I am sorry that you are feeling "bummed" by the reaction from last Fridays last cryptic but lots of people are very confused.
Good that you didn't have to design a romulan starbase and people didn't have to put the time/effort into making one.
Good that people can play their ally's missions and ships.
Bad that given the choice most people will join the faction that has the overwhelming number of those.
It must be annoying having all this info that you can't talk about, so you have my sympathies there.
However, since it wasn't asked, I'll ask here: Dan said that giving fleets and starbases to the romulans was being considered for the future. Can you shed any light on how that's actually going to work? As it stands, romulans can join the other faction's fleets, and apparently fly their ships, but clearly if you were to re-integrate the faction and allow for proper fleets, you couldn't just let them keep their FED or KDF ships, so, how would that work?
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I am sorry that you are feeling "bummed" by the reaction from last Fridays last cryptic but lots of people are very confused.
Within a few moments, I am going to listen to the podcast.
I hope this is not an April Fools joke.
As I have said in many threads, the only problem Cryptic has is in communicating. Once the interviews and advertising conflicts, the players will start to react in a very negative manner.
After the new website went up, the impression everyone got was that a full-blown Romulan faction was on the way. Within a matter of a few days, all the interviews, blogs, and statements started to conflict.
Q: (midniteshadow7) Will the Romulan Faction have their own Fleet System, Starbase, and Holdings? Will there be any new Fleet Holdings?
Dstahl: This is an important question that needs a detailed answer.
The Romulan Republic was created from the ground up as a complete new faction. They have their own backstory, their own exclusive missions and episode series, exclusive costumes, faction-exclusive social hub, unique playable species, a full ship progression line from level 1 to 50, unique HUD UI, and more. What they don?t have are their own Starbases. There are many reasons why we?ve made this decision and here?s one of them.
Create your first character as a member of the Federation, Klingon Empire, or Romulan Republic and level your captain from 1 to 50.
Play as a Romulan
Play as a Romulan or Reman and immerse yourself innew story-driven missions written exclusively from the Romulan Republic's point of view.
According to those above statement, the Romulans will be a full independent faction. Once the following was added, later the next day, the new information contradicted the first information.
We are happy that many players appreciate our decision to have the Romulans join existing FED or KDF fleets at launch. We realize that not everyone understands or agrees with why we did this, but it is the best decision for Star Trek Online. As stated in the Ask Cryptic, we will consider allowing the construction of Romulan Starbases in the future, but at launch, we want to recognize all the effort that existing Fleets have put into their Starbases and not introduce a "must start over" approach this early.
Cryptic doesn't communicate clearly.
Regardless about what we finally obtain, I will just be happy to play as a Romulan. I just wished Cryptic was not being so cryptic.
Within a few moments, I am going to listen to the podcast.
I hope this is not an April Fools joke.
As I have said in many threads, the only problem Cryptic has is in communicating. Once the interviews and advertising conflicts, the players will start to react in a very negative manner.
After the new website went up, the impression everyone got was that a full-blown Romulan faction was on the way. Within a matter of a few days, two contradicting statements were released.
According to those above statement, the Romulans will be a full independent faction. One the following was added later the next day, the new information contradicted the first information.
Regardless about what we finally obtain, I will just be happy to play as a Romulan. I just wished Cryptic was not being so complicated.
The way I understand it, the RR is a faction that doesn't have independent Fleet functionality at launch. And it will be able to access some of the stuff from their allies. That's really all that sets it apart from the Fed/KDF factions.
And I doubt a lot of people will choose to fly their allied faction's ships, because who creates a Romulan to fly an Odyssey or a Bortasqu'?
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
The way I understand it, the RR is a faction that doesn't have independent Fleet functionality at launch. And it will be able to access some of the stuff from their allies. That's really all that sets it apart from the Fed/KDF factions.
Since my job deals with advertising and specifics, I interpreted the initial satements as, "We are releasing a full-blown Romulan faction'. Once Dstahl released a more precise statement, the initial translation of the site and blogs had changed. Dstahl had to connect the dots.
Q: (midniteshadow7) Will the Romulan Faction have their own Fleet System, Starbase, and Holdings? Will there be any new Fleet Holdings?
Dstahl: This is an important question that needs a detailed answer.
The Romulan Republic was created from the ground up as a complete new faction. They have their own backstory, their own exclusive missions and episode series, exclusive costumes, faction-exclusive social hub, unique playable species, a full ship progression line from level 1 to 50, unique HUD UI, and more. What they don?t have are their own Starbases. There are many reasons why we?ve made this decision and here?s one of them.
From the what I have observed. there seems to be a confusion with regards to the FED/KDF alliances.
Most people seem to think from the small amount of information given, That the Romulan Faction will have unique missions up to level 10. From there, They are folded into either the KDF or the FED and there story missions rather then getting their own unique story missions from 1-50.
Unfortunately some people will continue to believe this until they see (or don't see) it for themselves. Hopefully after this stuff hits Tribble some of the Forum rage will die down.
Good interview and BranFlakes has an awesome job, that he does very well if I may add.
EDIT: Also when you are doing these interviews, please see to it so that there will be transcripts and download links, you know we are gonna ask for them.
Oh good. Normally I'm not one for shortcuts but I really don't feel like doing a grind before I can roll a Reman. Assuming it's around $5.00, I'll happily drop some cash on it.
Don't be bummed, Branflakes! A lot of us are really excited for LoR.
Also this.
Part of me really wants to go through every page of every major Romulan thread and see just how many different people are complaining, or if it's the same handful just being really really vocal and everyone else is just sort of indifferent.
Part of me really wants to go through every page of every major Romulan thread and see just how many different people are complaining, or if it's the same handful just being really really vocal and everyone else is just sort of indifferent.
Quite honestly, it's a little unfair of people to condemn you for doing interviews rather than helping develop the game as (far as I know) your work only includes being a community liaison , updating the site, and communicating with news mediums and that includes interviews.
Considering how divided the comments below the article was , I would not put much stock into it.
Terilynn Shull is just attacking the players in which carry a difference in opinion.
Total number of separate accounts that posted in the thread: 194 Positive responses: 13.9% - 107 posts Negative responses:23.8% - 183 posts Neutral responses: 15.2% - 117 posts Off-topic responses: 47.1% - 363 posts
Frankly, the numbers just don't add up.In the future, my fellow STO players, please do not bombard me with unfounded claims in the hopes that I will just take your word for it. This wasn't that hard to do. Sure it was tedious, but it is important for all of us to have an objective look at the data and reassess the idea that somehow a big thread in a forum holds more credibility based on its lengthiness alone.
If I were in Cryptic's position, I would try to work on player unity. I would not post anything in which would keep the division growing. Legacy of Romulus has great potential. Even though it may have started out on rocky information, the road ahead can only lead to good things.
Terilynn Shull is just attacking the players in which carry a difference in opinion.
You missed the part where she then disclosed how much of those negative posts were made by how many posters. There were 178 negative posts, but they were all made by the same 71 people, whereas the 107 positive posts, while fewer, were made by about 75 different people.
Overwhelming volume of negative posts doesn't mean much when the actual percentile of negative to positive posters is close to 1:1.
I think Terrilynn's methodology makes Cryptic look bad there. There's no way that many are off topic and then if you do that, you wind up with 45% negative or only 25% positive.
I can second this, a very few very vocal people are complaining.
As for me? I like it. IT could be much worse, it could be better, but with Cryptic's resources, its a logically and realistically good product.
Remember, they don't got dollar billions and hundreds of crew to make their expansions.
Plus there are logical arguments for both sides. I personally like D'tan's romulans, and I can see how its sensible to let players use their fed base for the romulans.
Even based on the post's count, the majority seems to be happy+neutral. So those disliking the expansion are less then those liking it and being neutral.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
I've just listened to Friday's interview with 'The Verdict' in which you mention you were a bit bumped about some fan feedback regarding Legacy of Romulus. Seeing as I was pretty focal on my opinion of it (so much so that I received an understandable signature warning over it) I feel the need to address the situation nice and clearly.
I am overjoyed that the Romulans are making a playable appearance in the game. Am I bothered that the Romulans of choice aren't remnants of the Empire? No, not really. People can play KDF and have their ship and crew roleplay as an honorable crew following Martok, or a dishonored crew following Torg or Duras. The choice-faction within the Romulan faction never bothered me because people can role-play.
What has bothered me specifically (and I believe this to be the main concern of those who have complained) is that Romulan players are being forced to align with the Federation or KDF when they'd have rather played as a Romulan that was specific and unique; and not a part of the war front.
During all the updates, news, speculation etc that came before last weeks Ask Cryptic it was insinuated that the Romulans we were getting would be complete, unique, and on their own. Granted that can be put down to speculation on the part of the readers, but I'd be lying if I said the choice of words used by whoever writes this stuff is insightful, it isn't; it gave a lot of people the wrong idea.
I'm pretty sure I speak for nearly everyone when I say we're all looking forward to May, and everything that is involved with that expansion. It's just a lot of us were expecting a unique faction and three-way PvP, and when concerns and complaints were listed, they seemingly went ignored; you made several posts in the big Romulan Thread in the main Discussion stating that you and the team are taking our feedback in. What exactly does that mean?
If you've all invested the time and effort into the way it's going to be, then is our feedback merely something to read and dismiss? Nobody within their right mind is going to expect everything you've been working on for the past 6 months to be edited and changed within the next month or two, though it would be nice to know that are concerns aren't being brushed away once read.
I read a post the other day in which someone claimed that you guys have, and will always envision the Trek Online story as an eternal war between the Federation and Klingon factions. Is this true? Are we likely to ever see a 3rd faction that isn't involved in this war at all? Are we ever likely to see a three-way PvP scenario?
Ok... apparently you can't talk about how fleets will work, so easier question: WHEN this week? 'this week' could be anything from now until 7 days from now, what with it being monday and all.
As for that article, considering the incredibly vague definitions of 'off topic' and 'neutral', I'm inclined to ignore it since it's almost guaranteed to be biased to a very large degree.
Of the 770 posts, 183 were deemed to be negative or contained a clear opinion that the poster was disappointed, dissatisfied, or angry about the Romulan faction in the upcoming expansion. Interestingly, those 183 responses were made by 71 different account names, meaning that the average negative poster responded 2.6 times in the thread. However, 75 different accounts replied with a total of 107 positive posts, meaning that those who were more upbeat about the new faction posted 1.4 times. So there it is: Angry people posted about their about their anger just about twice as much as those who are satisfied or happy about the change.
This is an important paragraph.
It clearly demonstrates that the 183 negative posts were made by 71 different accounts.
And the 107 positive posts were made by 75 different accounts.
And that the negative posters responded 1.2 times more often than the positive. which would bump the positive posts to 128.4 if they had responded as much.
Which means more different people were positive they just didnt post as much about it.
And as for the 50% or so off topic, I do believe that, since im sure alot of the negativity expressed was also against other posters or cryptic in general and not specificaly romulan dissatisfaction.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
I can second this, a very few very vocal people are complaining.
You cannot reasonably come to that conclusion based on an article that essentially has the divide of enthused:disappointed at 1:1.
Even based on the post's count, the majority seems to be happy+neutral. So those disliking the expansion are less then those liking it and being neutral.
Nor do you get to just add neutral to one side or the other because it suits your purpose. Neutral is neutral. Either they don't care, or have no opinion. That does not coincide with favorable/unfavorable.
And don't forget, most people who don't think it's that bad don't bother to post. Mainly only people who are upset go out of their way to post and then half of that number went out of their way to defend.
I read the ask cryptic, went... "ok that makes sense from their point of view", it will bolster existing fleet sizes and I'll be able to keep my initial investments on KDF/FED c-store purchases... sounds like a win win... it's only a starbase, who wants to start from scratch on one of those things anyway?!?!?!
I then read some of the thread and said to myself "look at all those idiots freaking out", I then closed the window and checked the dev post forum every few hours. I didn't think once to post that I liked the new Romulan faction because frankly it doesn't ruin my day that much even if they half *$$ed it like the KDF... cause I have to mow the lawn and take care of my kid... real life stuff.
join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
You missed the part where she then disclosed how much of those negative posts were made by how many posters. There were 178 negative posts, but they were all made by the same 71 people, whereas the 107 positive posts, while fewer, were made by about 75 different people.
Overwhelming volume of negative posts doesn't mean much when the actual percentile of negative to positive posters is close to 1:1.
And I guess you missed the part where she took one single thread (which wasn't even the consolidated feedback thread that Bran keeps adding to) as the be-all and end-all of feedback on the Romulan situation, without even bothering to lay out why people were unhappy.
She basically made the argument that anyone who didn't like the announcement was a giant whiner.
And I guess you missed the part where she took one single thread (which wasn't even the consolidated feedback thread that Bran keeps adding to) as the be-all and end-all of feedback on the Romulan situation, without even bothering to lay out why people were unhappy.
And you missed the part where the article is about that thread specificaly and where she stated it was mostly about romulans having to join the FED or KDF.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
I can second this, a very few very vocal people are complaining.
The homepage does not support your guess
i cite from the upper homepage from the cm
"beginning of cite
Total number of separate accounts that posted in the thread: 194
Positive responses: 13.9% - 107 posts
Negative responses: 23.8% - 183 posts
Neutral responses: 15.2% - 117 posts
Off-topic responses: 47.1% - 363 posts
End of cite"
almost 50 % % of the posts were off topic....just calculate this out
50% were topic related just stretch this to 100%
Positive responses: 13.9% - 107 posts -->say 14 times 2 --> 28 % positive
Negative responses: 23.8% - 183 posts --> say 24 times 2 --> 48 % negative
Neutral responses: 15.2% - 117 posts --> say 15 times 2 --> 30 % neutral
30 % have no opinion
25 % say addons have both advantages and disadvanteges
15 % are afraif will end like the klings
55 % saying it is not what i expected from the addons
After all it is all numbers
It is about the quality of their comments
It is not about the question if the majority is negative or positive. It is about treating the customers like individuals really listening to thier concers and not to practice what we call in Europe "Basta-Polics"( it means my words are final no discussion just accept what i think is best for you and this my last word)
Good that you didn't have to design a romulan starbase and people didn't have to put the time/effort into making one.
Good that people can play their ally's missions and ships.
Bad that given the choice most people will join the faction that has the overwhelming number of those.
However, since it wasn't asked, I'll ask here: Dan said that giving fleets and starbases to the romulans was being considered for the future. Can you shed any light on how that's actually going to work? As it stands, romulans can join the other faction's fleets, and apparently fly their ships, but clearly if you were to re-integrate the faction and allow for proper fleets, you couldn't just let them keep their FED or KDF ships, so, how would that work?
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I hope this is not an April Fools joke.
As I have said in many threads, the only problem Cryptic has is in communicating. Once the interviews and advertising conflicts, the players will start to react in a very negative manner.
After the new website went up, the impression everyone got was that a full-blown Romulan faction was on the way. Within a matter of a few days, all the interviews, blogs, and statements started to conflict.
Reference One: Ask Cryptic: Legacy of Romulus
Reference Two: Legacy of Romulous Info. Page
According to those above statement, the Romulans will be a full independent faction. Once the following was added, later the next day, the new information contradicted the first information.
Reference Three: A note from dStahl:
Cryptic doesn't communicate clearly.
Regardless about what we finally obtain, I will just be happy to play as a Romulan. I just wished Cryptic was not being so cryptic.
The way I understand it, the RR is a faction that doesn't have independent Fleet functionality at launch. And it will be able to access some of the stuff from their allies. That's really all that sets it apart from the Fed/KDF factions.
And I doubt a lot of people will choose to fly their allied faction's ships, because who creates a Romulan to fly an Odyssey or a Bortasqu'?
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Most people seem to think from the small amount of information given, That the Romulan Faction will have unique missions up to level 10. From there, They are folded into either the KDF or the FED and there story missions rather then getting their own unique story missions from 1-50.
Unfortunately some people will continue to believe this until they see (or don't see) it for themselves. Hopefully after this stuff hits Tribble some of the Forum rage will die down.
EDIT: Also when you are doing these interviews, please see to it so that there will be transcripts and download links, you know we are gonna ask for them.
Oh good. Normally I'm not one for shortcuts but I really don't feel like doing a grind before I can roll a Reman. Assuming it's around $5.00, I'll happily drop some cash on it.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
This week!
Brandon =/\=
Also this.
Part of me really wants to go through every page of every major Romulan thread and see just how many different people are complaining, or if it's the same handful just being really really vocal and everyone else is just sort of indifferent.
I'm leaning towards the latter. Strongly.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
You don't need to -- just found out Teri actually did http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/04/01/captains-log-a-star-trek-online-player-uses-math/
Brandon =/\=
Considering how divided the comments below the article was , I would not put much stock into it.
This is about as nice as I can put it. Terilyn's outdone herself this time on presenting a one-sided and non-factual argument.
If I were in Cryptic's position, I would try to work on player unity. I would not post anything in which would keep the division growing. Legacy of Romulus has great potential. Even though it may have started out on rocky information, the road ahead can only lead to good things.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
You missed the part where she then disclosed how much of those negative posts were made by how many posters. There were 178 negative posts, but they were all made by the same 71 people, whereas the 107 positive posts, while fewer, were made by about 75 different people.
Overwhelming volume of negative posts doesn't mean much when the actual percentile of negative to positive posters is close to 1:1.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
I think Terrilynn's methodology makes Cryptic look bad there. There's no way that many are off topic and then if you do that, you wind up with 45% negative or only 25% positive.
I can second this, a very few very vocal people are complaining.
As for me? I like it. IT could be much worse, it could be better, but with Cryptic's resources, its a logically and realistically good product.
Remember, they don't got dollar billions and hundreds of crew to make their expansions.
Plus there are logical arguments for both sides. I personally like D'tan's romulans, and I can see how its sensible to let players use their fed base for the romulans.
Even based on the post's count, the majority seems to be happy+neutral. So those disliking the expansion are less then those liking it and being neutral.
I am overjoyed that the Romulans are making a playable appearance in the game. Am I bothered that the Romulans of choice aren't remnants of the Empire? No, not really. People can play KDF and have their ship and crew roleplay as an honorable crew following Martok, or a dishonored crew following Torg or Duras. The choice-faction within the Romulan faction never bothered me because people can role-play.
What has bothered me specifically (and I believe this to be the main concern of those who have complained) is that Romulan players are being forced to align with the Federation or KDF when they'd have rather played as a Romulan that was specific and unique; and not a part of the war front.
During all the updates, news, speculation etc that came before last weeks Ask Cryptic it was insinuated that the Romulans we were getting would be complete, unique, and on their own. Granted that can be put down to speculation on the part of the readers, but I'd be lying if I said the choice of words used by whoever writes this stuff is insightful, it isn't; it gave a lot of people the wrong idea.
I'm pretty sure I speak for nearly everyone when I say we're all looking forward to May, and everything that is involved with that expansion. It's just a lot of us were expecting a unique faction and three-way PvP, and when concerns and complaints were listed, they seemingly went ignored; you made several posts in the big Romulan Thread in the main Discussion stating that you and the team are taking our feedback in. What exactly does that mean?
If you've all invested the time and effort into the way it's going to be, then is our feedback merely something to read and dismiss? Nobody within their right mind is going to expect everything you've been working on for the past 6 months to be edited and changed within the next month or two, though it would be nice to know that are concerns aren't being brushed away once read.
I read a post the other day in which someone claimed that you guys have, and will always envision the Trek Online story as an eternal war between the Federation and Klingon factions. Is this true? Are we likely to ever see a 3rd faction that isn't involved in this war at all? Are we ever likely to see a three-way PvP scenario?
Ok... apparently you can't talk about how fleets will work, so easier question: WHEN this week? 'this week' could be anything from now until 7 days from now, what with it being monday and all.
As for that article, considering the incredibly vague definitions of 'off topic' and 'neutral', I'm inclined to ignore it since it's almost guaranteed to be biased to a very large degree.
This is an important paragraph.
It clearly demonstrates that the 183 negative posts were made by 71 different accounts.
And the 107 positive posts were made by 75 different accounts.
And that the negative posters responded 1.2 times more often than the positive. which would bump the positive posts to 128.4 if they had responded as much.
Which means more different people were positive they just didnt post as much about it.
And as for the 50% or so off topic, I do believe that, since im sure alot of the negativity expressed was also against other posters or cryptic in general and not specificaly romulan dissatisfaction.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
You cannot reasonably come to that conclusion based on an article that essentially has the divide of enthused:disappointed at 1:1.
Nor do you get to just add neutral to one side or the other because it suits your purpose. Neutral is neutral. Either they don't care, or have no opinion. That does not coincide with favorable/unfavorable.
I read the ask cryptic, went... "ok that makes sense from their point of view", it will bolster existing fleet sizes and I'll be able to keep my initial investments on KDF/FED c-store purchases... sounds like a win win... it's only a starbase, who wants to start from scratch on one of those things anyway?!?!?!
I then read some of the thread and said to myself "look at all those idiots freaking out", I then closed the window and checked the dev post forum every few hours. I didn't think once to post that I liked the new Romulan faction because frankly it doesn't ruin my day that much even if they half *$$ed it like the KDF... cause I have to mow the lawn and take care of my kid... real life stuff.
And I guess you missed the part where she took one single thread (which wasn't even the consolidated feedback thread that Bran keeps adding to) as the be-all and end-all of feedback on the Romulan situation, without even bothering to lay out why people were unhappy.
She basically made the argument that anyone who didn't like the announcement was a giant whiner.
And you missed the part where the article is about that thread specificaly and where she stated it was mostly about romulans having to join the FED or KDF.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
I for one am thankful that Cryptic took up the challenge of creating a Star Trek game. Right now, its the only thing I am playing.
I am looking forward to LoR, and everything that goes with it. I may create one Romulan character, but I am looking forward to playing it through.
I am also looking forward to other things, Tholian rep system, and I remember talk of a Tholian space adventure zone... very intrigued.
The homepage does not support your guess
i cite from the upper homepage from the cm
"beginning of cite
Total number of separate accounts that posted in the thread: 194
Positive responses: 13.9% - 107 posts
Negative responses: 23.8% - 183 posts
Neutral responses: 15.2% - 117 posts
Off-topic responses: 47.1% - 363 posts
End of cite"
almost 50 % % of the posts were off topic....just calculate this out
50% were topic related just stretch this to 100%
Positive responses: 13.9% - 107 posts -->say 14 times 2 --> 28 % positive
Negative responses: 23.8% - 183 posts --> say 24 times 2 --> 48 % negative
Neutral responses: 15.2% - 117 posts --> say 15 times 2 --> 30 % neutral
Now something from the german forum --- a survey
link if you like to see it: http://sto-forum.de.perfectworld.eu/showthread.php?t=292851
i will give you summary
30 % have no opinion
25 % say addons have both advantages and disadvanteges
15 % are afraif will end like the klings
55 % saying it is not what i expected from the addons
After all it is all numbers
It is about the quality of their comments
It is not about the question if the majority is negative or positive. It is about treating the customers like individuals really listening to thier concers and not to practice what we call in Europe "Basta-Polics"( it means my words are final no discussion just accept what i think is best for you and this my last word)