This location needs more love and foot steps... I know it was said why open it for the sake of opening it... why not :-) Could be a second ship management hub besides ESD and a nice place apart... Although, please make it we can reach it from Earth space instead of going out to sector then back in the system
To file under "Maybe next year" -- perhaps add some of the team pennants for some of the more recently introduced ships, like the Armitage, Vesta, and Ambassador.
I can fully appreciate why you wouldn't have had time to do it this year
Thanks! That was one of the first things I did on STO.
Its rather nice, it is unfortunate that it is only available during "First Contact Day". It would be nice if we could access ships items and so forth or other things than it being centralized at ESD. I find UP a very nice location, one of the best visually and interesting concepts.
Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
Thanks! That was one of the first things I did on STO.
Not to reign on your parade; but I thought you said they'd have the space map of the Utopiua Planitia station (IE so we could travel to Mars' space fly around the outside shipyard area if we wanted and then beam over to the station? I believe it was stated the sp[ace map was available, but it had just not been 'hooked up'. I was actually looking forward to flying around the shipyards this year.
(The interior is nice as always.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
The space map does exist. However, with how busy we all are on Legacy of Romulus, I don't think anyone had time to hook it up. Maybe we can get it in next year. (no promises)
The space map does exist. However, with how busy we all are on Legacy of Romulus, I don't think anyone had time to hook it up. Maybe we can get it in next year. (no promises)
I think someone needs to set an alarm for sometime near the end of July to hook this up for next year's celebration.
The space map does exist. However, with how busy we all are on Legacy of Romulus, I don't think anyone had time to hook it up. Maybe we can get it in next year. (no promises)
Now if there was only a Fleet "Special Project" that gave us a similar interior to add to our Bases, I would GLADLY play the 200,000 Dilithium for that.
I really would like to have the sliding glass door conference rooms to add to my fleet base. Perhaps retool the Utopia map as an R&D for your base?
Matt Miracle
Fleet Commander in Chief [Rank 7] for Covenant of Honor; a FED T5 Starbase
House Leader [Rank 7] for Honorable House of Mor'gue; a KDF T3 Starbase Find us at My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle
It is actually one of the most beautiful space maps in STO. Nowhere elso do I have the feeling to actually be in orbit around a real planet. The planet's surface looks gorgeous, the proportions real. Good job!
I really hope Utopia Planitia becomes a social zone or something eventually, rather than only being open a few days a year outside Foundry missions. It's easily one of the best looking maps in the game. Probably the best for lighting.
Maybe that lighting could be applied elsewhere? I feel like the sunlight washing into Utopia Planitia is far more effective there than anywhere else. That would really perk up ESD, I think.
When it was made doesn't matter. It looks great and I appreciate the work they put into it
Taco, awesome work anyway!
I can fully appreciate why you wouldn't have had time to do it this year
Its rather nice, it is unfortunate that it is only available during "First Contact Day". It would be nice if we could access ships items and so forth or other things than it being centralized at ESD. I find UP a very nice location, one of the best visually and interesting concepts.
Not to reign on your parade; but I thought you said they'd have the space map of the Utopiua Planitia station (IE so we could travel to Mars' space fly around the outside shipyard area if we wanted and then beam over to the station? I believe it was stated the sp[ace map was available, but it had just not been 'hooked up'. I was actually looking forward to flying around the shipyards this year.
(The interior is nice as always.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Yeah a great looking map and one we have for the foundry too.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
I think someone needs to set an alarm for sometime near the end of July to hook this up for next year's celebration.
Do you think we'll ever see it replace the old Utopia Planitia Shipyard map that appears in the KDF mission "Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning" at some point?
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
I really would like to have the sliding glass door conference rooms to add to my fleet base. Perhaps retool the Utopia map as an R&D for your base?
Find us at My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle
Maybe that lighting could be applied elsewhere? I feel like the sunlight washing into Utopia Planitia is far more effective there than anywhere else. That would really perk up ESD, I think.
Hear Hear
Cool. Can we get the same quality scenery going for ESD?
Doesn't seem right that Mars looks so realistic and the view of Earth and the Moon just isn't. That goes for the view from space and on ESD.
Legendary Starfleet Captain
STO Forum Member since December 2010