With all this talk on the lack of voice-over work, it just struck me that Carolyn Seymour would be an out-of-the-ballpark-grand-slam addition for Romulan voiceovers. (It's totally her I have in my head every time I hear Subcommander Mivek rattle off her #1 hit, "We-must-work-to-gether-if-we-are-to-sur-vive!")
For those that don't recognize the name, her more memorable ST roles were for Subcommander Taris and Commander Toreth. For me, Seymour was what made Romulans what they are (or have been).
Plus, she's no stranger to voice-over work as she already has a few credits to her name (a couple Star Wars game and Mass Effect), so I'm pretty sure she'd be receptive to the idea.
So okay now, Cryptic, go get her!