As we know, May brings the Romulans and Romulan BOFF's with the Subterfuge trait. The following is taken from the
13th of March Patch notes:
- All ranks of the Subterfuge Trait have gained a Defense bonus.
-- +1.25% / +2.5% / +3.75% for ranks 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
That means 5 BOFF's with Subterfuge III will get a bonus of +18.75 to defence value. Doesn't sound too bad right?
Well I can get an innate Defence value of 85% at the moment.
Movement: 65%
Elusive trait: 10%
Aegis set: +10%
So with 5 Romulan BOFF's and Subterfuge III I get a massive 103.75% Defence, and that's before Evasive Maneuvers, deuterium burn or Attack pattern Omega.
Also, it could be that the subterfuge bonus is multiplicative, making those increases less impressive than they look on paper. They could even be multiplicative off the base, really undermining their value. Have you done any testing on this, or searched around for any testing which may have been done?
It's also possible that they'll be re-redesigning subterfuge; as I understand it the human trait Leadership is being reworked to be reduced in effectiveness. It would make sense that they'd use the opportunity to adjust other boff space traits, though granted that's no guarantee they even remembered subterfuge exists.
Like every Escort does at current? Gun turreting went out ages ago.
The Stealth bonus doesn't stack.