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STO - Romulan Bridge Officers

arzubazman0arzubazman0 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Tribble - Bug Reports
Hi dear Devs!

I asked someone who is "Vice Admiral" yet and this person told me that this Tovan Khev is still a bridge officer and can't be discharged. That means every ROM User in STO has this Tovan on board. Where is the logic? This Tovan is no hologram. Sometimes I ask me who decide such stupid things or why you decide who is on my bridge at all. I won't this person in my ship, I want also decide if this person is female or male. This BOFF can't be renamed or changed at the tailor. I really hope its a bug, otherwise I prefer to play my FED way again. I bought the Legacy Pack yet, now I am mad that I have a char on my bridge, which all other users have too. You create such beautiful things, but sometimes you produce really crazy unlogical stuff.
Change it please.


Miss Arzu Bazman
Post edited by arzubazman0 on


  • arzubazman0arzubazman0 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi !

    Does someone know if we can discharge or kick out this Thovan idiot at end? I know its probably too late to make a second female char and a voice for an alternative char than this Thovan TRIBBLE. Let him at least go to the tailor. I would never let someone on my bridge with such an ugly head tattoo, or head tattoos at all. Jesus, the same char on every romulan ship, with the same name and the same look, as if you have forgotten that there is something with the name "logic", really great. I think, for you it was probably the easiest and fastest way to develop a romulan story - Thovan idiot says something and we must do that, really a simple way to make a story, no variations, no customizations, one voice, one way. I was really stupid to buy the Legacy Pack for $ 125. Let me know, if there are some news about a deactivation of this Thovan.


    Miss Arzu Bazman
  • messahlamessahla Member Posts: 1,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi !

    Does someone know if we can discharge or kick out this Thovan idiot at end? I know its probably too late to make a second female char and a voice for an alternative char than this Thovan TRIBBLE. Let him at least go to the tailor. I would never let someone on my bridge with such an ugly head tattoo, or head tattoos at all. Jesus, the same char on every romulan ship, with the same name and the same look, as if you have forgotten that there is something with the name "logic", really great. I think, for you it was probably the easiest and fastest way to develop a romulan story - Thovan idiot says something and we must do that, really a simple way to make a story, no variations, no customizations, one voice, one way. I was really stupid to buy the Legacy Pack for $ 125. Let me know, if there are some news about a deactivation of this Thovan.


    Miss Arzu Bazman

    as far as i know you cannot disharge him from your roster since he is part of the story.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,510 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You can't change his name or gender - but you can edit him. My Tovan has Romulan eyebrows, sweeping up sharply, not the flattened brows more common among those races that have eyebrows in the first place; he also has a different tattoo, a facial scar, and other subtle differences.

    The "logic" behind it, if such it can be termed, seems to be that each toon is the star of his/her own story; you're the only one who takes that decrepit old warbird from Virinat to the Flotilla, you're the only one who finds and explores Dewa III, and you're the only one with Tovan Khev aboard. (Even when you run into other parties of Romulans on Nimbus III, and everybody else has a Tovan Khev too.)
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    messahla wrote: »
    as far as i know you cannot disharge him from your roster since he is part of the story.

    Yes and No....

    The only reason he is part of the "story" is because the Devs hardcoded his lines with Voice Overs. If it wasnt for the VOs he is needless "storywise" and adds nothing after the intial few levels. All he does is chime in with his unasked for opinion. Any officer could deliver the same lines of Text but they had to Voice it.

    The point OP is making I believe is that once you are done with the "story", you are still stuck with Tovan. You cant delete him and you cant rename him. You are stuck with him for all eternity. His only use would be in when you replay missions to get XI gear and then you really dont need him to be in the "story"

    He is one of those characters people are either going to love or hate. He makes my skin crawl. I could buy a similar BO at the embassy and that negates the only point in even holding on to him which are his stats.

    It would be very easy to let us rename him or delete him. Just have the VOs coming from an imaginary NPC Tovan.

    There is no need to have BO Tovan so NPC Tovan can chit chat.
  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Slot different people in your bridge stations/away teams. Nothing stops you from doing that. Tovan will still be part of your crew, but you won't have to put up constantly with him in the end.
  • arzubazman0arzubazman0 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi !

    Okay, another question:
    Can I make someone different as my 1. Officer? Is that possible at least?

    Why not give us the option to kick him out at lvl 50? That were somehow acceptable, even if its still stupid the whole thing.


    Miss Arzu Bazman
  • arzubazman0arzubazman0 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    umaeko wrote: »
    Slot different people in your bridge stations/away teams. Nothing stops you from doing that. Tovan will still be part of your crew, but you won't have to put up constantly with him in the end.


    ...damn no, I tryed it and deactivated him at the console stations, but this idiot sits now on another chair, tactical officer is now someone different, but this Thovan is still arround. Have you tested that or is it something that you only thought that could work?


    Miss Arzu Bazman
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi !

    Okay, another question:
    Can I make someone different as my 1. Officer? Is that possible at least?

    Why not give us the option to kick him out at lvl 50? That were somehow acceptable, even if its still stupid the whole thing.


    Miss Arzu Bazman

    Satra is my first officer on tribble
    Toven cleans the toilets and mucks out the Tribbles
    he is the lowest of the low and even takes orders from said tribbles
    Live long and Prosper
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    An i believe you can buy a similar officer from the Embassy so his traits dont even make him worth keeping.

    The point is that many people DONT WANT HIM.

    Preventing him from being deleted or renamed after he has delivered all of his very unRomulan dialogue is simply wrong.

    Why would you make people keep a BO they dont want and/or dont use.

    I can objectively say the writing and VO is bad. Now that "beta" is over I dont mind saying that. Its badly written and his delivery is comical and is just one of a series of horrible choices for this expansion.

    If anything he is a lightening rod for everyones dissatisfaction with a poorly written story that swings wildly from hokey to non sensical.

    Deleting him would be a welcome Catharis.

    His being around is a constant reminder of the travesty of stahl's joke of a romulan faction.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Now theres a Zen store unlock

    "Execute tovan" tokens
    Live long and Prosper
  • mananfermananfer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It could be a Doff mission hehehehe...
    Come and play Jade Dynasty with me!
    In Europe Shura-EN, my name is Hedonggang. My Inductor ID is 5681060X015806066008224Z3f2d22
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "execute for bad english"?
    Live long and Prosper
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