Hi Folks!
--1st of all - this is a copy of a thread in the Federation Shipyards section located here:
I only created it a second time here to make sure all brave klingon warriors will notice it as well.--
As some of you certainly have noticed in the thread about Spidermitch's Shipcharts,
I spent a lot of time creating a web based app which allows to compare the different
playable starships 1 vs. 1. There also is a small app for android based devices - merely
a browser with a hardlink to the website, but I liked the idea.
For the web app I used parts of spidermich's charts as well as the layout and graphics
starfish1701 created for his chart of the vice admiral and fleet ships.
Since my work has finished (at least until all the new romulan ships will arrive)
I decided to move out of the old sticky thread and start this new one.
I hope you enjoy it.
If you find any bugs, feel free to contact me.
You will find the links to the website in my signature.
Lot of Zen ships missing, Birds of Prey missing, a couple raptors missing, etc.
You're also missing the Bortasque, Vo'Quv, etc.
There is nothing missing.
Choose the KDF-Version and select (1) ship type and (2) the ships you want to compare
on both pulldown-menues - voila.
Bortas is in Battle Cruisers, Vo'Quv in Carriers and so on...
Watch out for my Starship Comparator app at
http://ssc.levega.de or http://www.stoshipcompare.tk
Didn't realize you made two different versions, why not combine them to make it easier to compare between factions their ships?