I have been using antiproton weapons since I started my escort. At the time I was told they was the best for PvP. But here lately I have been wondering maybe I should do a change. Especially, since I rarely every see antiproton weapons in pvp anymore and I also been reading that the other energy type weapons such as Disrupter, phasers, and the hybrids are better. I currently have on my escort:
All Advanced Fleet Antiproton Duel Heavy Cannons MK XII DMG x 2 ACC x 2
Advanced Fleet Antiproton Turret DMG x 2 ACC x 2
4 X Console - Tactical - Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XII.
I worked hard to get those Mag Regulators lol. If I upgrade I will be going to the blue Tac console of what ever energy type I chose because, in which I am still not sure on what i would choose heh. I am not able to put in a lot of time into STO as much as I want, and I am not that good at working the Exchange like some of you are (grumbles in jealousy). That's why I am asking is it worth the upgrade, and if it is I am more then willing to do it. I personally think it is worth it, but I just wanted to ask those who are a lot more experience then I am before I dive into this adventure lol. Thanks for your help
"Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily."
You dont see them often because only a few people will spend the money to build out the kit. There isnt going to be anything better for raw damage in 1v1 combat. The other weapon types all have roles in team fights, disruptors for group damage most notably.
Try disruptors. Antiproton is fine but it's harder to spike people than it used to be so you can often pound on someone until the disruptor procs and they melt like butter. It's a 15 second proc too which is totally OP.
with so many elite resA shields in use, theres never been a better time to opt for dirsupters, AP or plasma.
those acc2 AP weapons are technically the best AP weapons ever, being a procless weapon with 5 weapons mods. several stacked dam modes does seem to make a difference in you common hit being quite strong, as long as you can get good accuracy with fleet weapons they are actually quite good. id proboly stick with those really.
disruptors are very underrated, especially on ships that spike and get a shot at the hull. the 12% res debuff to all damage is good, and for some reason it actually stacks a 24% debuff specifically for disruptor damage, tooltip wont tell you that though, thats a secret.
plasma, as long as no stf shields are around is good too. with the embassy consoles and some rep equipment you can get about an extra tac console worth of buff to them over any other energy type.
I have been using antiproton weapons since I started my escort. At the time I was told they was the best for PvP. But here lately I have been wondering maybe I should do a change. Especially, since I rarely every see antiproton weapons in pvp anymore and I also been reading that the other energy type weapons such as Disrupter, phasers, and the hybrids are better. I currently have on my escort:
All Advanced Fleet Antiproton Duel Heavy Cannons MK XII DMG x 2 ACC x 2
Advanced Fleet Antiproton Turret DMG x 2 ACC x 2
4 X Console - Tactical - Antiproton Mag Regulator Mk XII.
I worked hard to get those Mag Regulators lol. If I upgrade I will be going to the blue Tac console of what ever energy type I chose because, in which I am still not sure on what i would choose heh. I am not able to put in a lot of time into STO as much as I want, and I am not that good at working the Exchange like some of you are (grumbles in jealousy). That's why I am asking is it worth the upgrade, and if it is I am more then willing to do it. I personally think it is worth it, but I just wanted to ask those who are a lot more experience then I am before I dive into this adventure lol. Thanks for your help
Since fleet shields have been around and people have been 'using it to their advantage' there is no other way but to occasionally switch your weapontypes in PvP, midst match, when you die, and if you dont die you could fly out and get out of combat and switch em over.
I still use Maco shields on all my toons (Except for my KDF, which doesnt need shields anyway :P) and im cool with it. I couldnt be bothered constantly switching over to ResA or ResB shields, I do have 3/4 sets on every toon to switch my weapons with in case some Fleet shield abuser gets in my way.
When that happens, i still think maco would be the best shield for them, but its their own choice
with so many elite resA shields in use, theres never been a better time to opt for dirsupters, AP or plasma.
It depends. Good premades/players have been using alot of different weapontypes these days, fleet weapons are relatively easy to get as well now ([acc]x2 etc) and im pretty sure all fleet shield users have both a copy of ResA and ResB shields in their inventory by now.
those acc2 AP weapons are technically the best AP weapons ever, being a procless weapon with 5 weapons mods. several stacked dam modes does seem to make a difference in you common hit being quite strong, as long as you can get good accuracy with fleet weapons they are actually quite good. id proboly stick with those really.
disruptors are very underrated, especially on ships that spike and get a shot at the hull. the 12% res debuff to all damage is good, and for some reason it actually stacks a 24% debuff specifically for disruptor damage, tooltip wont tell you that though, thats a secret.
plasma, as long as no stf shields are around is good too. with the embassy consoles and some rep equipment you can get about an extra tac console worth of buff to them over any other energy type.
Since fleet shields have been around and people have been 'using it to their advantage' there is no other way but to occasionally switch your weapontypes in PvP, midst match, when you die, and if you dont die you could fly out and get out of combat and switch em over.
I still use Maco shields on all my toons (Except for my KDF, which doesnt need shields anyway :P) and im cool with it. I couldnt be bothered constantly switching over to ResA or ResB shields, I do have 3/4 sets on every toon to switch my weapons with in case some Fleet shield abuser gets in my way.
When that happens, i still think maco would be the best shield for them, but its their own choice
It depends. Good premades/players have been using alot of different weapontypes these days, fleet weapons are relatively easy to get as well now ([acc]x2 etc) and im pretty sure all fleet shield users have both a copy of ResA and ResB shields in their inventory by now.