First off:
Legacy of Romulus is amazing. From the drastically improved graphic textures (looks like an high budget animated film) to the Romulans themselves, this is definitely a worthy achievement by the dev team. Content wise, my only complaint would be the lack of an option of ships at Commander Promotion. I will gladly tough it out and mirror my way to lvl 40, however, because the Sub-admiral ships are awesome!
So, compliments aside, there are a couple details that desperately need addressing:
Zoom: Everytime I change maps in space, the view reverts to maximum zoom in. On holodeck it remembers my last zoom setting even after I log out and back in. Please address this.
Singularity timer: On my Ha'Nom Guardian there is no cooldown timer showing on the singularity power tray. Do not know if this affect other ships.
Mentioned in other threads, but PLEASE have color schemes per character. Having to reset it everytime I change characters is granted, a miinor annoyance, but still gets old fast.I want blue for my feds, green for my Rommies and eye searing Red for my KDF (okay, the red is no longer eye searing, but I am one of the few who loved the original. When I am KDF I want to "see red" both literally and figuratively ... LOL)
Tutorial: I love the Romulan Tutorial mission. However, testing on Tribble I have now played it through twice. Would be nice to have a "Skip tutorial" option or at least be able to hit escape and skip the cutscenes. Maybe it's just a ME thing, but by the end of the tutorial I am ready to choke the narrarator .... LOL I think this is only an issue for those of us who tested it and veteran players. For new players I think the tutorial is fantastic.
I will add more as I notice things.
In closing (compliment sandwich coming up) I find the story compelling and interesting, and *SPOILER ALERT*SPOILER ALERT*SPOILER ALERT*SPOILER ALERT*SPOILER ALERT*SPOILER ALERT* The final battles in the story arc are by far and away the most fun I have had in PvE on any game ever. I have already replayed Last Stand twice to get upgraded Caustic Plasma Weapons, and would not be surprised if I end up regularly replaying them just for the great battles. The episode "Last Stand" IMHO is what STFs and other que missions should be like.
Thanks again for the hard work and KUDOS!
Try hitting the spacebar. I've been in the beta since the beginning, and this was enabled on my second character.