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just a little Feedback

zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
not sure where to reply, mods feel free to merge into appropriate thread...

i noticed 2 things about the general gameflow of the Romulan Character

#1 I completely ignored TRAITS when i created my new romulan, so now i am stuck with the default traits until i respec -> even to new Players customizable Traits should be a bit more obvious in the creation process.

#2 i played on Elite and completely forgot to spend any Skillpoints until level 8 ... 4 or 5 missions in !!!

i only noticed that i forgot something because my Energy Weapons were doing very little damage to the bigger Ships' Shields... and they started exploding more from bleed through of the Torpedos than from my Beams...

I guess what i'm saying is... why is the level up / spend skillpoints button, left side below the XP bar just GONE?
there was nothing blinking... nothing reminding me to spend my Skillpoints.

I remember when i played my FEDs + KDFs that there was always this button blinking and annoying me...

i also noticed that some of the new ground weapons seem a bit experimental, one of my BOffs was unable to shoot his weapon at all...
these new weapons seem more tailored to shooter mode than RPG mode and BOffs got problems understanding how they work, and frankly so did i, took me a while to notice that i need to HOLD the 2 key to load up or keep firing etc.
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