings. I would also recommend you use AP DBBs, for crit severity, since your APA3 will massively boost your crit, and the APA3 and APO3 will massively boost all your damage. If you still can't do it, I would add on GDF for an addition 25% base damage.

    You will never consistently kill players in one or two salvos, but you can do it every few minutes. Based on what your build looked like, your problem is that you are relying on purely kinetic damage. That's foolish. You should have at least SOMETHING towards energy weapons, since kinetic is again only reliable against hull. And it's very easy to keep shields up against pure torp boats. I do it all the time in my Odyssey. It's almost laughable when I realize they have NOTHING boosting energy damage. After that, I just cycle EPtS3 and never have to worry about ever dying.

    Remember, unless you are using transphasic torps, you will have issues with shields. Try the above combo and you are likely to have fewer problems.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    squatsaucesquatsauce Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Look me up on Gateway... Torpedoes are completely worthless against shields.

    The reason that I have trouble getting through shields is because of high shields resistance on the target + all of my consoles are for quantum torps.

    This is a bit like trying to bang a square peg into a round hole and then demanding someone fix the hole. You're using the wrong tools at the wrong time.

    Torpedoes cannot easily sustain high, constant DPS and all shields have a built-in kinetic resists. Torpedoes are intended to be used on unshielded targets and deal kinetic damage. Many high-level players use kinetic resist engineering consoles to diminish that damage further. They do this specifically because getting hit with a big damage spike from a Tricobolt Device or Quantum torp can one-shot an unshielded ship otherwise.

    Transphasic cluster torps are nasty in that more damage bypasses the target's shields and the entire cluster of mines gets a single critical hit roll (it seems that way at least), meaning a critical hit can one-shot an unprepared player. Elite NPC mobs armed with the TPCT can one-shot a player ship through its shields.

    What you should be doing is hammering on someone's shields until they get close to dropping, tractoring them to keep them from moving, and firing a barrage of torps into the exposed flank. It takes skill, finesse, and good tactical thinking, but it's brutal when done right.
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    kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm a torpedo specialist. As much as the greedy side of me would love to see a torpedo damage boost, the reasonable side tells me how utterly, blitheringly overpowered that would be.

    My current torpedo setup is capable of scoring multi-kills. As in, multiple klingon players destroyed with one spread salvo. It is my primary weapon system, 2 launchers fore, 2 aft, and I pack a DHC and an experimental Romulan beam array as my only energy weapons.


    I fire one of those a second.

    what buffs are you running...if any.....All I've got to say is DAMN!!!!! XD that is powerful.
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
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    brok3nmindbrok3nmind Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    what buffs are you running...if any.....All I've got to say is DAMN!!!!! XD that is powerful.

    +1 there to the question re. BOFF's - what the HELL do you have sitting behind that torp?? LOL :D
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    cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You forget torpedoes have no damage reduction based on range.

    They also have the highest damage multipliers.

    Drop the quantums, equip plasma (better yet, the hyper plasma and the omega torp) and use high yield with the kdf 2-piece bonus.

    Stuff just DIES when hit by those things.
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    cuberiscuberis Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you use a BO3 with your DBB combined with a CRF 1 and an APO3 with an APA3, you should be able to down a single shield facing. And timing is required against players. You need to unleash that hell combo right before your THY3 quantums hit. The APA3 + APO3 + THY3 will boost your torps up to around 25k base damage, with 60-70k crits. And you won't have to worry about shields since your BO3 will have taken out one of their shield facings. I would also recommend you use AP DBBs, for crit severity, since your APA3 will massively boost your crit, and the APA3 and APO3 will massively boost all your damage. If you still can't do it, I would add on GDF for an addition 25% base damage.

    You will never consistently kill players in one or two salvos, but you can do it every few minutes. Based on what your build looked like, your problem is that you are relying on purely kinetic damage. That's foolish. You should have at least SOMETHING towards energy weapons, since kinetic is again only reliable against hull. And it's very easy to keep shields up against pure torp boats. I do it all the time in my Odyssey. It's almost laughable when I realize they have NOTHING boosting energy damage. After that, I just cycle EPtS3 and never have to worry about ever dying.

    Remember, unless you are using transphasic torps, you will have issues with shields. Try the above combo and you are likely to have fewer problems.

    There is no such a thing, as too much fire power.
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    what buffs are you running...if any.....All I've got to say is DAMN!!!!! XD that is powerful.

    If I had to wager a guess APA, GDF, APO3 and TF.

    It's a fairly small window to sustain those kinds of numbers though.
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If I had to wager a guess APA, GDF, APO3 and TF.

    It's a fairly small window to sustain those kinds of numbers though.

    Sounds about right - and the window isn't *that* small.

    Well times you're looking at what, 15 seconds for full power? Then the APO3 will drop and you get a further 15 seconds at -25%. That's still 30s of insane damage. The same as any alpha strike - your goal is to have your target dead before it's finished and nope nobody subnukes you.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    istvaanshogaatsuistvaanshogaatsu Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    what buffs are you running...if any.....All I've got to say is DAMN!!!!! XD that is powerful.

    Hmmmm, listing buffs alone wouldn't give you the whole picture. It's a pretty purpose-built ship. The entire thing is built to maximize quantum damage, and critical chance/severity.

    Gear and crew:

    - 3 purple projectile doffs
    - 3 Romulan crit tac boffs
    - 5x 30% Quantum tac consoles
    - Adapted Maco set (2 piece bonus = 25% kinetic dmg)
    - Rule 62 console (11% kinetic dmg)
    - Romulan and Borg universal consoles
    - Tachyokinetic converter
    - Romulan plasma sci console


    - AP Alpha
    - AP Omega III
    - Tac Team I
    - Go Down Fighting
    - Tac Fleet II
    - Weapon battery + Exocomp (boosts ALL damage by 10%)

    I should note that the above screenshot is a bit outdated - my torps are even more lethal now, with a 5% chance of inflicting an extra 750 kinetic damage (omega weapon amp, tier 4 omega rep) and a 2.5% chance of inflicting a wee plasma burn from my Rom console.
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    gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One thing I noticed is that the tooltip doesn't show a proc chance for the plasma burn on torpedoes when you have the Romulan science +plasma consoles loaded. Is this a tooltip bug, or do the consoles not effect kinetic weapons?
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    istvaanshogaatsuistvaanshogaatsu Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My quantums' tooltip does show the plasma burn proc, and the omega weapon amplifier proc.
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gurriknak wrote: »
    One thing I noticed is that the tooltip doesn't show a proc chance for the plasma burn on torpedoes when you have the Romulan science +plasma consoles loaded. Is this a tooltip bug, or do the consoles not effect kinetic weapons?

    Those effects will only occur on energy weapons. So torpedoes/mines no, KCB yes.
    My quantums' tooltip does show the plasma burn proc, and the omega weapon amplifier proc.

    That's either a bug or a tooltip error then.
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    istvaanshogaatsuistvaanshogaatsu Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's either a bug or a tooltip error then.

    You sure? Console just says "Adds plasma burn proc to non-plasma weapons" and doesn't specify energy only, as far as I recall...
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You sure? Console just says "Adds plasma burn proc to non-plasma weapons" and doesn't specify energy only, as far as I recall...

    Quite certain. I believe the long form description (when you "examine" the console) spells out the DEW only aspect of the proc if it doesn't say so explicitly on the basic tooltip itself.

    My understanding is that the two (OWA and plasma DoT additions) were evolved from the subnuc doff (chance to remove two buffs from a target) which only function on energy weapon attacks, using the same trigger mechanic, but a different "payload" if you will.
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