So I actually took the time to visit the interior of my ship finally and I couldn't help but laugh. Not because it isn't beautiful. Kudos to Cryptic for probably the most beautiful interior next to the Odyssey's. No, I laughed when I saw the "core."
Anybody else see the singularity core and go "OMG! It's the core from the Event Horizon!"? For those that don't know what I mean, look up the movie Event Horizon and find a picture of the core, or go
here for an image (even better, watch the movie or watch
this clip at about 48 seconds in).
Interestingly enough, the "drive core" of Event Horizon was designed to propel the ship faster than light by creating an artificial singularity or "black hole" and move the ship through it to another point in space (theoretically, of course).
Awesome stuff. I'm betting somebody at Cryptic is an Event Horizon fan (any Devs wanna fess up? You're in good company).
Anybody else see it? Or something else?
seeing the only one ever seen only in few episodes and looks not a thing like cryptic I would say your wrong
system Lord Baal is dead
Cryptic's design of the Romulan engine room is very obviously a reference to Event Horizon.
I've mentioned to a couple of the devs a few times that they need to make a halloween episode on an abandoned romulan ship and have the singularity core make zombies or something lol
That is why they can't be shutdown.
And also why the ship implosion animation upon ship death is the exact opposite form what would actually happens. the blackhole is tiny, when stopping feeding it mass to counter the evaporation. It will create more and more energy exponentially faster until it explodes in a rather sizable explosion. It is way to small to suck the entire ship in. And if it would be able to suck the ship in the reaction would slow down not accelerate.
ahahaha. no.
You totally got that one wrong. The ship is folding in on itself not because of physics but shame.
After having lost while being fitted with space magic and Battlecloak, no ship wants to be seen at the respawn....
This is true. No self-respecting Romulan warbird would want to endure that.
First, let me clarify what I was getting at. My reference was to what the Cryptic created singularity core visual you see from the ship interior. In no way was I implying that Cryptic got the idea of the singularity core from Event Horizon, simply that their version of it looks much like the drive core, or Gravity Drive (I believe they called it), the one from Event Horizon (neok182 touched on this fact of the appearance).
Second, production wise, Romulans were not always stated as having singularity cores. In the original series, it was never mentioned that Romulans used singularity cores. In fact, the original Romulan warbird (the one the T'liss is supposed to be or inspired by) was implied not to have any FTL capability (although whether this meant it couldn't go FTL at that time or at all has been debated). Later Romulan appearances all used Klingon D7 cruisers which presumably still used the Klingon matter/antimatter warp core. The idea of a "singularity core" did not appear until The Next Generation.
As stated before, the idea of black holes as means of FTL (or more technically, interstellar travel, as a black hole is depicted as an instantaneous travel from one point to another, and not actually FTL) is not new. Nor is the idea of black holes leading to another dimension new, as depicted in Event Horizon. Check out the 1979 "The Black Hole" movie. Another good one for any SciFi fan.
To get back to topic though, the idea I was trying to convey though was the appearance of the actual Cryptic singularity core. I am curious if anyone has seen another such "device" appearing like that of the Cryptic core and Event Horizon core.
7th Joint Task Force
Third Reserve Flotilla
House of Sigma
Yeah I thought the exact same thing, the only thing missing is the creepy blood pool around it and the rusty bulkheads. XD
I almost expected the core to open up when I got close enough to it, yeah the hair on the back of my neck stood up with that thought and I agree with another poster that pointed out the singularity core room could so be made in to a Halloween mission map. XD