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Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier Attack Ship Pets Lockout.



  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I guess for me it also falls on the insult that they cloaked this as a "bonus" for JHAS owners, and while I can respect the JHAS owners might deserve a bonus in the wake of a Dominion lockbox since the're no longer the only people who get the only Dominion ship.

    the way they did this was not well thought out, at the very minimum the pets should be unlocked for all, and the JHAS owners get the pets for free on all scales.

    at the max the pets are unlocked for all, but the JHAS owners get a different version for use on all full carriers.
  • causalityeffectcausalityeffect Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Attack Ship Escorts were added before Cryptic started their pathetic console set program across multiple ships.
    The logical thing to have done would be giving Attack Ship Escort owners a console that is part of a 3 piece set with the other Dominion ships.

    This console would essentially spawn 2 attack ship NPCs for the Escort - Since the Attack Ships were often seen traveling in packs of 3.

    Thus you have the Attack Ship Escort having two NPC wingmen which when combined with the full set would lower the cooldown of the respawn rate to that of the Attack Ship pet hangers.
    The Attack Ship hangers would be available to Dreadnaught pilots wether they have the Escort or not.

    Result: If someone has the full set the Dreadnaught would effectively have 3 hangers for a total of 6 Attack Ship NPC Pets
    This gives owners of each ship their special console advantage and those who own the entire set a reward that can translate to any of the ships.
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Elite Fer'Jai exist? They are from t5 science?

    Back on topic I agree jhas pets should be available to all JHDC captains...

    Sorry, I meant advanced. Though I am interested to see if there are actual elite versions available with the T5 sci upgrade.
    The Attack Ship Escorts were added before Cryptic started their pathetic console set program across multiple ships.
    The logical thing to have done would be giving Attack Ship Escort owners a console that is part of a 3 piece set with the other Dominion ships.

    This console would essentially spawn 2 attack ship NPCs for the Escort - Since the Attack Ships were often seen traveling in packs of 3.

    Thus you have the Attack Ship Escort having two NPC wingmen which when combined with the full set would lower the cooldown of the respawn rate to that of the Attack Ship pet hangers.
    The Attack Ship hangers would be available to Dreadnaught pilots wether they have the Escort or not.

    Result: If someone has the full set the Dreadnaught would effectively have 3 hangers for a total of 6 Attack Ship NPC Pets
    This gives owners of each ship their special console advantage and those who own the entire set a reward that can translate to any of the ships.

    You're right, adding another console for the bugship and making it part of the set as an ACTUAL bonus would have been far better than this mess. Not only would it have been appreciated by the players, it would have made cryptic more money.
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Attack Ship Escorts were added before Cryptic started their pathetic console set program across multiple ships.
    The logical thing to have done would be giving Attack Ship Escort owners a console that is part of a 3 piece set with the other Dominion ships.

    This console would essentially spawn 2 attack ship NPCs for the Escort - Since the Attack Ships were often seen traveling in packs of 3.

    Thus you have the Attack Ship Escort having two NPC wingmen which when combined with the full set would lower the cooldown of the respawn rate to that of the Attack Ship pet hangers.
    The Attack Ship hangers would be available to Dreadnaught pilots wether they have the Escort or not.

    Result: If someone has the full set the Dreadnaught would effectively have 3 hangers for a total of 6 Attack Ship NPC Pets
    This gives owners of each ship their special console advantage and those who own the entire set a reward that can translate to any of the ships.

    This is absolutely brilliant!

    and ya know what, if they implement it soon either before or after the rommie launch, then it can bring in some much needed income for Cryptic's STO team. It is both a business and clear ethic I can get behind.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    woa woa woa.....who the hell managed to pump out 3-4k dps with the JHAS-H pets?

    Advanced Slavers can do 1.3k DPS with a single beam array and photon mines in Tau Dewa patrol so I don't know if that's too far feteched.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    how about this give the blue one to the ones who own the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier and the epic ones to who have the Dreadnought and the bug ship and or ppl who have both Carriers can get the epic ones to
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    daan2006 wrote: »
    how about this give the blue one to the ones who own the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier and the epic ones to who have the Dreadnought and the bug ship and or ppl who have both Carriers can get the epic ones to

    eh that last part didn't sit well, if they have both carriers then get the purple ones. but i really think causalityeffect's idea blew pretty much everything else out of the water, best of all it makes cryptic money while still being a bit kind to the consumerbase.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It's hard to add anything more to this topic that I already did not offer in the closed thread.

    I to like causalityeffect suggestion; however, I fear it's far too late to for anything to be done about the Gating of the Hanger Attack Ships.

    Cryptic used all the hype that was generated about the Bug ship being tied to the Dreadnought Carrier and used it to boost Fleet Support Booster pack sales.

    I believe now that Cryptic has milked the Bug and the Dreadnoughts Hanger Bugs for all that they could that we'll be seeing the Hanger Bugs in the Lobi store at the launch of LOR or soon after.

    Cryptic has been trying to make money anyway they could since they've been developing LOR which is a free expansion that currently shows no way for them to recoup development costs and I'm sure that the gating of the Hanger Bugs was looked at has a way to bring Cryptic some cash to help offset the investment in LOR.

    I also see the pay gating of the Alien Generator for the Romulan faction has another attempt by Cryptic to recoup some of the development cost of LOR.

    For the Record I'm still very much against the above type of Gating and still believe that Cryptic could have found a much more balanced way for them to make a buck off the Hanger Bugs and now the Romulan faction.

    Now that the Bug ship is back in the Disney vault what does that mean for newer players coming in that might want to use the Dreadnought Carrier and would like to have its Hanger Attack ships available to them?

    The Gating of the Hanger Bugs does not hurt the Bug ship in anyway but it does IMO slightly hurt the appeal of the Dreadnought Carrier.

    If Cryptic had just added the Hanger Bugs to the Lobi store from the start their most likely would have not been a lot that most players could have complained about and I believe that sales of Lobi would have been pretty consistence due to players needing it to pick up a play set of Hanger Bugs.

    In a Perfect World the only requirement to unlocking the option to buy the Dreads Hanger Bugs should have been owning the Dread itself but that ship has long since sailed and I fear that we must start offering up ways for Cryptic to sell us things that we normally would never of have to pay for that both parties can accept.

    I never thought I'd see Cryptic start locking out Hanger options that could only be used exclusively with one class Carrier from the very Carrier that it could be used with; however, now that it has been done, I fear there is no going back.
  • preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I spent $500 on packs thinking i was going to get a bugship just so I could have that hangar..my fault, should have just sold the packs and bought one from exchange but I didnt :(

    How do you do something like that? The mind boggles. Just put in a little effort and your bank can look like this, too! http://imgur.com/VLfvQeZ
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Tholian frigate doesn't seem to work.
    Seems to fly away.

    I really would like a general use /frigate for all full carrier.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kevaldt wrote: »
    so, essentially, what you are saying is "I cant get a bug, BOO-HOO"

    deal with it

    They have been making special promotions to allow people the chance to get it again, im actually kind of mad after they made such a big deal with the initial release and all the TRIBBLE they got for the rarity and such. It used to be a vanity ship, but now you cant fly through a system without seeing one.

    get over it

    The attack ship hangars are unlocked for those lucky enough (or in some cases rich enough) to have the bug ship. I dont see cryptic allowing anyone who doesnt have the bug to get these hangars anytime soon.

    I would love some spiral wave love, or andorian phasers, but you dont see me complaining about it.

    P.S.-Elite scorpions are better anyways, and you just have to have the romulan rep tiered up to do it, go get some of those and thank me later.

    My biggest problem with this is that it simply does not seem to follow logically. Why, if you own the JHAS, would you WANT to fly anything else in its place? What is the point of making you own a JHAS to get somewhat weak hangar pets for your big clunky carrier?

    That is sort of like saying "Here, you can drive this Scion fr-s BUT only if you first own a Ferrari f430.". I mean seriously?
  • ludikroludikro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    My biggest problem with this is that it simply does not seem to follow logically. Why, if you own the JHAS, would you WANT to fly anything else in its place? What is the point of making you own a JHAS to get somewhat weak hangar pets for your big clunky carrier?

    That is sort of like saying "Here, you can drive this Scion fr-s BUT only if you first own a Ferrari f430.". I mean seriously?

    Variety perhaps? I own a JHAS, and a JH Dreadnought, but I spend a lot of time flying around in my Defiant and switching between those ships regularly
  • casiopia254casiopia254 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ludikro wrote: »
    Variety perhaps? I own a JHAS, and a JH Dreadnought, but I spend a lot of time flying around in my Defiant and switching between those ships regularly

    ^ Good reply :)

    I used to want the JHAS back when it was new and was considered "the best" escort in the game. However, it is no longer the best escort in the game, so i was not to upset when I did not get one. I opened the packs hoping for one so that I could buy the hangar pets, but no luck.

    People are failing to realize that an old product is old and eventually gets replaced by newer, higher tech and shiny products, example : JHAS..it was new, it was the best..at one time.

    To claim this is not true would be like saying the 1994 Mustang GT is superior to the 2013 Mustang GT..this is simply not the case. Same goes for this JHAS. The ONLY reason this company re released this item, was because they new this would be a cash cow for players that were desperately gambling to obtain one of these ol' escorts so that they could have the ability to purchase the attack ship fighter hangars.

    And one other thing to those who are thinking about purchasing the purple very rare JHAS hangar or any hangar for that matter..30K dil each hangar, thats what they cost. Save yourselves the huge dil cost and buy the Rare blue quality hangar from the vendor at the shipyard. They cost 4,000 Energy Credits and the only difference would be like instead of High Yield 2, you would get high yield 1, or rapid fire 1 instead of 2..thats it, and they are ALOT cheaper. The AI for pets in this game is subpar, and slightly TRIBBLE. Dont spend all that dil for something that is not worth it. :)
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    preechrsa wrote: »
    How do you do something like that? The mind boggles. Just put in a little effort and your bank can look like this, too! http://imgur.com/VLfvQeZ

    YOU!!!! you just sent me on a ten hour imigur trip....I JUST got my ten week chip...

    in other news, I am curious as to why causalityeffect's idea hasn't been picked up by cryptic yet, at the very least it gets them more money as people scramble to get more of the lockbox ships.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Live and learn i guess, I will not be spending any more $$ on this game or Neverwinter.
    Too late..
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I used to want the JHAS back when it was new and was considered "the best" escort in the game. However, it is no longer the best escort in the game

    Strange. I seem to have missed the better one then.
  • madajmamamadajmama Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2013
    They could just make it account unlock.If i own JHAS on tac i would be able to purchase the jhas pets for my eng that owns the jem dread.

    Or remove JHAS req.Which should never exist in 1st place.
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