Perhaps it's been awhile since I've played through Fed/KDF from start to finish, but the Romulan missions feel very very short and you progress through levels way too fast! And that's saying something when already Fed/KDF felt short to begin with... capping out at 50 within a week or 2 .
I think it's fine cuz it's testing on the Tribble server, and wanna test out new features quicker but if this is what it will be like live... that won't be so good.
eh...took me about 10 hours or so (based on /played time) to get my ronulan toon to lvl 23...and that was AFTER knowing what to do, as i was part of the closed beta. and that was doing just the story missions (Thanks Devs i dont need to detour to other areas to get that extra little bit of xp lol)
I noticed the levels to be very short to, but it is only a test server so maybe they will give it more content after testing is completed. But the romulus part doe look very interesting and with a little more content in the part it should make for some good game play
I admit the missions DO seem rather short. Dunno if I am excited and rushing through them or if they are really shorter than before but I remember a few missions that took me a while in both Fed and KDF and these just seem really quick. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing. I level fast, so maybe thats not bad.
Fed/F-Rom > KDF > K-Rom... as far as leveling speed.
It's not any faster than it usually is to level a Fed.
It doesn't have the KDF gaps early on, but you do hit that wall later.
For a K-Rom, it's even worse without access to everything even the KDF have.
Fed/F-Rom > KDF > K-Rom... as far as leveling speed.
It's not any faster than it usually is to level a Fed.
It doesn't have the KDF gaps early on, but you do hit that wall later.
For a K-Rom, it's even worse without access to everything even the KDF have.
Rommies are (or at least, should be) the same regardless of their faction choice.
Rommies are (or at least, should be) the same regardless of their faction choice.
K-Roms don't get the KDF Empire Defense, so that removes that option for them and drops them behind their KDF allies. F-Roms on the other hand can zip along doing Patrols just like their Fed allies.
The Pi Canis stuff for KDF simply does not compare to the Patrols. Perhaps if one were grinding non-stop, one would eventually run into the Patrol CDs while the Sortie guy could keep going...but that's a specific instance.
Not so much short really. We're looking at it from the point of having played for some time. Most of us have basic systems/mechanics control down fairly well. Which means we're not having to learn a mission and basic functionality at the same time. So we get done markedly faster, To be remotely approachable to newer players they have to be tuned to basically not having a clue level and still be fun/challenging.
For me personally this is the 11th toon I've taken through all avail story missions. I could probably do most of them on elite blindfolded, hung-over, and missing a keyboard particuarely the borg, Breen, Undine, ROM (vault chain) & Cardasian sets.
Two days of intensive effort (apart from a little time levelling a new klingon to 10 I have done nothing else on the game) I have reached level 23 (sub commander) and estimate I may reach level 25-26 by the end of the test weekend
yes some missions are short (like walking across a bar and talking to the corpse in the corner)
Others are longer than some kdf ones
Best ones so far are the survey mission on new romulus and the Colony evacuation (I really like the new Romulan shuttles so much so that I sold every spare loot item to buy one
Shes a beauty (I call her the Dagger)
Worst one so far is the mind games mission the map is confused and way too much back and fore reminded me over much of the much hated "scroll seeker" mission in the original NWN game.
of course when this goes live I will have Six characters doing the new content and can make this lot stretch to about two months or more (even if I didn't bother with existing characters at all)
oh yes and handy hint for those not yet reached nimbus
if the mission is light blue its actually some sort of alert and not a real mission at all you CAN ignore it.
You'll find that most of the Romulan missions actually give around 9-10k experience points. Federation mission in turn actually give out around 4.5k - this becomes especially noticeable when you complete the romulan storyline and transition to the Cardassian missions.
The Card missions are just time consuming in general though compared to pretty much everything else. They're the missions that I've skipped the most when leveling a toon - in general.
the Card Missions Are Just Time Consuming In General Though Compared To Pretty Much Everything Else. They're The Missions That I've Skipped The Most When Leveling A Toon - In General.
so maybe they will give it more content after testing is completed.
Hi. Welcome to Star Trek Online. Your commentary there suggests to me you might be new to the game. In three years they've added a very tiny amount of new mission content to the game. So I would suggest enjoying what is on the test server and don't expect much to be added on top of that.
It's not any faster than it usually is to level a Fed.
It doesn't have the KDF gaps early on, but you do hit that wall later.
For a K-Rom, it's even worse without access to everything even the KDF have.
Rommies are (or at least, should be) the same regardless of their faction choice.
K-Roms don't get the KDF Empire Defense, so that removes that option for them and drops them behind their KDF allies. F-Roms on the other hand can zip along doing Patrols just like their Fed allies.
The Pi Canis stuff for KDF simply does not compare to the Patrols. Perhaps if one were grinding non-stop, one would eventually run into the Patrol CDs while the Sortie guy could keep going...but that's a specific instance.
For me personally this is the 11th toon I've taken through all avail story missions. I could probably do most of them on elite blindfolded, hung-over, and missing a keyboard particuarely the borg, Breen, Undine, ROM (vault chain) & Cardasian sets.
yes some missions are short (like walking across a bar and talking to the corpse in the corner)
Others are longer than some kdf ones
Best ones so far are the survey mission on new romulus and the Colony evacuation (I really like the new Romulan shuttles so much so that I sold every spare loot item to buy one
Shes a beauty (I call her the Dagger)
Worst one so far is the mind games mission the map is confused and way too much back and fore reminded me over much of the much hated "scroll seeker" mission in the original NWN game.
of course when this goes live I will have Six characters doing the new content and can make this lot stretch to about two months or more (even if I didn't bother with existing characters at all)
oh yes and handy hint for those not yet reached nimbus
if the mission is light blue its actually some sort of alert and not a real mission at all you CAN ignore it.
Hi. Welcome to Star Trek Online. Your commentary there suggests to me you might be new to the game. In three years they've added a very tiny amount of new mission content to the game. So I would suggest enjoying what is on the test server and don't expect much to be added on top of that.
I have a mule account from last year and the two toons on it never left Starfleet acadamy and simply doffed to 50.
Since nothing at those levels is of any use in a couple of hours and the fact you need to replay them later for certain items, i really dont mind.
My real concern is just getting to 50 so I can buy the ships and start grinding for the gear.
Its the post 50 grinding that is my concern since I was burned out on those missions ages ago.
I cant even play any of them on live now because I know Im going to have to do them 100s of times after the 21st