BUG / Description::
Lt. Ferra (Fed) contacts the KDF allied Romulan when qualifying for DOFFs at level 12 instead of level 11 and no "Initial Duty Officer Cadre" supplied.
Progression Bug
1 - Resolve "Neutral No More"
---- ( Level up to 11 to qualify for DOFFs - no contact made regarding DOFFs )
2 - Resolve "Stepping In"
---- ( Level up to 12 - Lt Ferra makes contact )
Current Location: Eta ( -1095 20 -6374 )
This is a KDF alligned Romulan that gets contacted by Lt Ferra when reaching level 12.
Chat Syslog:
Resolved mission "Stepping In".
Skill Point +5,834
[NumericLevelSet] You are now Centurion (12)
[NumericReceived] You received 3,399 Expertise
Accolade complete: Centurion Ability: Rank I
Acquired mission: The Price of Neutrality
[LegacyFloaterMsg] Duty Officers Unlocked!
Acquired mission: First Complement
"First Complement" complete!
Accolade complete: Duty Officers Unlocked
"If you cannot control yourself, you cannot command others." -- Klingon Honor Guard Manual, Pg. 16