can i?how do i do it?i noticed that for some reason the character i had there was deleted so i transfared my main a few minutes ago.will the roulan be available after the transfare is completed since my main is a VA?
You can create Romulan toon, if you got closed beta invite email.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
It seems that regular tribble users are the first, i always use tribble and test every new feature that gets patched to and i got an email, just seems that way to me.
yeah that makes sense.i just stop going to tribble some time ago that it used to be really painfull experience just to manage to get in and then you had to deal with being kicked that i think about it that was some time ago...
I tested Tribble like mad for Seasons 1-5, spending full weeks on the server and logging bugs each time. No dice for me.
Now I have been almost entirely inactive in STO for about the last year. That could have something to do with it.
[SIGPIC]Want to know more about Cryptic's hidden lottery odds and outcomes? Read my posts below.[/SIGPIC] Lock Boxes: The true value - (thread link) Jem'Hadar Bug Odds - (thread link) Galor Creation Rate - (thread link) Find me in TSW - TSW Chronicle Profile
No, that can't be all of it...I got an invite, my wife doesn't. She tests as much as I do, but plays less regularly now (always does the Tribble test weekends mind)
Who knows eh? We'll all be playing next month anwway.
I didn't use tribble until New Romulus. But then I came back sometimes, to test the flamethrower mostly, and give my comment about it.
Then I think there is some random involved.
I never even got an email and I'm in the Closed Beta... or at least I don't think, I did go a bit delete crazy clearing out my email the last few weeks sooo... might have deleted it, actually went to go check out he Warp Cores and UI again when I found out I had access... in hindsight I should probably not go on a mass deleting spree <.<
Actually I think that the selection is random because I have never been on Tribble and a I got an invite. Finding out how to transfer a character to the server was a pain tho
Actually I think that the selection is random because I have never been on Tribble and a I got an invite. Finding out how to transfer a character to the server was a pain tho
Why'd you transfer a toon? Shouldn't you be playtesting the romulan stuff, which means starting a brand new character? One that's Romulan?
While I would think the Romulan stuff would be the main focus, there are other things that can be tested on the Fed and Klink side.
I think his point was if you're lucky enough to get a Rom invite you should test Rom stuff. The rest of us, who don't have Rom invites, can test Fed and KDF changes.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I think his point was if you're lucky enough to get a Rom invite you should test Rom stuff. The rest of us, who don't have Rom invites, can test Fed and KDF changes.
Point taken, but hey there is no accounting for what people will test... Have I mentioned I want to play with the Rommies?
a) You had to do something with Tribble in the past couple of weeks/months (its slightly vague)
b) You had to do past Tribble testing on major events
c) You had to be at least a silver
There seems to have been possibly other criteria, but the above seem to be the main. Then from that pool, they randomly picked "x" number of people to test it.
a) You had to do something with Tribble in the past couple of weeks/months (its slightly vague)
b) You had to do past Tribble testing on major events
c) You had to be at least a silver
There seems to have been possibly other criteria, but the above seem to be the main. Then from that pool, they randomly picked "x" number of people to test it.
Having tested a lot of things for Cryptic from CoH to Neverwinter, I am a little surprised that purchase of a LoR pack didn't come with beta access.
Now I have been almost entirely inactive in STO for about the last year. That could have something to do with it.
Lock Boxes: The true value - (thread link)
Jem'Hadar Bug Odds - (thread link)
Galor Creation Rate - (thread link)
Find me in TSW - TSW Chronicle Profile
Who knows eh?
Then I think there is some random involved.
Why'd you transfer a toon? Shouldn't you be playtesting the romulan stuff, which means starting a brand new character? One that's Romulan?
While I would think the Romulan stuff would be the main focus, there are other things that can be tested on the Fed and Klink side.
Point taken, but hey there is no accounting for what people will test... Have I mentioned I want to play with the Rommies?
EDIT: How rude of me, I forgot to say please, so.... please? I'll be nice! =P
a) You had to do something with Tribble in the past couple of weeks/months (its slightly vague)
b) You had to do past Tribble testing on major events
c) You had to be at least a silver
There seems to have been possibly other criteria, but the above seem to be the main. Then from that pool, they randomly picked "x" number of people to test it.
Having tested a lot of things for Cryptic from CoH to Neverwinter, I am a little surprised that purchase of a LoR pack didn't come with beta access.