If only the KDF had a ship that could fire Torps while Cloaked :P
Certain boffs reduce the CD on cloaks. The B'Rel can auto-cloak within a few seconds after shooting a torp. So perhaps you can't stay cloaked while you launch 'em, but you can come close.
IIRC it only works on standard torpedos, doesn't that mean it doesn't work on HY and overloads ?
Kinda. It shares the same CD as the other torpedo skills. Basically, they don't want you to do things like mixing Torp Spread & Torp High Yield. You can 'stack' the skills though, just can't get them to activate at the same time and you need to get lucky with the doff to make that happen in the first case.
Its nice to have in the bag for PVE. That is usually waves/groups so Torp Sread is the preference there, and the Nadeon console gives you a fake High-Yield against static objects and borg cubes that are immune to the push effect. For single small ships, normal torps are all you need. So with spread skill and the console you got all the options covered.
Especially if you don't have (but want) Photonic Shockwave as a BOff ability. OR if you would rather have another ability instead of PS on a BOff.
Should it be a permanent fixture on your ship? Nah. But it sure is fun in action
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
I picked it up for all my Max level KDF Characters but I only find it usefull on my KDF Science main.
If only the KDF had a ship that could fire Torps while Cloaked :P
I think that Romulan players will find it quite useful in helping them create space for their Battle Cloak.
Certain boffs reduce the CD on cloaks. The B'Rel can auto-cloak within a few seconds after shooting a torp. So perhaps you can't stay cloaked while you launch 'em, but you can come close.
Kinda. It shares the same CD as the other torpedo skills. Basically, they don't want you to do things like mixing Torp Spread & Torp High Yield. You can 'stack' the skills though, just can't get them to activate at the same time and you need to get lucky with the doff to make that happen in the first case.