Well today is a good day to check out the fleet, I'll be online though out the day while I'm trying to gear out a new toon so any questions I'll be around to answer, just pm me in game or here.
---We are Calling on Rihannsu to help fight against the terrorist D'tan together with Obisek, who attempt to circumnavigate the Romulan senate, and laws and who remains a trader and threat to the Romulan people and culture. he has brought Klingons and federation to the planet of Dewa III , An Ex Iconian planet that he has personally claimed as his New Romulus, where Romulans have settled, and are enslaved and ridiculed there. This man must be stopped at any cost!!!---
Join me this Thursday @ 7:30pm US EST for a couple of hours of KDF mark farming. Our holdings are beginning to evolve nicely, but we need more marks to make the push.
Join me this Thursday @ 7:30pm US EST for a couple of hours of KDF mark farming. Our holdings are beginning to evolve nicely, but we need more marks to make the push.
Almost to 50 on my KDF Romulan, my leveling partner Livintius must have his cloak stuck in the on position this week LoL should be of use to you for next Thursday however :cool:
All the cool kids in the IRF have one :cool:
Our weekend STF run was a blast! Check out our forums for details and video.
Join our cause now!
take a look over this way
---We are Calling on Rihannsu to help fight against the terrorist D'tan together with Obisek, who attempt to circumnavigate the Romulan senate, and laws and who remains a trader and threat to the Romulan people and culture. he has brought Klingons and federation to the planet of Dewa III , An Ex Iconian planet that he has personally claimed as his New Romulus, where Romulans have settled, and are enslaved and ridiculed there. This man must be stopped at any cost!!!---
---Join The Resistance Now!!!---
New Tribune is out and we are about to get more new members joining the IRF, its great to be apart of this fine community
Sorry I missed it, but it's a good thing I can see the visual recordings here.
To busy trying to get those good angles! :P
Join our cause now!
Almost to 50 on my KDF Romulan, my leveling partner Livintius must have his cloak stuck in the on position this week LoL should be of use to you for next Thursday however :cool: