Personally, I really like how the Valdore and D'ridthau turned out. The T'varo is nice too, though that design already existed - I'm actually curious as to how it might've turned out had they added a skin with the same treatment the Valdore/D'ridthau got.
The Dhelan has a nice silhouette, but most of the detailing on it didn't inspire "Romulan" in my mind as much as it did "Reman". My feeling is that while the general silhouette is nice, it suffers a bit in the proportions of the wings; the pointed humps are a bit too high, breaking the swooping down look the rest of its wings have and lends it the hunched stance of a vulture rather than some hawk. The Dhelan's nose is also unflattering, feeling more insectile than cleanly birdlike.
I do look forward to seeing the Dhael in the hopes that her lines match better with the Valdore and D'ridthau.
At first glance, the Ha'apax really impressed me. I liked its vast, swooping look. I just didn't care much either for the nose or its... rather unappealingly blunt rear with rather broad and little defined sublight engines. The Ha'feh is semi-connected to that. I like the Ha'feh's wings - they have this modern "I am the T'varo's successor" feel to them... but I don't find they go too well with the bullet-shaped body.
So, overall, for future designs I would encourage the ship team to steer clear of the stockier bullet-shaped bodies and mandible-noses that the Ha'apax shows.
Wasn't that ship designed by the same artist that designed the D'Deridex? Meaning it's both imaginative and Romulan?
I don't know, and I don't really care. The D'deridex is fine, ofc, but this ship is the same, with vertical wings. Maybe he also done a D'deridex with 45? wings, it would still look the same with a different wing inclination.
I don't know, but it may be a batch of work for the D'deridex, could explain why they look the same.
Also, as I said, the Romulan ship as warbird. They looks like birds. Birds have horizontal wings. When they fly, at least.
I would like the Dhelan more if the both wings were at a more upper position, and the top wing did not have that sharp angle on top like it does now. It could look more like a D'Deridex predecessor that way.
The Ha'apax and Ha'nom would look better if it had a longer neck to make the head more distinctive and the neck area being a little slimmer wear it connects to the head. The Ha'feh is worse, it doesn't even have a head. I hope they can have variants of these warbirds and still fit them all together.
Here is how it works. They may not even be able to get the desigin you want due to copyrights. If they could, they would probably not pay the insane money the owners of that copyright would want. As far as the ships they made. Well some people will hate them just like you do. Some people will love them. Some people will meh them, grin. I will live with them because its what we have. I am just waiting for the end game ship just like most people anyhow. I have waited over 40 years to fly a D'deridex. When it comes, I will be happy. I started watching Startrek in 1969 when the first episode aired. When they came out with the Romulan's and I first saw it, I wanted one. Now so many years later my dream will come true.
And I'm old, not dead.
If your're so smart how come you don't own everything?
Proud Member of Starfleet Elite Task Force & Klingon Elite Task Force for 4 yrs
Here is how it works. They may not even be able to get the desigin you want due to copyrights. If they could, they would probably not pay the insane money the owners of that copyright would want. As far as the ships they made. Well some people will hate them just like you do. Some people will love them. Some people will meh them, grin. I will live with them because its what we have. I am just waiting for the end game ship just like most people anyhow. I have waited over 40 years to fly a D'deridex. When it comes, I will be happy. I started watching Startrek in 1969 when the first episode aired. When they came out with the Romulan's and I first saw it, I wanted one. Now so many years later my dream will come true.
Agreed the D'Deridex is a good looking Romulan ship, i just think the design on the Ha?apax, Ha?nom and Ha?feh are a bit slap dash, bland and maybe rushed but as always thats MY opinion.
I hope for the future releases they will, like the Odyssey, maybe ask for some input from players ect for inspiration.. as there seems to be some brilliant ideas out there.
I also don't like the new cryptic's designs for warbirds (except for valdore, it's OK).
Those ships except for colors have very little in common with canon ships and thus don't "feel" romulan.
The D'ridthau is an abomination, it lost all the elegnce the D'deridex has, it looks like a heavy brick.
Here are some of the fan-made designs I like, I know cryptic can't add them to the game, but they can use them as inspiration.
The Romulan Cryptic ships are hideous just like the Fed / Klinks.
Hoh'sus, Fed patrol escort Ha'apex(sp) ...
I suggest they stick to cannon ships with variations on the theme. T'Varo is beautiful and so are the D'Deridex, Valdore and TOS BoP. Coincidence ... I think not.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Most of the ships in this threat havent not even a little bit to do with romulan design ... i mean pen+ring= romulan?
You got it wrong, pen + ring =/= Romulan. Pen + ring = Vulcan.
The initial design of Romulan ships is based on predatory birds, thus their name - Warbirds. Although it seems that chubby ships are the latest fashion in the Republic.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
The Ha'feh , Ha'nom , Ha'apax "family" to me look like a variation of a submarine with wings attachments .
Now I find that concept very interesting ... , especially since our very first Romulan episode (Balance of Terror) was based largely on submarine warfare .
I also accept the need to work with different "basic shapes" -- the Tholians were a great example of a look that utilized a different shape (the triangle family) .
The Rommy execution tho is ... bland and uninteresting , and that's what makes it bad (imho) .
There was a chance here to make "futuristic" Rommy ships -- and the 3 ships I named fail at that , miserably .
But I know that the current ship team can do great things , and I'm looking forward to more stuff from them .
Most of the new ships were clearly inspired by the Scimitar design. Romulan ships have allways been dominated by smooth arcs and curves while the Scimitar introduced sharp angles and protruding ships parts.
I don't know how much freedom choice the designers of the new ships were given but I wish they would have sticked to those basic principles of Romulan starship design.
That said I don't think the new ships are ugly but at least for me most of them don't "feel" Romulan.
I think people missunderstand "romulan design" i mean when i read oriented at birds the first warbird there was only a picture of a bird on it but everything else was not really bird or it was a really really fat duck ...
what i mean is everybody think the d?deridex is the only romulan design but first romulans where saucer+wings ...
we have 3 canon romlan ships eventually 4 and every ship have other design elements ... but for birds the delan, hapax look more like a bird then the d?deridex
You know... I LIKE the Dhelan. I like the T'Varo and T'liss too but I REALLY like the Dhelan.
It may not follow the "traditional" Romulan designs seen on TV and it feels "bug-like" in it's design. but Joss Whedon once described Serenity as like "a cross between a bug and a bird" and I feel the Dhelan has this feel too. Fugly, to be sure, but right somehow.
Isn't the history of the Dhelan a little like most of the "Romulan" ships we see out there?... Extrapolated and based upon ships they got from the Klingons? Why can't we have some designs which show Romulan ingenuity? The Dhelan is better, in my mind, than a Somraw (and I LOVE the Somraw).
That said, the Ha'pax is just terribad but at least it's not Vo'Quv ugly...
"...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
You know, I've been pondering it for a while, trying to figure out what feels 'wrong' and what would be better in the future. I'm still not sure what the magic solution is that doesn't cripple the design team into making essentially the same ship with slightly different angled wings over and over again.
However, I think the most constructive points I can suggest, moving forward are:
-Avoid zig-zaggy wings.
-Don't put too much vertical mass/bulk in the center of the ship
-Keep the 'neck' narrow.
A bit surprised that the Valdor is getting so much love. The art work is nice but the in-game model is low poly and very bland. (textures need reworking).
Zoom in on the neck area and compare it with the Mogai. The main body also sits above the wing, this is a very Klink design aspect. Even the Mogai uses a split high / low wing configuration.
I'm probably going to be in the minority here when I say that I like the design of the Ha'nom, and Ha'feh Warbirds. They look functional, and I know that's not a sexy word by any means but nonfunctional and inefficient looking designs have been my only problem with Romulan ship aesthetics. So thank you Cryptic for designing Romulan vessels with awesome stats that I like the look of.
My only problem now is figuring out if my dreams of playing a battle cloaking science vessel should take precedence over my desire to play an old school Romulan BoP.
As far as the timeline is now in STO that would be very Romulan, im not talking about the original series as the D'Deridex wouldn't even be conon for that time.. think about it
I really like the Romulan ship they made, except for the Ha'apax.
The Valdore is awesome, the D'drithau to.
The Ha'feh is meh, but that's all.
Wasn't that ship designed by the same artist that designed the D'Deridex? Meaning it's both imaginative and Romulan?
The Dhelan has a nice silhouette, but most of the detailing on it didn't inspire "Romulan" in my mind as much as it did "Reman". My feeling is that while the general silhouette is nice, it suffers a bit in the proportions of the wings; the pointed humps are a bit too high, breaking the swooping down look the rest of its wings have and lends it the hunched stance of a vulture rather than some hawk. The Dhelan's nose is also unflattering, feeling more insectile than cleanly birdlike.
I do look forward to seeing the Dhael in the hopes that her lines match better with the Valdore and D'ridthau.
At first glance, the Ha'apax really impressed me. I liked its vast, swooping look. I just didn't care much either for the nose or its... rather unappealingly blunt rear with rather broad and little defined sublight engines. The Ha'feh is semi-connected to that. I like the Ha'feh's wings - they have this modern "I am the T'varo's successor" feel to them... but I don't find they go too well with the bullet-shaped body.
So, overall, for future designs I would encourage the ship team to steer clear of the stockier bullet-shaped bodies and mandible-noses that the Ha'apax shows.
I don't know, but it may be a batch of work for the D'deridex, could explain why they look the same.
Also, as I said, the Romulan ship as warbird. They looks like birds. Birds have horizontal wings. When they fly, at least.
The Ha'apax and Ha'nom would look better if it had a longer neck to make the head more distinctive and the neck area being a little slimmer wear it connects to the head. The Ha'feh is worse, it doesn't even have a head. I hope they can have variants of these warbirds and still fit them all together.
Agreed the D'Deridex is a good looking Romulan ship, i just think the design on the Ha?apax, Ha?nom and Ha?feh are a bit slap dash, bland and maybe rushed but as always thats MY opinion.
I hope for the future releases they will, like the Odyssey, maybe ask for some input from players ect for inspiration.. as there seems to be some brilliant ideas out there.
Temporum (Romulan D7 Refit)
Verterax and Belavis
Those all are really good designs. 100x better than Cryptic's designs.
in the Hapax i could for example see some thinks from the tliss and the dderix ... and a little bit concept art from the mogai ->
Hoh'sus, Fed patrol escort Ha'apex(sp) ...
I suggest they stick to cannon ships with variations on the theme. T'Varo is beautiful and so are the D'Deridex, Valdore and TOS BoP. Coincidence ... I think not.
- Judge Aaron Satie
You got it wrong, pen + ring =/= Romulan. Pen + ring = Vulcan.
The initial design of Romulan ships is based on predatory birds, thus their name - Warbirds. Although it seems that chubby ships are the latest fashion in the Republic.
and the D'ridthau looks like someone tried to make the d'deridex look "rad" or something, its more weird, than ugly.
the valdore however is gorgeous.
I will agree with you here. It looks like a bop and a warbird had a secret "get together" that resulted in this ugly ba****d.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I completely missed that blog! Going to look over it now
Now I find that concept very interesting ... , especially since our very first Romulan episode (Balance of Terror) was based largely on submarine warfare .
I also accept the need to work with different "basic shapes" -- the Tholians were a great example of a look that utilized a different shape (the triangle family) .
The Rommy execution tho is ... bland and uninteresting , and that's what makes it bad (imho) .
There was a chance here to make "futuristic" Rommy ships -- and the 3 ships I named fail at that , miserably .
But I know that the current ship team can do great things , and I'm looking forward to more stuff from them .
I don't know how much freedom choice the designers of the new ships were given but I wish they would have sticked to those basic principles of Romulan starship design.
That said I don't think the new ships are ugly but at least for me most of them don't "feel" Romulan.
what i mean is everybody think the d?deridex is the only romulan design but first romulans where saucer+wings ...
we have 3 canon romlan ships eventually 4 and every ship have other design elements ... but for birds the delan, hapax look more like a bird then the d?deridex
Same here. Dhelan would look better to me if the wings were less vertical. I'm not sure what to think of Ha'apax. I'll have to see it in action first.
It may not follow the "traditional" Romulan designs seen on TV and it feels "bug-like" in it's design. but Joss Whedon once described Serenity as like "a cross between a bug and a bird" and I feel the Dhelan has this feel too. Fugly, to be sure, but right somehow.
Isn't the history of the Dhelan a little like most of the "Romulan" ships we see out there?... Extrapolated and based upon ships they got from the Klingons? Why can't we have some designs which show Romulan ingenuity? The Dhelan is better, in my mind, than a Somraw (and I LOVE the Somraw).
That said, the Ha'pax is just terribad but at least it's not Vo'Quv ugly...
Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016
However, I think the most constructive points I can suggest, moving forward are:
-Avoid zig-zaggy wings.
-Don't put too much vertical mass/bulk in the center of the ship
-Keep the 'neck' narrow.
Zoom in on the neck area and compare it with the Mogai. The main body also sits above the wing, this is a very Klink design aspect. Even the Mogai uses a split high / low wing configuration.
My only problem now is figuring out if my dreams of playing a battle cloaking science vessel should take precedence over my desire to play an old school Romulan BoP.
That ships is not canon, and the Original BOP and Enterprise BOP would disagree.
I like the Ha'apax because it keeps the bird like appearance, its an Owl..... and Owls are bad TRIBBLE and Killer birds.
As far as the timeline is now in STO that would be very Romulan, im not talking about the original series as the D'Deridex wouldn't even be conon for that time.. think about it
1) It's a fan made design. That by itself makes it an effective no-go.
2) It's a slightly tweaked Mogai