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How to spec your Cruiser for DPS in STFs



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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I ran STF with the OP in his Bortasqu and he did great with his build, try it out. I also was in mine and did similar DPS using different build, I will share it here.

    Tac Bortasqu

    fore- 4 Disruptor DHC with any combination of CrtH and CrtD or all CrtH
    aft- 3 disruptor turrets, cutting beam

    Deflector- Omega or fleet axion
    Engines- Omega or Fleet hyper
    shields-Elite resB resilient or honor guard or adapted honor guard

    Devices- Subspace field mod, RMC, and batteries.

    doffs 2 attack pattern doffs, 3 damage control doffs

    Lt Cmdr Tac- TT1, CRF1, APO1
    Lt Tac TT1, CRF1

    Cmdr Eng- EPTE1, Aux2SIF1, EPTS3, DEM3

    Lt Sci- HE1, TSS2
    Ens Sci- Tractor beam 1

    eng- assimlated module, zero point energy conduit, tachyokinetic converter, and neutronium (those 3 universal consoles have to go if you want to use the 3 piece bortas set, slight loss of dps but fun sometimes)

    sci- plasmonic leech

    tac-5 disruptor induction coils

    Spec should be like an escort spec, main thing is that impulse thrusters needs to be maxed, engine performance needs at least 6 ranks and you need the helmsman trait also to be able to manage DHC on this ship. Flow caps also 6 ranks or preferebly maxed to get more power from leech, you need all the engine power you can get on this ship while still running full weapons. Also you will need to use reverse, evasives, omega, and tractor beam to get targets in arc and keep them there, but they won't last long. Power settings should be max weapons, everything else engines.

    Edit- been reading more about 1x aux2bat in this thread and think that my also be an option on the bort since its layout isn't ideal for 2x aux2bat, will probably try that soon, until then this build here is an option for the bort without aux2bat to get high DPS, and also high single target DPS and burst damage which many times is more important then overall DPS as killing targets quick results in less dps done to your team rather then wearing all of them down with FAW spam.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    saxmanusmcsaxmanusmc Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Great thread here, and I can say for one that the 2 A2B's work wonders.

    I might have over looked it reading through the thread, but what warp core is recommended for this build?
    FA Janin Delwynn - Fed Tac Officer
    FA Dion - Romulan Engineer Officer
    FA Zophie Delwynn - Fed Science Officer
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    eardianmeardianm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeah, haven't really gotten around to warp cores yet because I haven't bothered to use beyond the basic TRIBBLE that I've picked up. Will update it once I take another look at the dil mine options. I've been a bit bleh on rommie captians now being the overwhelming best option for DPS, but broke down and started grinding one myself anyway.

    Re: Adapted Destroyer, JHEC and JDread. JHEC is the best choice of those 3 for A2B, doubly so if you're a rommie and aren't forced to fit the uni lt as a tac to get extra crit bonus via embassy boffs. JDread is ok and basically runs like what my non-rommie JHEC did. Adapted Destroyer I have no clue on, that boff layout is crazy. You could slot 1 uni as tac and 1 as engineer and basically have an advanced escort layout, which isn't overly ideal for most things. A2B would get you 2 engineer powers, spammable (but low damage) grav well, and a simple TT/CSV/CRF/APB/APO mixed layout. So I spose I'd go the latter
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Loving this thread, eardianm! Probably because I'm an engineer myself. :P

    Most of it I already know. One thing that piqued my interest, though, was your alternating EPtS and EPtA. Throwing EPtA into the mix is especially cute, since it will, in turn, significantly boost your next A2B command! Which also kinda exposes its drawback: timing may be of the essence (so as not to let the EPtA go to waste). So as yo say, it may not auto-cycle well.

    I should probably go and do some experimenting with EPtA on tribble with it. Would love to hear other people's experiences with it too, though.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    eardianm wrote: »
    Adapted Destroyer I have no clue on, that boff layout is crazy. You could slot 1 uni as tac and 1 as engineer and basically have an advanced escort layout, which isn't overly ideal for most things. A2B would get you 2 engineer powers, spammable (but low damage) grav well, and a simple TT/CSV/CRF/APB/APO mixed layout. So I spose I'd go the latter

    As a fervent Adapted Destroyer pilot, I can safely say it's not really all that suited for an A2B build. You'd simply, effectively, be voiding 3 sci slots, and that's just too many, IMHO.

    I simply use 2 engi on the Lt. stations, both with EPtS1 and EPtW2. Like so:

    U.S.S. Liandra

    The empty sci spot on the consoles is supposed to have the 'Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System', but that's apparently not on the site yet.

    The dual EPtS1 and EPtW2 copies give you more power than you'll ever need (and sometimes us A2B lovers tend to forget it's not *just* about the power levels, but about the buffs too).
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    rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    eardianm wrote: »
    Yeah, haven't really gotten around to warp cores yet because I haven't bothered to use beyond the basic TRIBBLE that I've picked up.

    I've now settled on a nice Mark 11 Blue with [Eff] [W->A] [SSS]. The extra juice into Aux means that, if I time it right, when A2B kicks in it's pulling from a much fuller tank, thus allowing me to use the default setting for Aux energy levels per the "attack" preset. Seems to work well, and when the power does slosh back, I have more Aux for heals than I would normally, so...

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