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Aux2SIF love?

hyoukihyouki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I'm just curious because I see a lot of talk about Aux2Batt builds and some mention of Aux2Dampeners for cruisers, but I never really considered them because I've always used Aux2SIF as my "band-aid" heal...with a 15 second cooldown, it's frequently available and quick to slap on someone (or myself) to help them survive long enough for a bigger heal to come off cooldown (the damage resist bonus is just icing on the cake). Am I the only one using this? Am I giving up something more valuable (either one of the other Aux2 or a different eng power)?
Post edited by hyouki on


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    stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I use Aux2SIF myself and on every character. The short cooldown, modest hull heal and bonus DR makes it a pretty good engineering power. All my cruiser captains have an engineering boff with the Commander version of the power.

    Having said that, I'm considering going with an Aux2Batt build so I'm wondering what if any changes I need to make with all my other engineering boff powers. (beyond obviously putting in Aux2Batt herp derp) Probably put in an EP2Aux1 and make do with only one copy of EP2S. From what I understand the Emergency Power to X chain of powers are getting nerfed in some fashion so this is one of the reasons why I'm considering an Aux2Batt build.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There's been nothing wrong with ASIF ever since this game came out. It still is a good alternate self-heal. It doesn't conflict with any of the __ Team abilities. It's particularly great with high Aux Power, as well as offering a small hull resist.

    Not to mention it does not conflict with SCI Hazard Emitters, which it too is based on Aux Power for effectiveness. The 2 are a great combination.

    Cruiser builds that rely on heavy usage of the other Aux2___ skills, negate ASIF as a means to heal. In other Cruiser builds, ASIF is almost always standing by, at the ready. Not so with something like A2B, and most especially so with Dual A2Batt builds.

    You CAN still have ASIF use even with A2Batt builds, but the wonky nature of your Aux Power level with such a build forces heavy usage of Aux Batteries / Red Matter Capacitor before popping ASIF. And after you use that device, they all go into a lengthy cooldown. Again, this really narrows down the effectiveness of alot of healing abilities with the A2Batt build.

    In short, something like A2Batt on a Cruiser forsakes ASIF as a reliable healing / defense ability. What the user for such a build is going for is increased power to the other subsystems, usually for more offensive strength and cutting down on BOFF skill cooldowns. But this kind of build negates the healing usefulness of ASIF and HE, unless the user pops in a battery / Red Matter Capacitor. If they want healing, they my need to look more at Engineering Team, which is not Aux Based, but will conflict with builds that cycle Tactical Team.

    Aux2Batt is great and different for a Cruiser, but you will be giving up some nice things once you dig past the coolness of the build.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If a cruiser is specifically a healer first-and-foremost, its a great skill. Not as big a heal as ET or HE, but when you can pop it off constantly its a wonderful stopgap while waiting for your 'big guns' to come off cooldown. I certainly wouldn't mind if it healed for more, since spending a Commander-level slot for a heal thats less effective than ET1 is iffy, but on the list of Skills That Need Love, it doesn't even make the top 10.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I run an A2B D'kora, which does pretty well in anything.

    I also keep Aux to SIF 3 on it as well.

    Now, yes, A2B will keep Aux to SIF on a cooldown, but what I've learned from my time using this build is that I simply can't spam A2B all the time. Instead what I need to do is hit it when I need it.

    I've found that as long as I keep my shields up, most hull damage can be handled. Plus, if I need to, I can hit Hazards, because of one important thing HE can do:

    It's HoT is based off your aux power when you hit HE, NOT your current Aux power.

    Which means that, if I do 500 per tick at 50 aux (for sake of simplicity), then hit A2B, I will still be ticking for 500 hull for the rest of HE's duration. Plus HE's cooldown will be reduced as well.

    (This does not apply for TSS, which is based off your current aux power per tick, so if you go to low aux, it will drop in effectiveness)

    I save Aux to SIF 3 if I or a team mate needs it. If I use it, I understand I will have to deal with the shared cooldown, but it is what it is.

    I've just found that, you simply have to be more strategic with using your BOFF abilities when using an A2B build. Aux to SIF can still have a place in that build, you just have to use it more sparingly.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Aux2SIF 3 is on all of my KDF and Fed Cruiser Builds.

    It's a great skill in a pinch and is the perfect one two punch with my Engineering Team 3 (also on a 15 second cool down)

    My 3 primary Hull Heals on most of my vessels are:

    Engineering Team 3 (With 2 Very Rare Maintenance Doffs)

    Aux2SIF 3 (If I can slot it)

    Hazard Emitters 1
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    hikaru1024hikaru1024 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love aux2sif; frighteningly enough, ACT claims aux2sif 3 does the largest amount of self healing I do to myself compared to any other ability. It's kind of scary, especially since I'm only using *one* of them. If I pair them up I could even keep the hull resistance it gives 100% of the time... It's just a good thing to have, period.

    Mind that I fly a fleet excelsior, so, I'm betting more tactical/science ships may want to have epts or something else instead. But if you *can* use it, you WANT to use it. IMHO, of course.
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    simpus1983simpus1983 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I use Aux2SiF3 on my Assault Cruiser with a single copy of Aux2Battery/Tech Doffs. Well worth it in my opinion. Tripping A2B sets off the shared cooldown of both, then reduces its own cooldown. After the shared cooldown I over, you have roughly 15 seconds before yu could use A2B again, which oddly enough is the same run time as A2SIF.

    Its rarely needed, en mk X MACO, rotating EPtS 3, TSS2 and TT, and covering bleedthrough with HE1, and slamming A2B to reduce all the cooldowns. If you really need to turtle up though, skip using the A2B and just run A2SIF3 every cooldown until you stabilize.

    I can easily solo Terradome's space combat, in far from elite gear, for whatever that is worth. Plus it'll give you greater team prescence than a double A2B build.
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    gtpermangtperman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know this sounds like bs, but I am posting for the first time on the forums because of it. I just watched someone kill the cube and both spheres in the beginning of ISE in 3 seconds solo and killed the tac cube at the end in 11 seconds. Parsed about 13 million damage. We all asked how it was possible and she just responded Aux2Bat. So, apparently, it works pretty well... Either that or there is a new exploit that needs finding.
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    hikaru1024hikaru1024 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gtperman wrote: »
    I know this sounds like bs, but I am posting for the first time on the forums because of it. I just watched someone kill the cube and both spheres in the beginning of ISE in 3 seconds solo and killed the tac cube at the end in 11 seconds. Parsed about 13 million damage. We all asked how it was possible and she just responded Aux2Bat. So, apparently, it works pretty well... Either that or there is a new exploit that needs finding.

    Well, this thread is about aux2sif - but I could see aux2bat doing that. I don't like aux2bat on my cruiser since it takes away some of my best doffs and reduces my ability to heal through insanity. What aux2bat is *really* good at is doing insane damage output. With two copies of aux2bat and three purple technicians, a two minute boff skill cooldown is actually thirty *seconds* - think about that.
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    stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hyouki wrote: »
    I'm just curious because I see a lot of talk about Aux2Batt builds and some mention of Aux2Dampeners for cruisers, but I never really considered them because I've always used Aux2SIF as my "band-aid" heal...with a 15 second cooldown, it's frequently available and quick to slap on someone (or myself) to help them survive long enough for a bigger heal to come off cooldown (the damage resist bonus is just icing on the cake). Am I the only one using this? Am I giving up something more valuable (either one of the other Aux2 or a different eng power)?
    hikaru1024 wrote: »
    Well, this thread is about aux2sif - but I could see aux2bat doing that. I don't like aux2bat on my cruiser since it takes away some of my best doffs and reduces my ability to heal through insanity. What aux2bat is *really* good at is doing insane damage output. With two copies of aux2bat and three purple technicians, a two minute boff skill cooldown is actually thirty *seconds* - think about that.

    Do you or anyone else have a link for an Aux2Bat build? I'm curious enough to try it out.
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    intrepid74656intrepid74656 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stofsk wrote: »
    Do you or anyone else have a link for an Aux2Bat build? I'm curious enough to try it out.


    Edit: I also have the fleet version but that *only* adds 1 tac console. Rest of the build stayed the same.
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    starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    stofsk wrote: »
    Do you or anyone else have a link for an Aux2Bat build? I'm curious enough to try it out.

    Here is my Auxiliary to Battery build for the Galaxy. The skill tree is set up to alternate between that and the Excelsior. The Galaxy isn't the best ship to use, but it's doing 6,000 sustained DPS in ISE and tanks very well in PvE.
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    mscowboymscowboy Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I used to love the power, but aux2batt is really making it an endangered ability. I'd say it's certainly still the quintessential engineering ability and a requirement for any traditional cruiser setup, but the utterly frightening power of aux2batt builds completely nullifies any advantages to staying traditional except for those who can't afford the components of aux2batt.
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