Sorry if this should rather go into the c-store subforum but I so want and I would so pay to have klingon augments as a playable race then i would totally reroll (even with rom expansion) klingon faction. Others would buy too... Feds get all kinds of TOS love, why not Klingons?
maybe through pack: klingon augments as playable race(or unlock character creator options for regular klingon species that allow TOS klingons), TOS klingon female costumes, some gorn stuff like costume or a boulder as a melee weapon, D7 skin, and a tribble hunting rifle and call it a day
If you want to look like an 'augment', just roll a human and give it brown skin. Some features from TOS (many features, if I had my way) should be left in the 60's where they belong.
the Lumpy head version is a result of Tortoises and super glue
The Klingon augments were an experiment (failed) and there was only a handful of them. The disease they carried infected millions of Klingons and created the TOS Klingons. So I don't see the point of having a playable race that died out weeks after it was created... If all you want is a TOS Klingon with dreads than the AlienGen is your friend:)
I do think the female TOS uniform should be added either to the Fed TOS pack or a free unlock or something for KDF players. I'd also like to see perhaps Gorwon's cloak and the Duras sisters uniforms added, perhaps they could be added for max Maraudering like how the Feds get that overly bright white uniform.
Well, to be fair I think zanfrominus does not mean augmented Klingons but does not know how to refer to them in any other way aside from TOS Klingons or augments.
Very few people around here are familiar with the term QuchHa'.;)
There are two interesting things to consider: even after the supposed "fix" for the effects of the augment virus, there were still some strange variations among the Klingons.
For example Klaa from Star Trek V has the familiar Klingon crest but a human looking chest
While Kurn in "Sons of Mogh" has a completely different chest.
So it appears there are still Klingons around who have only a "reconstructed" crest but are still QuchHa'.
It's possible the "fix" B'vat brought to the past does not work on all of them.
Perhaps after a generation or two some of then changes have become dominant in some of the Klingon offspring and can't be "treated away.
And of course there's ample evidence in the Fed campaign that the Klingons are still experimenting with augmentation of some sort.
I'm familiar with the term QuchHa'
The augment virus' effects were a mark of great dishonor upon the families that were cursed with it. I see no reason why we should have it in-game in such a manner.
Oh come on. TOS klingons are just guys in blackface with fake fu-manchu 'staches glued on.
3 words why TOS klingon are cool: Kor, Kang, Koloth...
Totally agree.
The franchise needs to retire the TNG-era models and sets (which influenced DS9, Voyager, and even Enterprise sets), and TNG is 15-20 years ahead of TOS.
Enough is enough. Leave TOS back in the 60's where it belongs. It was a great show. . .for the 60's and 70's.
The simple answer would be: just beause some folks were embarrassed by it does not mean it ceases to exist.
Also, would Worf's (rather rigid and unrelaxed) view from "Trials and Tribble-ations" be shared by all Klingons?
I don't think so.
Even when the concept was new, General K'vak said "Your heart is still Klingon."
Also would it be an embarrassement to those affected? All the millions of them?
I seriously doubt that.
Would love to see a short film ala this, or this:
Addicted: January 2012
batlh QIH 'ej!
What was nice was that they were one of the few enemy Captains with alot of dialogue and acting as a foil for Kirk. Especially Kor (who also goes out the best possible way in DS9).
You know, the Klingon at the end licking his knife could pass for Kor...