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Cloak And Dag...g..g..g..g..er bugs.

amatsu287amatsu287 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
So Im playing the ground part of this mission and run into a few issues with the AI and sound.

To start the sound bit on my plasma compression pistol mk IV, and other weapons of my crew, had either zero of spotty sound. Even the NPC weapons had zero sound. Our powers were fine but the weapons failed to report.

As for the AI they seemed fine in every other ground mission I had done up to this point. However their path and follow mechanic was just plain broken here. I would jump onto one of the ramps to the shuttles from the side. The AI should have either gone around or jumped with me. Instead they hit the ramp with their shins and stood there stupid. The same thing happened when running from one pad to the next. I would round a corner and because I was ahead of them they would run into the wall instead. Effectively putting themselves in time out. However the minute I walked into an unobstructed line of site, they fell back in line.

This is what I was able to find as the most obvious bug with this mission. I would venture to guess that there are a couple others like it.
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