Posted already as a bug report
As it currently stands on holodeck when you use shooter mode and you use the r and t keys to cycle your selected power group (in shooter mode, there is a small box which has 3 powers), with left click, right click and middle mouse click being used to activate the three currently selected powers.
However on Tribble this does not happen, instead right click and middle mouse activating power 2 and 3 rather than the powers you have selected. This in effect breaks Shooter Mode and makes 16 slots on the power tray useless to those who elect to use this mode.
I was curious if anyone else has tried it out and experienced the same issue?
Reason I am making a bit of a big deal out of this is that I know people who find traditional rpg controls too painful to use quite literally and the shooter mode is far more comfortable to use, without it they could not play ground portions of the game.