I'm seeing a lot of green titles. The forums are but a cross section of the playerbase, but as averages go, they are fairly reliable. I'd say they're rolling in dough right about now.
♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
I would be happy with Happy as it makes more content.
Keep it up guys.
Would you be content with the content if you were happy with Happy? Or would you be happier with Happy if the contents of the content made you more content?
*Crawls back to under the old bridge on Dewa III.*
... I hate to be completely off topic, but I LOVE your Signature Pic. It is just BRILLIANT!
On-Topic: Umm... given that a Dev responded to the topic and didn't actually tell you how it's doing (No offense, Taco), I doubt you're going to get an actual answer.
Original Join Date: January 2010 Original Name: -Gen-Alaris Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
... I hate to be completely off topic, but I LOVE your Signature Pic. It is just BRILLIANT!
On-Topic: Umm... given that a Dev responded to the topic and didn't actually tell you how it's doing (No offense, Taco), I doubt you're going to get an actual answer.
at most you can expect them to say they're happy (notwithstanding their actual numbers)
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe not.
Actually, the perfect answer would be: "better than expected"
Keep it up guys.
| Dues Ex Mechina |
Fleet Leader
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
Man. . . I read that all wrong. . .
Can forgive you for that. After all, Star Trek does have a long tradition of green... you know...
Would you be content with the content if you were happy with Happy? Or would you be happier with Happy if the contents of the content made you more content?
Raptr profile
Orions eh?
*Crawls back to under the old bridge on Dewa III.*
... I hate to be completely off topic, but I LOVE your Signature Pic. It is just BRILLIANT!
On-Topic: Umm... given that a Dev responded to the topic and didn't actually tell you how it's doing (No offense, Taco), I doubt you're going to get an actual answer.
Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
Not if you're on Qo'noS.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
And I agree.