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[Suggestion] Happy First Contact Day! Where's our Fleet Dreadnought?



  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Some people obviously think that the 5 / 2 / 3 layout is "not enough for a tactically oriented cruiser".

    Allow me to give a brief refresher: The Galaxy-X is a tactical improvement over the Galaxy-class starship. They slap on a third nacelle, slap on some antennae, a weird box-thing, some 90's fins, and a kick-butt lance.

    It does not mean that the ship joins the ranks of the Sovereign-class in having four tactical consoles. That's what we have the Sovereign (and Fleet Excelsior) for. If you want four tactical consoles, go fly one of those ships instead.

    In the meantime, for those who understand that under all of those cosmetic changes is a resilient girl, let's continue with 5 Engineering consoles.
    I agree with this, but I also don't what the Gal-X to completely supercede the Gal-R in niche, that's why I went with the extra Sci console. You can use it for many things, like an extra emitter array for better shield healing, or a particle generator to make EWP1 burn harder.

    6 eng slots give you plenty of options for healing, or have some access to offensive Eng abilities. Just not both at the same time.

    I wanted to make the Gal-X the most tactically-focused cruiser in Starfleet (or outright a battlecruiser) while still retaining some hallmarks in healing and defensive options. I certainly do want to make her a little worse in tanking in exchange. That was the logic behind +1 sci console (its a slot that now can go either way), the Comm Tac slot (no other Fed cruiser has it) and the buff to inertia rating.

    I think that's the niche left, since the others have been taken: Hardcore Tank (Gal-R), varying degrees of Offensive (Excelsior, Assault Cruiser, fleet cruisers), hybrid-support (Ambassador), Multirole (Odyssey), full support (Star Cruiser). Full-on Offensive is the last niche missing from the line-up, and that's where I wanted to stick the Gal-X in. So, no universal slots and bake the red color into the dough, in exchange for 2 Lt Comm slots.

    Mirrors the original Enterprise nicely too. Riker, Data and La Forge: Comm Red, Lt Comm Yellow, Lt Comm Yellow. :cool:
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Where is the Fleet Dreadnought? Probably at the Qualor II Surplus Depot awaiting disposal. :P

    Oh look what you've done. Your little dialogue box alerted the Bug I was about to power up and gank! :p

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sounds good. I'll pull out my escort, and we'll really see about your ship being more of an escort... or more of a cruiser.

    what did you want to proove here? i don't anderstand.
    that your escort will do more damage than my engie heavy, beam boat gal x in estf?
    that you might be able to kill me in a challenge 1vs1?

    if that the case, you might have,as you said to me, read all my posts, but you certainly didn't anderstand them, or you just don't want to.

    english is not my primary language, i don't master it to the perfection, so maybe it my fault, i didn't make myself clear enought, let me try to correct that.

    i don't want to make this ship an escort ,first, and i certainly do not think it is right now.

    when i said this:
    i bielieve that some of them could fill the role of a sub damage dealer ( compared to an escort ).
    that is already the case in the game, see the galor, but the galaxy x is not part of that group due to it stats that make it a wanabbe of the 2 categorie.

    maybe i didn't use the correct word, you tell me.
    sub damage dealer here, for me, mean to deal less damage than an escort ( sub damage compared to an escort).
    i want it to be able to deal comparable damage as a regent, dkora, galor.

    it is also clearly mentioned, for me anyway, that currently, considereing the bo layout of the galaxy x, this IS NOT POSSIBLE.
    yes even dealing damage comparable to these cruiser is not possible.
    so why in the hell would i think that it can deal as much damage as even the less powerfull escort?
    why in the hell would i came in this forum to ask for more tactical abilitie?

    that being said, if it a challenge you want, i am your man!

    the problem here, buddy, is that ( and i known that could sounds strange by reading it) by doing this you are taking far more risk than i do.
    that a good escort is capable of killing a tact galaxy x is nothing extraordinary.
    the problem is that the countrary might happened. ( yes, even with my beam boat you might get a little surprised if your not at the level)
    how would you feel if you were to be beaten by what is considered by the pvp community as the biggest gimp ship EVA.
    where your argue will fall then?
    because mine would still stand correct, even if i loose.

    anyway, if you want to try this here my handle in game @NEO_NX ( yeah, in capslock, hehe ).
    one more thing, i will not be ready in the minute, i would have to change some gear before.
    i am currently nerfing myself intentionally to get used to the new fleet gear base stat that will be available to me in one week.
    i have remove my maco deflector and replace it with a mk1 standard version, i also remove my adapted maco and replace it with a green standard mk11 shield.
    see you in game.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    neo1nx wrote: »
    english is not my primary language, i don't master it to the perfection, so maybe it my fault, i didn't make myself clear enought, let me try to correct that.

    i don't want to make this ship an escort ,first, and i certainly do not think it is right now.

    when i said this:

    maybe i didn't use the correct word, you tell me.
    sub damage dealer here, for me, mean to deal less damage than an escort ( sub damage compared to an escort).
    i want it to be able to deal comparable damage as a regent, dkora, galor.

    Okay, I understand what you're trying to say now. I didn't know that English wasn't your primary language.

    I get what you're saying - you want a slant towards tactical, but your ship is still a cruiser. That's fine, and I offer this:

    Have the 4 / 3 / 3 current layout, but have an additional console slot that is grey - it is a "universal console slot" (not to be confused with Universal Consoles). That way, if you want to tank in the Galaxy-X, you can, and if you want to do more damage in the Galaxy-X, you can.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
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  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That way, if you want to tank in the Galaxy-X, you can, and if you want to do more damage in the Galaxy-X, you can.

    How exactly does having an extra sci console giving you more damage? You have a Lt Sci Boff slot, everyone knows one of these is hazard emitters, the other is transfer shield strength. To sacrifice either of these reduces your tanking, not to mention replacing it with any offensive sci ability at that level is meagre.

    If you mean a universal console in that extra sci slot, no thanks. I'd rather not have another gimmick like the 50/50 lance with another cooldown to contend with, and rather either have 4 Tac Consoles or a Lt Commander Tac Boff slot.
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  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's not exactly what I mean.

    Do you have the Odyssey? In that ship, you have what is called the "Universal" boff seat. You can plop a tac, eng or sci boff in that seat.

    I'm proposing something a little different. A "Universal" console slot. You can plop a tac, eng or sci console in that spot. It's a huge benefit since you can further specialize in a ship.

    Some people in the Galaxy threads complain on how the TNG Tech Manual describes the ship as modular, but they don't have that customization here. This idea was originally created for that, but can apply here as well.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,356 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well why not give it a Lt cmdr uni slot and 4 TAC consoles?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • trimenranger1trimenranger1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gal-R: 2 tact consoles
    Gal-X: 3 tact consoles

    Gal-R: 8 weapon slots
    Gal-X: 8 weapon slots + Phaser lance + Dual Cannons capable + cloak

    I see the Gal-X as a Gal-R with more punch. It should never be on par with an escort in sustainable firepower.

    I am a Tact I have a Fleet Gal-R and a Gal-X I love em both.

    Nothing brings a brighter smile to your face with a fully powered up decloak lance attack.

    3 Very Rare MKXII phaser consoles, APA, APB1, Tact Team 1, Fire on my mark, Go down fighting, tactical fleet, Large Weapon battery with the Doff that gives 10% damage and things go kaboom.
    Trimen Ranger
    Admiral Federation Tactical Corps
    >Star Fleet Elite Force< Click if you are ready to boldy go where no one has gone before.
    Seek not the final frontier if you fear the unknown. -Admiral Trimen Ranger
  • ozy83ozy83 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    A univeral modular console slot would be very interesting, in respect to furthering a niche in whatever combat situation you'd find yourself in. That would be pretty cool, I agree. Sadly, I can't see Cryptic doing it. I mean Jesus, they've been working on this "fleet" version in testing since early 2011 and we're still waiting.

    I wouldn't be bothered as much if it were'nt the fact it's the one ship I love to use the most. As I've said, I've piloted this ship for two years, I know her limitations and her strengths. It's just so disheartening seeing so many fleet ships released and the Gal-X left way at the back of the line.


    As cool as that'd be from a pew pew standpoint, we have to still be fair to everyone else. With a Lt Commander Tac Boff you'd just inflate the current setup to:

    Tac Team, Fire at Will II and APB II. That alone with three Tac Consoles should be sufficient to remain competitive (especially with bonuses from Aux2Bat Doffs, Technicians, DEM Doffs, FAW Doffs et al), plus maintaing +125 weapon power.

    I'm already hitting between 1.5-7k (crits included) per phaser strikes per beam on unshielded targets with the above (not even taking into account wide angle quantum or cluster torp).

    As long as you're commited to making her the best offensive tank she can be, you can get quite alot out of her, and I'm not a tactical captain, I'm an Engineer.
    Lag Watch:
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  • loading159loading159 Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    like the idea with a "universal console SLOT." give it a universal lieutenant commander seat and we might have something here. a ship that can be used for tacs, eng, and sci captains. while keeping the comander eng seat.

    also 44k hull too, maybe even 45k.
    Captain Moe
    U.S.S. Prometheus
    Fleet Multi Vector Advanced Escort
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