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Fleet Neghvar by Arwin

deepspacejunkiedeepspacejunkie Member Posts: 82 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Hello all,

i recently did a article on the fleet negh'var and a few people have asked me to make it into a forum post for all to see, well here ya go! hope it helps :)

** please excuse the spelling and grammer errors i copied and pasted it from my draft file, if you want to see the full editied version it can be seen in the pvp bootcamp magazine at http://issuu.com/drkfrontiers/docs/pvp-boot-camp-companion-guide-v1 **

Hello fellow PvPers,

Before i start talking about the negh'var there a few things i want to make clear, in no way am i saying this is the only build that will work on it and that this is what you HAVE to do.. I was asked to talk about the negh'var and what kind of role i think it plays and to share some builds with you so i figured the best way to do that is to show you my personal build in detail and hopefully you can learn something from it.

Now the for the negh'var, just so you know my build is based on a fleet negh'var but you can easily adapt it into the non fleet varriant. The negh'var imo really is a offencive tank it has one of the highest turn rates for a cruiser, it comes with a cloaking device and can equip dual heavy cannons altho i really do not reccomend it and ill get into why later on in the weapons section.

Lets start with equipment, i run the omega engine and deflector for the two piece bonus tet glider and when you get to the weapons section below you will understand why. I also use a elite fleet shield resiliant [resA] this is a fantastic tool to have on you're ship.

The layout looks like this
Engine - Omega Force Engine mk x, xi, xii
Deflector - Omega Force Engine mk x, xi, xii
Shield - Elite Fleet Shield Resliant [resA]mk xii

with the elite shields their are a few tricks i have learned to boost your restistances to about 40 - 50% less dmg to shields. As every pvp player knows that once your tac team is done and your waiting that 15 secounds for the next one, thats 15 secounds i start feeling rather volnerable and having that Fleet shields does give me a little more confidence in my ability to hold my shields but it still wasnt enough so i did some experiments and realised the elite shields resitances stack with the shield damage reductions that Transfer shield strengh and emergency power to shields offer. So i started rotating them.. use my Tac Team, once that ended used my EMPTS for an adition 20% dmg reduction for a total of 40% dmg to shields reduction and 55% for the ResA energy types if the incoming dmg is still alot or you are being hit by multiple targets you can use TSS for another 20% making it 60% reduction and 75% for res A, now this resistance boost will only last a few seconds but its usually enough to hold you over to you're next Tac team without having to waste a RSP. Also alot of people don't know this or realise it but if you are being hit my multiple targets chug a shield battery its like crack for shields it boosts your regen by a TRIBBLE load and the higher you're shield power levels are the less dmg your shields take so having that large regen and power boost can be a life saver.

Now to the weapons, even tho it does have the ability to mount dual cannons i wouldnt reccomend it. even though it is one of the fastest turning cruisers you can get it's still not fast enough to be able to keep up with a target and keep them withing that small 45 degree arc. Some people run with all beam arrays or beam arrays and dual beam banks up front. I have found that it works very well with a substained damage type of layout.

This is what i run and would reccomend
Fore, 4x Disruptor single cannons mk xi [acc]x3 or [acc]x2 [crtd]
Aft, 4x Turrets mk xi [acc]x3 or [acc]x2 [crtd]

I run them with tet glider (two piece omega set bonus), tet glider with maxed flow capacitors is like -40 per hit to shield. Using a fast firing weapon like single cannons and turrets boosted by cannon rapid fire gives the negh'var the ability to rip the shields right off the other ship and can do equally impressive dmg to the hull if you drop a fire on my mark and/or alpha as soon as their hull is exposed.
Now some of you are probually wondering why i have [acc]x2 [crtd] as my alternative layout, when you are using single cannons and turrets you will notice you will crit alot more then you did with beams or dual cannons the reason for this is. when you look at your stats it will say something crit chance 8% that means their is a 8% chance that each shot you fire will be a crit, if you are firing weapons that shoot very fast like single cannons and turrets do you still have a 8% chance to crit but you are firing out so many more shots that you will see alot more crit hits on the target. So you want to have that extra kick with you're crits [acc] does add to your crit chance and severity but that is only if your accuracy is higher then their defence, the [crtd] will boost your severity all the time.

Now after reading that some of you are thinking then why not [crtd]x3 well the answer is simple, that severity bonus is no good if you can't hit your target without [acc] maybe if you are lucky you can get away fighting a cruiser or something slow but vs escorts you would be screwed. Thats why i always reccomend you have atleast a [acc]x2 there are alot of people out there who will disagree with me on that but honestly in pvp if you are running a fleet weapon they have nice damage but with only one [acc] they do miss alot vs escorts and most cruisers, dosent matter what damage the weapon does if you can not hit the target then its useless. some ships you can get away with the fleet weapons in but a slow moving cruiser is not one of them.

Bridge officers,

Fleet Negh'Var (tank)

Ensign universal (tac) - Tac Team 1
L.t tactical - Tac team 1, Cannons Rapid Fire 1
L.t commander engineer - Emergency power to shields 1, emergency power to auxillary, aux to inertal damp 1
Commander engineer - Emergency power to shields 1, Rotate shield polarity 1, aux to batteries, aux to sif 3
l.t science - Transfer shield strenght 1, hazard emitters 2

now, some of you may be thinking wait you are running single cannons and turrets why no direct energy modulation well the reason is its a waste of a slot with its 2 minute cool down i could put something else in there like aux to damp which only has a 45 cooldown and is like the love child of a polarze hull and attack pattern omega and you can use it quite quickly. gives you a nice hull resistance bonus with a speed and turn bonus and it will get you out of holds. So not does it just increase your defence rating but it throws in a hull resistance bonus.
I do carry a aux2bat just to speed things up because i can only carry one cannon rapid fire so it helps speed things up a bit, once i use the aux2bat i imediately use the emergency to aux for a few reasons the first the aux2bat kills your aux which limits your healing and the secound the biggest weakness to aux2bat is once someone uses it hit them with a subsystem target aux and itll shut it down and they will be screwed so i carry that and a aux battery to keep myself protected and to boost my heals. you can try and pop a direct energy modulation in there but you will be hurting the negh'vars ability to tank i have tried it before and it really did make a diffence in my ability to heal and survive losing just one of those skills i have layed out.
I should also add that one of my bridge officers is borg for the efficent trait, i have a green and a blue romulan bridge officers for crit boosts and decloack bonus.

Engineering- 1x tachyokinetic converter 1x zero point console, 3x neutronium alloy
Science,- 1xassimilated console, 1x shield emmitter amplafier
Tactical, 3x disruptor indution coils
tachyokinetic adds a nice turn rate bonus and boosts crit chance and severity, zero point also boosts the crit chance and adds to power insulators and the assimilated adds a hull regen bonus with a crit chance and severity bonus. All thease bonuses i have for crit chance and severity are very important to make this build successful.

Doffs, i run one of thease two layouts depends on my mood really

2 blue technician doffs, reduces bridge officer abilities when you use aux2bat
2 purple energy weapons doff, 1% chance to strip 3 random buffs from the other ship.
1 purple warp core engineer doff, increases power levels when i use emergency power to shields or auxiliary
2 blue technician doffs, reduces bridge officer abilities when you use aux2bat
1 purple energy weapons doff, 1% chance to strip 3 random buffs from the other ship.
2 brace for impact doffs, chance to recharge shields when you use Brace for impact

i think this really explains itself, the buff stipping doff with single cannons and turrets boosted by cannon rapid fire actually happens quite often even with a 1% chance. The brace for impact doffs are great they act like a 2nd RSP so to speak.With the warp core engineer having higher power levels is always a beautiful thing.

hopefully this can help atleast one person
if you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me in game @deepspacejunkie
Arwin - Bane - Logan - Heniken - Seltek - Ariel - NoBeer4u
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