Heading to the official Star Trek Philadelphia Convention this weekend? Read more to learn about how you can obtain a special in-game Duty Officer and character title for attending.
Okay people "outside of America"... Get together, organize a Trek event, get a bunch of people to sign up and it be successful, contact PWE and perhaps they'll attend next year.
...Oh joy, another exclusive unavailable to those outside of America.
They've been using the same Con items for some time now - since Leeta was added to the game. If you have a Trek convention in Europe that STO attends you have a chance of getting the same Con item there.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
And it's an exclusive that would have completely changed my game experience
You must have some unusual attraction to Doffs.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Okay people "outside of America"... Get together, organize a Trek event, get a bunch of people to sign up and it be successful, contact PWE and perhaps they'll attend next year.
There was one - "Destination Star Trek London". Linky.
And no, STO didn't attend. CBS and Paramount did, IIRC. Biggest ST event since the one in Germany, several years ago.
Unfortunately, a lot of our European events are much more miniscule - often conference-room sized.
Previously known as MGDawson.
Lifer since April 2010, and open beta tester.
Say "NO" to the Tier 5 Constitution!
I think he was being sarcastic. I mean, I certianly hope he was.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I'll be there . Also, not a lot of US citizens are close enough to attend a ST Con, heck, this will be a 3 and half hour drive for me, and that almost puts me at my limit to drive for something that only lasts three days. The next nearest one is in Chicago, almost 11 hours away.
I'm getting really irritated everytime I see this promotion.
I live in Australia and we don't have Star Trek Conventions!
Well, I've been to one and that was like 10 years ago.
So, we're never getting this Holo Leeta doff!
How about doing the right thing and giving it out to people who can't attend the convention because it's physically impossible to do so?
How is that the right thing? It's not as if Cryptic is the only gaming company to offer promotions like this. I'm never going to go to any of the PAX's, so should I complain that Devs, like Bethesda, who offered game time in Elder Scrolls Online to people who attend, make it available for those that can't? It's not as if this DOff is a game changer. Self-entitled people really irritate me.
Here's an advance TLDR... In gaming terms: Stop acting like your entitled to the reward, if your not willing or able to undertake the quest required to win it.
That's the whole point of a convention really. Many companies offer exclusive content (be it in the form of an exclusive cover on a comic book, or just the fact that you can get an autograph by a particular actor there). This is the nature of the business. You get perks for supporting the show by buying a ticket (as an artist who bought a table at those shows for hundreds of dollars, even I don't have access to those perks).
It's an incentive to attend the show.
I Can't afford to fly out and attend San Diego Comicon, so I'm not going to complain that I missed out on anything that went on at that show or any of the many exclusives offered there. That's my problem, not the conventions, or Cryptics.
Another thing to remember is this: Cryptic can reach out to the conventions with an offer, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the convention will take them up on their offer, nor does it mean that Cryptic has to offer up their exclusive content to every convention out there because, let's face it, there has to be some sort of gain off of the exclusive, and some shows are just too small to count.
Personally, I find that things are much easier and life is generally better if I don't worry about the color of someone else's grass or what the Jones are up to.
The problem for many outside the US is traveling and hotel costs. For me to attend any ST convention in the US or heck even here in the EU, would mean that I would have to pay an arm and a leg to be able to attend. :eek:
I have really wanted to go to ST Vegas for some time now, but it's far to expensive for me and other ST fans in the EU or other parts of the world to attend.
So there you have the main reason for ppl being sad seeing promos like this, and seeing others get shinies that we can never get our hands on unless we attend said convention(s).
1) Cryptic *HAS* given these out for Star Trek conventions of which they were aware, but unable to attend. An example is Megacon 2013. I'm sure Branflakes would love to hear about forthcoming conventions far enough in advance for Cryptic to make plans regarding them.
2) There's no requirement that you buy a three or four day pass and stay in a hotel; getting a one-day pass and popping by the convention just long enough to prove you were there is sufficient. So if all you can manage is to drop by on Saturday and buy the cheapest pass available, and make a pass through the dealer room or something, you can still participate.
3) It's just a doff and a title. It's a very nice doff, but there's no high-reward missions in the doffing system that you are unable to complete without her or anything like that. When somebody else near you gets something nice and you don't, that's not a punishment for you; it's a reward for them. Congratulate them and start looking for forthcoming conventions in your area to inform Branflakes about.
4) When I was a kid I had a friend. He got together with a couple of other young Trek fans and put on a mini-convention, which I greatly enjoyed. It only included a couple of dozen locals, but it lead to lots of other opportunities. Perhaps you've heard of him; his name is Larry Nemecek, and he gets PAID to be a Star Trek fan now. If there are no cons around your area, organize one; it's very rewarding, and you will find that other Trekkies are great people to work with. Who knows, it might even wind up being a long-running thing, like some of Larry's.
When you do put that con on, let Branflakes know.
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
1) Cryptic *HAS* given these out for Star Trek conventions of which they were aware, but unable to attend. An example is Megacon 2013. I'm sure Branflakes would love to hear about forthcoming conventions far enough in advance for Cryptic to make plans regarding them.
2) There's no requirement that you buy a three or four day pass and stay in a hotel; getting a one-day pass and popping by the convention just long enough to prove you were there is sufficient. So if all you can manage is to drop by on Saturday and buy the cheapest pass available, and make a pass through the dealer room or something, you can still participate.
3) It's just a doff and a title. It's a very nice doff, but there's no high-reward missions in the doffing system that you are unable to complete without her or anything like that. When somebody else near you gets something nice and you don't, that's not a punishment for you; it's a reward for them. Congratulate them and start looking for forthcoming conventions in your area to inform Branflakes about.
4) When I was a kid I had a friend. He got together with a couple of other young Trek fans and put on a mini-convention, which I greatly enjoyed. It only included a couple of dozen locals, but it lead to lots of other opportunities. Perhaps you've heard of him; his name is Larry Nemecek, and he gets PAID to be a Star Trek fan now. If there are no cons around your area, organize one; it's very rewarding, and you will find that other Trekkies are great people to work with. Who knows, it might even wind up being a long-running thing, like some of Larry's.
When you do put that con on, let Branflakes know.
The statements below are not meant to be insulting in any way shape or form to the above poster, just my opinions on this matter.
Wow. Way to look down on people not able to attend because they do not live in the US. And to put up an con in this country is out of the question. Would be WAY to expensive due how greedy the government is with conventions and costs, so not an option.
The main problem is, and will almost allways be the cost of going to any convention, since the major ones are where?? Oh, that's right: the US.
Never mind that the show is made in the US, that is not the point, the point is that there are no major ones here in the EU that I'm aware of, and if there is one, then it will likely be so expensive that it's not worth the bother.
And I will never "congratulate" some one who gets something I have nearly 0% chance of ever getting. That statement is insulting.
And to put up an con in this country is out of the question. Would be WAY to expensive due how greedy the government is with conventions and costs, so not an option.
Wait, what? You can't put on your own show because ... of ... ?
It doesn't have to be a mega con. Just get a little something together in a town hall or whatever, with a dealer room. Contact Bran and see if that will work. And viola. Trek fans, trek Merchandise, and you get a nice little promo together with STO.
The whole thing is about the community. Bran is all about the community. There is definitely something that I bet can be worked out. Trek conventions started as grass roots things way back when.
I don't think anyone's looking down on anyone else. Just trying to find a positive solution to those who are nowhere near the more standard/bigger conventions.
Wait, what? You can't put on your own show because ... of ... ?
It doesn't have to be a mega con. Just get a little something together in a town hall or whatever, with a dealer room. Contact Bran and see if that will work. And viola. Trek fans, trek Merchandise, and you get a nice little promo together with STO.
The whole thing is about the community. Bran is all about the community. There is definitely something that I bet can be worked out. Trek conventions started as grass roots things way back when.
I don't think anyone's looking down on anyone else. Just trying to find a positive solution to those who are nowhere near the more standard/bigger conventions.
Problem is that you can not use town halls for this, it has to be an approved venue AFAIK. And then you have to get permission, pay rent for the place of the venue, maybe get a promoter...
The list goes on and on, and I can't imagine anyone setting up a ST convention due to the prohibitvly high prices assosciated with it.
So, as far as a convention in this country, it's sadly almost out of the question I'm afraid. Stupid country in some ways :P...
Problem is that you can not use town halls for this, it has to be an approved venue AFAIK. And then you have to get permission, pay rent for the place of the venue, maybe get a promoter...
That minicon to which I referred took place in one room of the student union at a local university. I think their biggest expense was advertising, which consisted of a few signs around campus, a classified ad in the local newspaper, and a free PSA on the local radio stations.
Maybe it will cost more than that for you, but maybe not. You could have an interesting minicon in a high school gymnasium; that'd be several times the size of the space we used. If there are exorbitant fees needed just to assemble in public, find a private venue that will host you. If there are exorbitant fees just to ASSEMBLE, perhaps find a merchandise dealer who will sponsor you in return for dominating (or completely comprising) your dealer space.
I don't know what country you're in, and I wouldn't want to encourage you to share personal information you're not comfortable sharing, but I'd be very surprised if there's not a way to hold a convention that's beyond the realm of possibility in a country with sufficient internet infrastructure to play this game acceptably. I can think of a couple, but you probably couldn't even WATCH Star Trek in those.
Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
That minicon to which I referred took place in one room of the student union at a local university. I think their biggest expense was advertising, which consisted of a few signs around campus, a classified ad in the local newspaper, and a free PSA on the local radio stations.
Maybe it will cost more than that for you, but maybe not. You could have an interesting minicon in a high school gymnasium; that'd be several times the size of the space we used. If there are exorbitant fees needed just to assemble in public, find a private venue that will host you. If there are exorbitant fees just to ASSEMBLE, perhaps find a merchandise dealer who will sponsor you in return for dominating (or completely comprising) your dealer space.
I don't know what country you're in, and I wouldn't want to encourage you to share personal information you're not comfortable sharing, but I'd be very surprised if there's not a way to hold a convention that's beyond the realm of possibility in a country with sufficient internet infrastructure to play this game acceptably. I can think of a couple, but you probably couldn't even WATCH Star Trek in those.
I live in Norway. The problem is, if I want to use say a gymnasium and/or anything else connected to those kind of things, I would have to get persmission not only from the gymnasium, but also from the local city council, since it's to be held at a place the council/government owns (schools high schools) and get it into a schedule. Promotion is very expensive, and I would have to go advertizing in the county just to get enough to attend to cover the expenses.
And to go to a private venue... Pfft. Those ppl are even more expensive, so that's a no go.
So I can pretty much let that thought go the way of the dodo I'm afaraid.
Ok, will keep those guys in mind. Only thing is that the last minicon was in Kristiansand, a 3 hr drive from where I live, but just about what I consider to be "in range" for me.
For all the people whining about not being able to get the doff, did you even consider the time and money it costs to get it? Its minimum $20 ticket for Friday or $25 Saturday/Sunday plus parking and time driving. Ultimately its around $40 on Friday and $50 Saturday/Sunday for the doff. Its not even worth it lol. I don't even see why anyone is complaining, I live less than an hour away and I wont even go to the convention because for me to go with my wife, plus time driving, and gas it would cost me around $70 dollars for a DOFF!!!!! I can buy a hell of a lot more cstore items with that than 1 doff LOL.
Ok, will keep those guys in mind. Only thing is that the last minicon was in Kristiansand, a 3 hr drive from where I live, but just about what I consider to be "in range" for me.
Thanks for finding those guys
Just to put things in perspective. I live in the United States, and that's about how far I'd have to drive to get to the nearest Sci-Fi convention. To get to Star Trek specific ones, I'd have to fly. So far I have not been able to afford to go to one, but I'd like to some day.
We have some kind of law that affects public gatherings.
I can't remember what it is, but it's analogous to private medical insurance.
I.E: if you expect a certain amount of people, you have to pay a fee to cover the medical costs of anyone who may get injured at your event.
This is so pricey that even some major gatherings (think over a thousand attendees) have been forced to cancel their special event because they couldn't afford the cost of the liability insurance.
Also, I think it's a requirement to hire security personnel as well, in case of issues with violent and drunken behavior.
I'm assuming both of those things are far beyond what a small group of dedicated fans can afford.
I know there's a Melbourne convention center that has an outdoor big screen of sorts (it's the art center near Flinders Street Station if anyone knows the area), but I'm not sure how someone would go about hiring that.
Mind you, that convention center has been used by some big name companies in the past when they brought their shows down here in the past.
The last two I attended was the Pixar exhibition and the Tim Burton exhibition.
But these were shown in the basement gallery, not the bigscreen external area.
I'm not living in Melbourne at the moment, but it's close enough that I could be there within a day, if I knew there was a convention planned and I had enough notice (6 months) to book a airplane ticket.
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
I was going to go to the convention, then as I was reading about the events. the one I was most interested in was the costume perade. turns out it is not a parade, it is a costume contest being held in the theatre. its basically the only reason I was going, was to watch a star trek parade. sitting in back of a theatre seeing people dressed in characters don't do it for me.
the other thought is spending at least 25 dollars to look at vendors merchandise that I can purchase when I can see it online to purchase through the star trek store. yes others will sell collectibles for outrageous money but I wouldn't think about purchasing that or could I afford it.
the thing I will miss out on the most is the items from sto but you have to email a pic to someone and hope they don't TRIBBLE it up to get the items. makes getting the item more harder then needs to be, certainly not worth the aggravation.
bottom line not attending convention.
congrats to everyone that is going and hope you enjoy yourselves.
I was going to go to the convention, then as I was reading about the events. the one I was most interested in was the costume perade. turns out it is not a parade, it is a costume contest being held in the theatre. its basically the only reason I was going, was to watch a star trek parade. sitting in back of a theatre seeing people dressed in characters don't do it for me.
the other thought is spending at least 25 dollars to look at vendors merchandise that I can purchase when I can see it online to purchase through the star trek store. yes others will sell collectibles for outrageous money but I wouldn't think about purchasing that or could I afford it.
the thing I will miss out on the most is the items from sto but you have to email a pic to someone and hope they don't TRIBBLE it up to get the items. makes getting the item more harder then needs to be, certainly not worth the aggravation.
bottom line not attending convention.
congrats to everyone that is going and hope you enjoy yourselves.
Seems like an odd reason not to go to a ST Con, but whatever floats your boat. However, the way I understand it is that the participants will line up in the lobby, and parade to the ballroom for the costume contest.
Previously known as MGDawson.
Lifer since April 2010, and open beta tester.
Say "NO" to the Tier 5 Constitution!
^^ This... Me'sa got a Sad!
And it's an exclusive that would have completely changed my game experience
{UFP}Thomas45 - Thomas Nixon U.S.S. Majesty Unbound
There was one - "Destination Star Trek London". Linky.
And no, STO didn't attend. CBS and Paramount did, IIRC. Biggest ST event since the one in Germany, several years ago.
Unfortunately, a lot of our European events are much more miniscule - often conference-room sized.
Previously known as MGDawson.
Lifer since April 2010, and open beta tester.
Say "NO" to the Tier 5 Constitution!
I think he was being sarcastic.
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Cryptic did give out Leeta for the London event.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
It's also unavailable to most people in the Americas, and even the US. I know I'm not going to Philly any time soon...
I live in Australia and we don't have Star Trek Conventions!
Well, I've been to one and that was like 10 years ago.
So, we're never getting this Holo Leeta doff!
How about doing the right thing and giving it out to people who can't attend the convention because it's physically impossible to do so?
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
How is that the right thing? It's not as if Cryptic is the only gaming company to offer promotions like this. I'm never going to go to any of the PAX's, so should I complain that Devs, like Bethesda, who offered game time in Elder Scrolls Online to people who attend, make it available for those that can't? It's not as if this DOff is a game changer. Self-entitled people really irritate me.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
That's the whole point of a convention really. Many companies offer exclusive content (be it in the form of an exclusive cover on a comic book, or just the fact that you can get an autograph by a particular actor there). This is the nature of the business. You get perks for supporting the show by buying a ticket (as an artist who bought a table at those shows for hundreds of dollars, even I don't have access to those perks).
It's an incentive to attend the show.
I Can't afford to fly out and attend San Diego Comicon, so I'm not going to complain that I missed out on anything that went on at that show or any of the many exclusives offered there. That's my problem, not the conventions, or Cryptics.
Another thing to remember is this: Cryptic can reach out to the conventions with an offer, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the convention will take them up on their offer, nor does it mean that Cryptic has to offer up their exclusive content to every convention out there because, let's face it, there has to be some sort of gain off of the exclusive, and some shows are just too small to count.
Personally, I find that things are much easier and life is generally better if I don't worry about the color of someone else's grass or what the Jones are up to.
But maybe that's just me. I could be wrong.
I have really wanted to go to ST Vegas for some time now, but it's far to expensive for me and other ST fans in the EU or other parts of the world to attend.
So there you have the main reason for ppl being sad seeing promos like this, and seeing others get shinies that we can never get our hands on unless we attend said convention(s).
So they did.
Part of the issue, however, is that I didn't check the forums that often then (too much whining) and I didn't see anything about it in-game.
Also, I'm surprised there wasn't anything about it from event officials or anything on the event website.
Uuugh. That event was the worst thing I've ever been to, birthday parties and model railway exhibitions included.
Previously known as MGDawson.
Lifer since April 2010, and open beta tester.
Say "NO" to the Tier 5 Constitution!
1) Cryptic *HAS* given these out for Star Trek conventions of which they were aware, but unable to attend. An example is Megacon 2013. I'm sure Branflakes would love to hear about forthcoming conventions far enough in advance for Cryptic to make plans regarding them.
2) There's no requirement that you buy a three or four day pass and stay in a hotel; getting a one-day pass and popping by the convention just long enough to prove you were there is sufficient. So if all you can manage is to drop by on Saturday and buy the cheapest pass available, and make a pass through the dealer room or something, you can still participate.
3) It's just a doff and a title. It's a very nice doff, but there's no high-reward missions in the doffing system that you are unable to complete without her or anything like that. When somebody else near you gets something nice and you don't, that's not a punishment for you; it's a reward for them. Congratulate them and start looking for forthcoming conventions in your area to inform Branflakes about.
4) When I was a kid I had a friend. He got together with a couple of other young Trek fans and put on a mini-convention, which I greatly enjoyed. It only included a couple of dozen locals, but it lead to lots of other opportunities. Perhaps you've heard of him; his name is Larry Nemecek, and he gets PAID to be a Star Trek fan now. If there are no cons around your area, organize one; it's very rewarding, and you will find that other Trekkies are great people to work with. Who knows, it might even wind up being a long-running thing, like some of Larry's.
When you do put that con on, let Branflakes know.
The statements below are not meant to be insulting in any way shape or form to the above poster, just my opinions on this matter.
Wow. Way to look down on people not able to attend because they do not live in the US. And to put up an con in this country is out of the question. Would be WAY to expensive due how greedy the government is with conventions and costs, so not an option.
The main problem is, and will almost allways be the cost of going to any convention, since the major ones are where?? Oh, that's right: the US.
Never mind that the show is made in the US, that is not the point, the point is that there are no major ones here in the EU that I'm aware of, and if there is one, then it will likely be so expensive that it's not worth the bother.
And I will never "congratulate" some one who gets something I have nearly 0% chance of ever getting. That statement is insulting.
Overall, not a very good post imho.
Wait, what? You can't put on your own show because ... of ... ?
It doesn't have to be a mega con. Just get a little something together in a town hall or whatever, with a dealer room. Contact Bran and see if that will work. And viola. Trek fans, trek Merchandise, and you get a nice little promo together with STO.
The whole thing is about the community. Bran is all about the community. There is definitely something that I bet can be worked out. Trek conventions started as grass roots things way back when.
I don't think anyone's looking down on anyone else. Just trying to find a positive solution to those who are nowhere near the more standard/bigger conventions.
Problem is that you can not use town halls for this, it has to be an approved venue AFAIK. And then you have to get permission, pay rent for the place of the venue, maybe get a promoter...
The list goes on and on, and I can't imagine anyone setting up a ST convention due to the prohibitvly high prices assosciated with it.
So, as far as a convention in this country, it's sadly almost out of the question I'm afraid. Stupid country in some ways :P...
That minicon to which I referred took place in one room of the student union at a local university. I think their biggest expense was advertising, which consisted of a few signs around campus, a classified ad in the local newspaper, and a free PSA on the local radio stations.
Maybe it will cost more than that for you, but maybe not. You could have an interesting minicon in a high school gymnasium; that'd be several times the size of the space we used. If there are exorbitant fees needed just to assemble in public, find a private venue that will host you. If there are exorbitant fees just to ASSEMBLE, perhaps find a merchandise dealer who will sponsor you in return for dominating (or completely comprising) your dealer space.
I don't know what country you're in, and I wouldn't want to encourage you to share personal information you're not comfortable sharing, but I'd be very surprised if there's not a way to hold a convention that's beyond the realm of possibility in a country with sufficient internet infrastructure to play this game acceptably. I can think of a couple, but you probably couldn't even WATCH Star Trek in those.
I live in Norway. The problem is, if I want to use say a gymnasium and/or anything else connected to those kind of things, I would have to get persmission not only from the gymnasium, but also from the local city council, since it's to be held at a place the council/government owns (schools high schools) and get it into a schedule. Promotion is very expensive, and I would have to go advertizing in the county just to get enough to attend to cover the expenses.
And to go to a private venue... Pfft. Those ppl are even more expensive, so that's a no go.
So I can pretty much let that thought go the way of the dodo I'm afaraid.
Not often, but they do happen.
Ok, will keep those guys in mind. Only thing is that the last minicon was in Kristiansand, a 3 hr drive from where I live, but just about what I consider to be "in range" for me.
Thanks for finding those guys
Just to put things in perspective. I live in the United States, and that's about how far I'd have to drive to get to the nearest Sci-Fi convention. To get to Star Trek specific ones, I'd have to fly. So far I have not been able to afford to go to one, but I'd like to some day.
We have some kind of law that affects public gatherings.
I can't remember what it is, but it's analogous to private medical insurance.
I.E: if you expect a certain amount of people, you have to pay a fee to cover the medical costs of anyone who may get injured at your event.
This is so pricey that even some major gatherings (think over a thousand attendees) have been forced to cancel their special event because they couldn't afford the cost of the liability insurance.
Also, I think it's a requirement to hire security personnel as well, in case of issues with violent and drunken behavior.
I'm assuming both of those things are far beyond what a small group of dedicated fans can afford.
I know there's a Melbourne convention center that has an outdoor big screen of sorts (it's the art center near Flinders Street Station if anyone knows the area), but I'm not sure how someone would go about hiring that.
Mind you, that convention center has been used by some big name companies in the past when they brought their shows down here in the past.
The last two I attended was the Pixar exhibition and the Tim Burton exhibition.
But these were shown in the basement gallery, not the bigscreen external area.
I'm not living in Melbourne at the moment, but it's close enough that I could be there within a day, if I knew there was a convention planned and I had enough notice (6 months) to book a airplane ticket.
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
the other thought is spending at least 25 dollars to look at vendors merchandise that I can purchase when I can see it online to purchase through the star trek store. yes others will sell collectibles for outrageous money but I wouldn't think about purchasing that or could I afford it.
the thing I will miss out on the most is the items from sto but you have to email a pic to someone and hope they don't TRIBBLE it up to get the items. makes getting the item more harder then needs to be, certainly not worth the aggravation.
bottom line not attending convention.
congrats to everyone that is going and hope you enjoy yourselves.
Seems like an odd reason not to go to a ST Con, but whatever floats your boat. However, the way I understand it is that the participants will line up in the lobby, and parade to the ballroom for the costume contest.
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=