Hello all,
I recently made a new alt. My first in a very long time and I can't figure out how to turn off all these annoying help windows. I have gone to notification settings, gone to the very bottom and unchecked the help window setting there. After finding that, the help windows STILL appear, but they are blank now. So that's what that setting does apparently... This is really annoying as for example when I run through ESD a little help window pops up informing me what each and every single officer on ESD I pass does and maybe I should go talk to them be their friend.
Also, the little question mark to the right of the mini map keeps glowing green no matter how many times i click it and check all the buttons there. I think its related to the game thinking I am new.
Can anyone tell me how I tell STO that I am not new and don't want any help windows ever again on any subject? I have looked through all sorts of option windows and fiddled with settings and nothing seems to help.
Thank you for your time.