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Fleet Transphasic vs. RR Transphasic



  • lilchibiclarililchibiclari Member Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Omega Torpedo Launcher is the one that you can acquire through the Omega Force reputation projects (tier 4). It is more powerful than the ordinary plasma torpedoes, and its High Yield version is basically a scaled-down version of that giant plasma ball that the giant V-ger Borg ships fire in the Borg Sector Alerts or the Hive space mission.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That said, you are right that the Hargh'peng deals more damage in the long run even through shields, at least if you are not using HY2/3 and TS2/3. I haven't crunched the actual numbers, but you may also be correct about the Omega torp dealing more damage through shields even with HY/TS (assuming of course that the HY Omega torp is not shot down).
    Whenever I look at my combat log Hargh'peng deals much less damage. Even when adding the DoT DPS with the raw Hargh'peng DPS my combat logs are showing Hargh'peng at I think it was under 50% damage then what Transphasics deal.

    Roughly speaking 2 shots from a Transphasics = 1 Hargh'peng. Granted I was using Transphasics consoles so it might be different if you have zero projectile consoles. I assume most do not use those 20% all type consoles but focues on 30% single type consoles.
  • snebzsnebz Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Omega Torpedo Launcher is the one that you can acquire through the Omega Force reputation projects (tier 4). It is more powerful than the ordinary plasma torpedoes, and its High Yield version is basically a scaled-down version of that giant plasma ball that the giant V-ger Borg ships fire in the Borg Sector Alerts or the Hive space mission.

    I have seen what you described before, just didn't know what they were.
    Thank you for answering. :)
    I am.....
    THE HAPPY ADMIRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • supergaminggeeksupergaminggeek Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looking for Transphasics? Check out my thread.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Omega Torpedo Launcher is the one that you can acquire through the Omega Force reputation projects (tier 4). It is more powerful than the ordinary plasma torpedoes, and its High Yield version is basically a scaled-down version of that giant plasma ball that the giant V-ger Borg ships fire in the Borg Sector Alerts or the Hive space mission.

    Clarification: the Omega torpedo is the single weakest per-hit projectile in the game. Even weaker than the Ferengi Missile launcher. The plasma dot, rapid fire nature and THY upgrade does not overcome that fundamental weakness.

    If you want a plasma torpedo you're better off getting a high level generic Plasma Torpedo, or investing in the Romulan Reputation Hyper-Plasma launcher.
  • theodrimtheodrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Clarification: the Omega torpedo is the single weakest per-hit projectile in the game. Even weaker than the Ferengi Missile launcher. The plasma dot, rapid fire nature and THY upgrade does not overcome that fundamental weakness.

    If you want a plasma torpedo you're better off getting a high level generic Plasma Torpedo, or investing in the Romulan Reputation Hyper-Plasma launcher.

    Only on the back of its mechanics, which sound nice on paper but don't work as well as they should in practice especially considering the behavior with PWO doffs that led to that interaction being disabled. If the PWO doff interaction could be fixed and re-enabled it would be a hell of a torpedo, but that seems off the table for the time being.

    In light of that, the problem isn't the weakness of the individual projectiles' per-hit damage, it's how quickly it runs out of charges and how slowly it recharges. It's just not worth it to mount it fore -- it does work pretty well aft, though.
    Somebody getting uppity about canon? No problem! Just take a deep breath, and repeat after me:

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  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just going to chime in as someone who tried to use transphasics like 'regular' torpedos back before I understood how kinetic specs work, was disappointed and dismissed them.

    After learning the ins and outs of kinetic ships with several different types, builds and platforms, I recently decided to build a.. 'thematic'.. Chel Grett with full transphasics. It has more spike damage, at all ranges, than my tactical bortas' decloaking alpha strike at 3km. I was a bit disgusted to see it could do damage relatively on par with a plasma vesta that I spent months building up - transphasic boats are relatively cheap and easy to get up and running. (To be fair though, the Vesta is still more.. monstrous.. in its defensive and control capacities - all at the same time. The Vesta itself is still the best torpedo boat in the game, bar nothing.)

    To the asked question of the topic: I personally prefer the rapids for non-cluster slots. They may not work with something like the Nadeon Detonator, but they free up your doff slots for other bonuses and lend you a more consistent cadence. Having a 'groove' isn't really something that's easy to quantify on paper, but it will make a huge difference in your performance. Conversely, it will make you more predictable against human opponents.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    theodrim wrote: »
    Only on the back of its mechanics, which sound nice on paper but don't work as well as they should in practice especially considering the behavior with PWO doffs that led to that interaction being disabled. If the PWO doff interaction could be fixed and re-enabled it would be a hell of a torpedo, but that seems off the table for the time being.

    In light of that, the problem isn't the weakness of the individual projectiles' per-hit damage, it's how quickly it runs out of charges and how slowly it recharges. It's just not worth it to mount it fore -- it does work pretty well aft, though.

    The only serious way the Omega Plasma shines is naturally the HYT shot. This works very well for a fast moving ship on an attack run for a single pass. Moving in fast with my attack buffs on, weapons blazing to wear shields down, and in close range, let loose the HYT Omega, and keep past for escape. On release, the range is short and that means alot less travel time for the torpedo (and vulnerability due to it being targetable). Yes, you'll get splash damage, but that's np, esp. if you land that HYT Omega on weakened or nonexistent shield facings.

    Hell, I've done this with massive ships like the JHDC on such attack runs.
  • paradise1killerparadise1killer Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I run a Fleet Escort(Saber Skin) with 2 Breen Cluster, 2 Fleet Trans [acc],[dmg3] fwd, 1breen cluster, 2 fleet Trans aft.

    I also have 3 piece Adapted MACO and run 4 transphasic MKXI very rare tact consoles and to top it off the Rules 62 uni console.

    The ship is a beast in PvP.

    Fire a cluster plus a TS3 volley and even cruisers QQ. I was even wiping out fully shielded BOP and escorts in one pass.

    The trick is to bottom out you weapons and increase shield and engine to it's highest.

    Grab a Fleet MVAM and come play with the big boys

    Best build of the thread but it could be better

    To the op post

    RR torp with 2 doff brings it to max reload this will trigger 15 sec clusters reloads
    its synergy u cant get with fleets
    I run a fleet in back but 2 RR is the front with a cluster. This bring u into the multimillion damage department of pvp.

    To be a trans bomber in pvp u must fly like a bat out of hell and out maneuver those bugs.

    and for PVE, just press
    Nova Core

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