Please.. ALL you lifers and subs out there.. Please realize you ARE in the front of the line. That does NOT mean you get in immediately. it means your in the front of the line.. tribble is not as capable as holodeck when it comes to handling large amounts of people. It wasnt designed for that ( obviously ) and simply doesnt have the cajone's to manage it . relax, chill out and wait like the rest of us.. Your still ahead of the rest of us who simply want to get on and do some testing and be useful and a part of making this game the very best it can possibly be.
There was a message about work on the website EVERY TIME they do updates or maintenance on the website is seems that it bleeds out and kills the servers and account servers, etc
There are too many LTS holders that give the rest of us LTS holders a terrible name. Even if 1 bad LTS holder makes a stupid comment like the individual a couple posts above me did, it ruins the reputation of every LTS holder.
LTS holders names were ruined day 1 of LTS availability; I remember a guy that complained that he didn't get everything from the c-store (at the time in 2010) for free, and was pissed that he had to pay for even more stuff, that he went so far as to get a refund.
It shocks me at how really messed up in the head people can be.
I was watching the O'Reily Factor, and he had a segment on from Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon's show, I can't quite remember, where he was interviewing normal people on the street in Hollywood about President Obama appointing Judge Judy (yes, from the TV show, it was just a stunt by the show to get normal people's reactions) to the Supreme Court. Every single person that responded, did so in such a way to make me facepalm at every single response. I just.. I can't understand what goes through the minds of people, it's just ridiculous.
Anyway, I'm an LTS holder, and I agree that Tribble should be the way it is. Queue's will happen, they always do when these seasons come out. Tribble is just testing how these types of situations will impact it, and can give them ideas on how to trouble shoot it for live. They also want to see just how many people are interested in the expansion, and how many people they'd be dealing with. Who knows, maybe they'll get a good idea and be able to expand server capacity on Holodeck, which is probably something they've already been working on.
nahhh.. not a bad name.. i figure most lifers are just normal folks.. you gotta remember that theres over six billion people in the world and every one of us are unique ( some more unique than others ). it takes all kinds and all anyone else can really do, is sigh, shrug and go on living out the day..
As for O'Brien?? He makes me ashamed to be Irish.
I attempt to login I get an IE window to pop-up stating no internet connection. Only problem is I don't use IE my default is Chrome and IE knocks out my internet connection each time.
WAY TO GO C/PWE...get rid of your players.
PS this also happens on STO Live and NW. No wonder you have issues, us use the biggest block of swiss cheese for a browser. It's a wonder you still run with all the security issues associated with IE.
This happens everytime they try do a major website update,
yes, i'm afraid your correct.. On the other hand, this as you know is 2013. Star Trek is over fourty years old. Who in their right minds would have thought that anything could remain this popular, that long?? Its nearly impossible to plan a system thats capable of supporting any unknown quantity of users. Still, it does appear that Cryptic is attempting to use software solutions to approach what is looking more and more like hardware problems. One thing I know for sure.. once everyone is gone from the servers, they will run great..
If STO is really looking to get info from us about playing on the Tribble Server. It would be nice if we can log in to it. Waiting on being "Queued" in is not cool I don't care if its just a test server.. Thats like asking me to take a test but I have to wait on the test to be printed out on paper first.
Come on now get it together developers...
Fleet Admiral
Task Force Command and Task Force Command KDF
yes, i'm afraid your correct.. On the other hand, this as you know is 2013. Star Trek is over fourty years old. Who in their right minds would have thought that anything could remain this popular, that long?? Its nearly impossible to plan a system thats capable of supporting any unknown quantity of users. Still, it does appear that Cryptic is attempting to use software solutions to approach what is looking more and more like hardware problems. One thing I know for sure.. once everyone is gone from the servers, they will run great..
Isn' that how it goes, everything is great until the human element comes into play
I'm in queue, which went from #300 to #21000 (!).
I want the 1h reward, and I hope I will have it, between the various cash and DT, and queue. I tested the closed beta, and it would annoy me to not have the reward because of cryptic problems.
I know I didn't played for the reward, but it would still be unfair.
Does my time in queue count towards my hour? If so, I'm halfway there! :P
It's good Cryptic has so many players there's a queue, but...
it's bad that Cryptic can't plan ahead and get more servers so there's no/minimal queue.
Been waiting (today) for 10mins and my place in line has gone from 447 to 206. Cryptic is in the customer satisfaction business when you get down to it. A 20-30min wait isn't conducive to that, don't ya think?
Yes, apparently, the line is 23K long...on a test server, for Gold/Lifers who have priority access. This bodes ill for launch when the game will be completely unplayable.
After an hour's wait my position in the queue went from 2054/2343 to 22854/22854. Aka last. I find that odd.
It's just that I have work to do in the meantime, but if these funnies persist when I'm done, I'm heading back to greener pastures. Seems like enough testers are present.
I'm sure it'll be a nice tribble that'll be rewarded, but I'm also sure I can manage without :P
I have been unable to get on Tribble an my place keeps jumping from one of unreasonable (x hundred out of y hundred) to being 25000something out of 25000something. It is obviously a bug, but it appears the queue is not working properly at all.
I have occasionally (rarely) run into being queue as a lifetime subscriber, but I have never run into a situation where the queue seems to be straight-up broken. It doesn't please me when I have limited time to tribble test this weekend to be unable to do so.
I have not missed a tribble test weekend since I joined almost 3 years ago. I don't particularly want this one to be the first.
It switches back and forth, atleast for me. Sometimes the 25k out of 25k, and back to where I believe I'm at 62 of 671. Did the same thing for me yesterday as well, was about a 10-15min wait so not to bad.
I know it's a stress test weekend but why is it affecting the launcher? NWO again? Oh I forgot. NWO has nothing to do with the recent disconnects:D
PS.. it looks like cryptic just crashed???
Commanding Officer USS Frontenac
Commanding Officer Enterprise NX-01
nahhh.. not a bad name.. i figure most lifers are just normal folks.. you gotta remember that theres over six billion people in the world and every one of us are unique ( some more unique than others ). it takes all kinds and all anyone else can really do, is sigh, shrug and go on living out the day..
As for O'Brien?? He makes me ashamed to be Irish.
I attempt to login I get an IE window to pop-up stating no internet connection. Only problem is I don't use IE my default is Chrome and IE knocks out my internet connection each time.
WAY TO GO C/PWE...get rid of your players.
PS this also happens on STO Live and NW. No wonder you have issues, us use the biggest block of swiss cheese for a browser. It's a wonder you still run with all the security issues associated with IE.
Commanding Officer USS Frontenac
Commanding Officer Enterprise NX-01
yes, i'm afraid your correct.. On the other hand, this as you know is 2013. Star Trek is over fourty years old. Who in their right minds would have thought that anything could remain this popular, that long?? Its nearly impossible to plan a system thats capable of supporting any unknown quantity of users. Still, it does appear that Cryptic is attempting to use software solutions to approach what is looking more and more like hardware problems. One thing I know for sure.. once everyone is gone from the servers, they will run great..
Come on now get it together developers...
Task Force Command and Task Force Command KDF
Isn' that how it goes, everything is great until the human element comes into play
Commanding Officer USS Frontenac
Commanding Officer Enterprise NX-01
Was Playing yesterday (Saturday) today, was 368 of 368; then 346 of 368; now 2608 of 2608. Hmmm.... :-0
The queue seems to move extremely slow, so I guess that's my testing done for the day unless, something happens to help alleviate the queue.
I know thay have to test this, but is really a thing to do on a testing weekend?? We want to test LoR, not the queue system
I want the 1h reward, and I hope I will have it, between the various cash and DT, and queue. I tested the closed beta, and it would annoy me to not have the reward because of cryptic problems.
I know I didn't played for the reward, but it would still be unfair.
It's good Cryptic has so many players there's a queue, but...
it's bad that Cryptic can't plan ahead and get more servers so there's no/minimal queue.
Been waiting (today) for 10mins and my place in line has gone from 447 to 206. Cryptic is in the customer satisfaction business when you get down to it. A 20-30min wait isn't conducive to that, don't ya think?
If the game star trek is super important then yes I might sit in line for it.
But I have to say If I am forced to sit in line for a game.....I have a lot of games of choose from.
So for me if star trek or never winter or champions are not available I simply go and play something else.
I makes no difference to me....I am sure cryptic will lose revenue but oh well....
Guess they should have thought of that a long time ago when they realized they had tons of competition.
Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.
It's just that I have work to do in the meantime, but if these funnies persist when I'm done, I'm heading back to greener pastures. Seems like enough testers are present.
I'm sure it'll be a nice tribble that'll be rewarded, but I'm also sure I can manage without :P
I have occasionally (rarely) run into being queue as a lifetime subscriber, but I have never run into a situation where the queue seems to be straight-up broken. It doesn't please me when I have limited time to tribble test this weekend to be unable to do so.
I have not missed a tribble test weekend since I joined almost 3 years ago. I don't particularly want this one to be the first.
Just checked, i'm in now