So Ive had this ship for a long time now got from the first and only lock box ive ever opened. Im not rich i the game so i dont have alot of ec, and my fleet is only teir 1 so i dont have access to all the good fleet equipment, just got to lv 50 so i dont have any of the macro or borg stuff i wish i could get either, but I was wanting to know if anyone could give me their insights on my build so far or suggestions they might have. my build so far:
: Engineering Team 2,Emergency Power to Engines 1, Emergency Power to Shields 1, jam sensors 1, miracle worker 3, feed back pulse 1, viral matrix 2, science team 2, tractor beam 1, temporal back step, nadion invasion, rotate shield frequency, engineering fleet,fire at will beam 1, torpedo spread 2, and all the shared abilities.
sorry for my spelling and i havent posted much on the fourms before
Don't mix energy types, you're nerfing your damage by not focusing on one energy type and using its specific tac console. Even if you're going for procs, you need to stack multiple weapons of the same type to have much effect. If you're planning to transition to the Temporal set later on, probably waiting until your fleet has the Advanced weapon tier unlocked (pretty low tier Engineering, IIRC) for the Mk XII [acc]x2[dmg]x2 would be the route I'd go. Until then, or instead of, disruptor is pretty good all around, and it's not hard to find Mk XII on the exchange (unlike AP, where the only ones up are typically the Mk XI crafted,) or Polaron plus two-piece Jem'hadar for extra little bit of damage the set gives -- unless your embassy is in better shape, in which case the plasma embassy Sci consoles make plamsa more viable.
Deflector: upgrade to a Mk XII Positron [SIF][Shds] for a bit more tankiness.
Shield: try the Mk XI Jem'Hadar while you're waiting on getting things from the Reputation System ( you can disable the purple-ness it gives by right-clicking and disabling visuals, if you don't like the look.)
BOff layout is a bit odd with no Tac abilities at all, but I'll let someone with more experience in this ship offer up a specific build.
Thanks for the reply, ya so far ive only met one other player in game with a wells , they had borg def shield and temporal set and weps, but in a match i beat them every time so thats why i came here for more ideas.
sorry edited my first post , i do use beam fire at will, and torp spread
I would definitely agree that you should just be using one energy damage type, and you should also drop that rear beam array and replace it with another turret. Then drop the warhead yield chamber and get 3 consoles for your energy damage type. Also think about replacing the chroniton torp with a photon or quantum unless you're going to be getting the temporal set (in which case you'll be replacing it with the torp from that, so probably still use a higher damage torp for now). The Mk XI Jem shield is also quite nice, I'd actually suggest getting the engine as well, since it's pretty good, often I'll suggest getting the whole set, but the deflector is rather weak (although as a sci ship you might do well with it, depending on your abilities). You can also drop at least the ablative armor, the Biofunction Monitor, and probably the Shield Emitter Amplifier as well without any ill effects, and replace them with universals (including the Assimilated Module and Zero Point Energy Conduit as soon as you can get them) and sci consoles for your abilities. Also note that you can get Mk XI blue Neutroniums from A Light in the Dark at the end of the Undine chain.
Now the next question is whether you want a PvE or PvP build. For a sci ship especially they will be radically different. There are a few things that are true either way though. Jam Sensors is pretty much worthless no matter what you're fighting, because it just breaks too easily. Eng Team 2 is far less useful than Aux2SIF1, and has conflicting cooldowns with other team abilities, so swap that out. You're going to want to chain EPtS continuously, which means you either need to drop your EPtE for a second EPtS, or else get 3 high quality Damage Control Engineers. You'll also need at least one copy of Tac Team, and make sure you just get TT1, higher levels are pointless. For PvP you'll likely need a continuous chain of it, which means two copies or two doffs to reduce it's cooldown, for PvE you'll survive ok without that. You probably want a copy of Hazard Emitters as a hull heal and to put out plasma fires, and you'll want a Transfer Shield Strength for shield healing as well. Your offensive abilities will be determined by what content you're running (VM, BO, THY, etc. for PvP, GW, FAW, TS, etc. for PvE), as will whether you have to have something to break tractors.
Deflector: upgrade to a Mk XII Positron [SIF][Shds] for a bit more tankiness.
Shield: try the Mk XI Jem'Hadar while you're waiting on getting things from the Reputation System ( you can disable the purple-ness it gives by right-clicking and disabling visuals, if you don't like the look.)
BOff layout is a bit odd with no Tac abilities at all, but I'll let someone with more experience in this ship offer up a specific build.
sorry edited my first post , i do use beam fire at will, and torp spread
Now the next question is whether you want a PvE or PvP build. For a sci ship especially they will be radically different. There are a few things that are true either way though. Jam Sensors is pretty much worthless no matter what you're fighting, because it just breaks too easily. Eng Team 2 is far less useful than Aux2SIF1, and has conflicting cooldowns with other team abilities, so swap that out. You're going to want to chain EPtS continuously, which means you either need to drop your EPtE for a second EPtS, or else get 3 high quality Damage Control Engineers. You'll also need at least one copy of Tac Team, and make sure you just get TT1, higher levels are pointless. For PvP you'll likely need a continuous chain of it, which means two copies or two doffs to reduce it's cooldown, for PvE you'll survive ok without that. You probably want a copy of Hazard Emitters as a hull heal and to put out plasma fires, and you'll want a Transfer Shield Strength for shield healing as well. Your offensive abilities will be determined by what content you're running (VM, BO, THY, etc. for PvP, GW, FAW, TS, etc. for PvE), as will whether you have to have something to break tractors.