On both of my characters that I have copied to tribble the ship that is displayed behind my character is my shuttle rather then my main ship, the ship name that is displayed matches the main ship rather then the shuttle however.
I have the same problem as the OP, and it absolutely kills what is otherwise a very cool new login screen. I would speculate the root cause is the same as all of the other shuttle related naming and display bugs.
Normally I would not have a problem with something like this. However, when I logged in with excitment to see my crew and ship in the background it was killed by a lame shuttle being there instead.
I have the same issue, with the added bonus that for some reason they've cloned my Tactical officer 3 times... I actually have Science and Engineering Boffs assigned.. not that you'd know by looking at this.
That said... I *really* do love the idea of seeing my ship and Bridge Officers along with my Captain.
someone else said they had a similar problem of duplicate bridge officers being shown, said they fixed it by changing any duplicate names. See if that helps?
someone else said they had a similar problem of duplicate bridge officers being shown, said they fixed it by changing any duplicate names. See if that helps?
i have that problem as well on my KDF i imported to tribble. the Shuttle is shown behind my captain in character select screen. i've noticed that it also displays first when the repair damage dialog box is brought up. this seems stupid to me as the shuttle has not been used in some time and has no damage so there's no reason to display that ship.
That said... I *really* do love the idea of seeing my ship and Bridge Officers along with my Captain.
Duplicate names?
All of my BOffs have different names already...?