Hello Fellow Foundry Authors new and old,
It's my pleasure to reveal the Competition Brief, the culmination of the past 6 weeks of teaching and learning.
- Brief -
The spirit of Trek has always been one of harmony and co-operation, peaceful exploration, however we all know that unfortunately, it isn't always the case when dealing with political espionage or an unknown threat from deep space.
As such, your task is to create a mission that deals with a conflict involving the Federation, and/or the Klingon Empire.
Your mission could deal with the lead up to the conflict, be a war story during, or deal with the aftermath. This conflict could last 10 years, or simply be a few hours long, that's entirely up to you.
Now the crucial bit, you MUST include the following in your mission for it to qualify for the competition -
Your mission MUST include an NPC named Commander Heart (if it's a Federation mission) or Ambassador Fe'reth (if it is a Klingon mission)
In the Mission Description AND the Grant Mission Dialogue , there MUST be a statement that reads "This is my entry into the Foundry Authors Academy competition." (it may be in the Gold/Yellow, Out of Character text OOC)
Missions will be judged on a predetermined set of criteria based on techniques used, custom design content, quality of writing, enjoyability and non cryptic related bugs.
If there's an aspect that you don't think you'll be able to handle very well then just concentrate on what you are good at and you'll hopefully pick up enough marks to balance out the areas your not as comfortable with.
The following categories each have various prizes associated with them, including Zen Points, Costume Codes, Lockbox Ships and More.
Best Overall Mission
Best Non Combat Mission
Best Combat Mission
Best Mission by a First Time Author
Best Mission by a non first time Author
One mission will be chosen to win each category.
The best overall mission will receive the honour of become an official Spotlight* mission
*must meet certain criteria
You must hit publish mission before 2PM PDT/10PM BST on Saturday the 20th of April
You MUST post the Name of your Misison, your ingame
@handle, your missions Faction and any level requirements in THIS thread before 2pm PDT/10pm BST on Saturday the 20th of April.
Your mission must be longer than 15 minutes to playthrough, but preferably no longer than 45 minutes.
Your missions should not contain any content that breaks either the Terms of Service (ToS) or End User License Agreement (EULA) for the either Star Trek Online, or the Foundry.
You have until 2pm PDT/10pm BST on Saturday the 20th of April to make your missions.
(If you have any questions, just post them in the thread below, tweet myself
@cerberusfilms or drop in to the
StarbaseUGC.com chatroom)
Umm....not sure if serious....
(With an OP date of April 19th...)
Yep, it's how it's always been billed as part of the Foundry Authors Academy event series.
It's possible to make a working, playable and enjoyable mission in an hour. It certainly focuses the mind :P
And it's worth it for the prize
Machinima Person
Did some things back in the day
Now a Games Developer and Researcher
Always billed?
First time I've heard about it. Maybe I haven't been on the forums enough and missed it.
But with an announcement like this (formated as above as if this is the first opportunity to make this), get ready for a lot of 'Admiral Bobo...err, Commander Heart...Goes to War' submissions.
But hey, if that's what the powers that be are looking to Spotlight (something slapped together in an hour), far be it for me to say anything. :rolleyes:
Actually I believe the idea is that many of the long time authors will be available throughout the next day to assist in how to create a mission in a day, because it can be done, and the mission can be quite entertaining, and not a grindy type of thing.
To me the idea has always been that the Academy would teach the basics and many of the more easily used workarounds, and that the idea of the "contest" is to use those new skills to make a mission.
For my part, following this afternoon's work meeting I plan to be available in the STARBASEUGC.COM chat room to assist any new authors looking to work on a submission for this. I'll be willing to use Skype or Vent to help whomever needs it.
Personally, I love the way this has been set up, and I think that there are a lot of REALLY talented people in this community.
- John
Aye, now there's a far more reasonable approach to it.
I think a better title for this endevour (at least here on the STO forums) would have been "Create a mission in a Day - We can help!".
The original post above was sorely lacking this spirit - thanks Hippiejohn for the clarification and explaination.
Brandon =/\=
Faction : KDF
Mission Status : 90% Plotted, Sticking on the ending, looking forward to chatting with anyone who drops by the StarbaseUGC chat.
In Game research on "What does that map look like again?" started for recreating key assets.
First Major NPC created. At least one Ambassador Fe'reth is in the editor sphere.
Again looking forward to chatting with folk in the chat room about missions being created.
24 hours is a MAJOR challenge, but a very doable and fun one.
- John
I've done a 24-hour build before (on my own, not part of a contest or anything) and I look forward to seeing what people come up with.
Oh the thing that I'm in right now.
The thing available through your local IRC client (irc.geekshed.net #starbaseugc) or http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/chat/
Yeah, that's where I am.
Edit: Also, would a mission involving the Borg, a species I might create, and Starfleet be considered a "conflict involving the Federation"?
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
What I read :
It has to involve a conflict.
and have a character named Commander Heart or Ambassador Fe'reth
No specifics other than that.
Let your imagination flow free.
- John
The Commander can be of any federation race or gender just like the Ambassador can be of any Klingon Race or Gender (Assuming that the race supports multiple genders)
Technically, whether it has to be a Federation race is also unspecified.
Doesn't matter, though - I've been forced out of the competition before I could even properly get started. :mad:
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Edit: Let's just say you'll have 1 771 561 (and growing) reasons to go through to the end once you've started it.
Re-edit: Well, submitting now... I'm going to publish it as we get closer to the deadline.
Name: Tribbling the Borg
Faction: Federation
@handle: dalolorn
Level requirement: 41+
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
By: cormactheblue
Faction: Fed
Level requirements: 31+
Mission Brief: Sometimes things are not what they appear, nor go as planned. Sometimes the simplest task can cause the greatest of catastrophes. You are tasked to investigate a possible distress signal in the Alpha Centauri Sector Block, in the Sienae System.
I hope you all enjoy the mission. Unfortunately, I will have to miss the discussion. My sister-in-law had a baby this week and I really need to get out and visit with her.
I wish I had time to do some more fine tuning but we do what we can.
Funfact: My AWAY TEAM mysteriously materialized in space not far from where I destroyed the *redacted* in the last map of the mission.
Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you have several million tribbles on board... you accidentally grab a few of your people as well as the tribbles. :rolleyes:
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
Faction : KDF
Level : 31 +
Total Time Start to finish : 15 hours, 46 minutes, with lots of breaks and I got my carpet cleaned in that time as well. IPhones are great for looking stuff up while you are doing other stuff that helps to do more stuff and ...
Well anyway ...
Status : Published, In dire need of actual editing.
Mainly I was jut doing this to see what I could accomplish in such a short time.
Pretty happy with it actually.
- John
Edit: Okay, apparently the mission works, except for a few minor issues.
Well, and a major one, but it's easily solved. Working on it now.
Re-edit: All fixed. I look forward to seeing the results tomorrow morning. (CET here, I'll be asleep by the time you finish through all the missions and make up your minds)
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
The deadline is 2pm PDT/10pm BST
The livestream will begin at 1:30pm PDT/9:30pm BST at www.cerberusfilms.net/Live.
Come join us
Machinima Person
Did some things back in the day
Now a Games Developer and Researcher
Well, I presume we'll be hearing the results in this thread...
Good luck, guys - both of you.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
"The Sword of the Kuvah'Magh"
Federation - Any Level
Please forgive the roughness. At around the 18hr mark, I began to hallucinate.
Mission Title: Rescue 101
@handle: @Rellimtime82
Allegince: Starfleet
Level: Any Level
@Rellimtime82 - Foundry Author
On a more serious note, if I get something, the extra competition will make it actually feel like a success.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
ID: Sethpower121
Faction: Fed
Level required: Any level
Mission description:As the crew returns to DS9 from shore leave at Bajor, they encounter a temporal anomaly coming from the wormhole!
"You won't win.. I'm a psycho!.."
By: gwilson3
Faction: Fed
Level requirements: Any Level
Mission Brief:
Starfleet Intelligence has found a very rare and valuable resource in the Klingon neutral zone. The only problem is that there is already a small Klingon settlement there. If Starfleet goes in guns a blazing it could spark a war.
This module is a mix of story, planetary exploration and some combat.
This is my first Foundry mission. I had a lot of fun doing it and learned so much about how missions work. I really enjoyed watching the first class. Glad it was available to rewatch since it has been a while. Hope to make more, and better missions in the future.
there is a console to use next to Wanda at the Starfleet Academy.
What I came up with is this:
The Lursid
Fed: any level
You are called to investigate what is befalling an anti Borg task force on a remote planet. Members of the task force and even the liberated Borg they have allied with are being overtaken with an illness that seems to be caused by Borg nanoprobes. Are the Borg evolving their tactics or is there something else behind the mysterious illness?
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
All the entries had promise, and good ideas, and will receive a Mirror Universe Lockbox Ship.
But of course, there have to be some winners that just had that little bit more.
The Overall Winner (Best Mission)
The Sword of the Kuvah'Magh
Faction: Fed
By @Krwolcott
He wins 1000 Cryptic Points and his mission Spotlit by the Official STO Foundry Mission Spotlight.
The following missions have all also won a choice of costume (either Enterprise uniform, TOS Formal, TOS Tunic, or TOS Medical)
Mission Name: Distress signal
Faction: Fed
Level requirements: 31+
By @cormactheblue
Mission Name: Bleeding Heart
Faction: Fed
Level requirements: Any Level
By @gwilson3
Mission Title : 'The Alhena Incident'
Faction: KDF
Level requirements: 35+
By @Hippiejon
The following mission showed promise and with a little more work would be just as good as the others, the author will receive a Lockbox Ship.
Runner Up
Mission title : Before & After
Faction: Fed
Level requirements: Any level
By @Sethpower121
Even though it was a very good mission, this one had to be disqualified because it ran well over time, we still thought it deserved an honorable mention and will also receive the Lockbox Ship.
Mission Title: Rescue 101
Faction: Fed
Level requirements: Any Level
By @Rellimtime82
You'll be able to check out each missions review on the video recording from the Live Stream (Link will be posted here, OR Subscribe to www.youtube.com/CerberusFilms to see it as soon as it's uploaded, as well as our other Foundry Tutorials, Reviews, Game Play videos and more)
Thank you to everyone who took part in this series of events, we learn't a lot and look forward to doing it all again sometime in the not too distant future, soon(tm).
Machinima Person
Did some things back in the day
Now a Games Developer and Researcher