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40 second Romulan cloak??



  • umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually, I did read. moreover, I wrote the exact same thing (worded differently) yesterday. I actually very much agree with you.

    But ragging about that issue seems to be beyond the point for now - Archon made it obvious. Getting overly hung over it and commenting about it especially seems to be ineffective. Can you imagine Archon looking back, reading this and then not finding much of use because it's already been said and that he corrected that it wasn't the issue, get miffed that people aren't paying attention and move on.

    It's only because of that that I brought the point up, and helpfully at that. I hate to do pedaling and not go anywhere. I figure it's the same for some others.
  • hyoukihyouki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just as a note, I'm getting inconsistent information from the UI about my traits (says 15% cloak cooldown reduction in one place, and 10% elsewhere), and I am NOT actually getting even the 10% reduction from my captain; I'm getting 9%. I don't have time to test now, will do more testing tonight and also check the effect my selection of BOffs off the cloak cooldown. It might seem worse than it actually is due to bugs.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    all cloaks should have the same CD. Romulan cloaks are "better"?

    - Does that mean we do not have to put skillpoints into the cloak skill and we will get the same results?


    - Does that mean that the decloak skills do not work on us?


    So what are we talking here?

    There were more good solutions offered in this thread already:

    - Lower Romulan Hulls across the board, leave the CD as is. I do not wanna be forced to use Romulan only crew.

    - Lower the CD to 30s.

    - Hardcap all cloaks to 10-15s

    - Make tha trait "Romulan Operative" non stacking.
  • kyias1kyias1 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If one of the major issues of having a powerful BC is the singularity abilities, why isn't the CD of your BC tied to your singularity charges?

    My thinking is there should be a trade off between these two. The more my Singularity Core gains power, the more easy I am to detect AND the longer my CD is for my BC. I am trading my stealth for raw power.

    If I keep my Singularity core low or even empty then the BC should have a "normal" CD rate.


    0-1charges=20 CD battle cloak

    2-3 charges=25 CD battle cloak

    3-4 charges=30 CD battle cloak

    The above is just an example but the numbers could be whatever balances these two mechanics. I like the idea of trading power for subterfuge or vice-versa. It adds a strategic element to fights.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aegon1ice wrote: »
    Cloak and run strikes is the unique Romulan playstyle -at least for me. It makes Romulans distinct from FED or KDF. Sure, KDF have that too, but no very limited Battle-Cloak system.

    That's the problem with cloaks... hit and run with cloaking is also a KDF signature style.

    TBH I don't recall ever seeing a Rom ship recloak in combat, if anything its decloaking was always supposed to make everyone pay attention... its recloaking, not so much if it even happened.

    Personally I would not have given them Battlecloak, I just can't recall a time anything like that happening in the shows. That does not mean their cloaks couldn't have better stealth values and so still be considered "better".
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Didn't the old D7 cruiser in one of the Voyager episodes constantly decloak + fire + cloak ? but it's true we never seen romulans doing it in any of the shows.
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  • gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Linking Romulan Cloak cooldown to number of Singularity charges might be interesting, but with the Singularity Charge Building cooldown after firing a Singularity ability off may not have the desired limitations that the devs are looking for.

    I'd favor a reduction in hull and/or trait modification to limit minimum cloak cooldown to 10 seconds. Romulans are ambush fighters (in my mind, anyway), so their ships should be designed in such a way as to favor the quick strikes, manueverability, and strong shields (high capacity, not so great in-combat regen) of an ambusher over long, drawn-out slugging matches -- which is what the current cloak change forces.

    IMO, to invest so many resources in high hull values would be a waste -- especially since New Romulous is, well, new -- the vast ship-building capabilities and resource gathering of the former Romulan Star Empire were blown to bits. Sorry for getting OT on this last bit...
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Why not an actual Boff skill: Emergency Power to Cloak? The higher the rank the skill the more time is removed from the 40 seconds? Ensign rank: 5 seconds, Lieutenant rank: 10 seconds, Lt. Cmdr rank: 15 seconds, and Commander rank: 20 seconds.

    But the problem is still there, unless you have a boff with this skill you are stuck with the 40 second cloak. Even then only a ship capable of having a commander lvl slot would get the full benefit.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Look, there's no reason to keep discussing this, as Archon has already announced that they will be rollbacking that and the power level buff, and improving the way the singularity core gives you power when charged.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • messahlamessahla Member Posts: 1,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Didn't the old D7 cruiser in one of the Voyager episodes constantly decloak + fire + cloak ? but it's true we never seen romulans doing it in any of the shows.

    I think i seen a TOS episode where the enterprise encouters what they first beleive to be a klingon D-7 and it does do the decloak +Fire+Cloak but by the end and after kirk blasts it bits it turns out to be a romulan D-7.

    Dont get mad at me if im worng havent watched an episode of TOS in over ten years :(
  • cifer2020cifer2020 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would MUCH rather live with the longer cloak CD then the alternative like the other posters on this thread. Consider my vote cast.
  • gurriknakgurriknak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dalolorn wrote: »
    Look, there's no reason to keep discussing this, as Archon has already announced that they will be rollbacking that and the power level buff, and improving the way the singularity core gives you power when charged.

    I saw where they were "rolling back" the duration on the EPtS, but I guessed I missed the one for the Cloak -- where is this mentioned? No reason to get all bent out of shape over it...
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