I was looking at the new character creator on Tribble. Apparently it lets you attempt (but not actually give you the ability) to create a new character even if your character slots are maxed out. When you do it this way, the creator breaks and lets you choose things you normally can't.
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that beta is beta and none of this represents what may be in the May release. Or I may even be barking up the wrong tree, but based on the uniform names, I'm positive I'm not. Also
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that I am merely speculating based on what I see. Nothing I say is evidence of anything or set in stone.
Here's an album of screenshots I took of the various uniform tops I could find.
Based on the uniform titles, it seems that the Romulan faction may be a subfaction of the Fed/KDF, or was at some point during the development cycle. I'm betting it's the latter and that they are a fully fledged unique faction separate of the other two.
This image specifically shows what colours are probably going to be available for Romulan uniforms. Seems a bit restrictive, but I was able to make some decent looking stuff with just that.
Remans appear to be getting their own uniform options, similar to the way Orions do for the KDF. It's likely they'll have access to both the Romulan and Reman uniforms, while the Romulans/Aliens may only have access to the Romulan uniforms.
I'm seeing a 22nd century uniform in there as well. I'm betting that's going to be a c-store unlock. And jesus christ the skirt on it is tiny.
I've also found a Suliban head preset. I haven't looked at my character creator on the live server in awhile, so I don't know if that's new. But if it is, one of the factions will be seeing this race. I'm betting Romulan, as a faction of three races (Romulan, Reman, Alien) seems a bit skimpy compared to even the KDF. They may be a c-store unlock.
So, now that we can see what some of the uniforms will look like (and I doubt all of these are for players, like the Senate Robe options), what are your thoughts? I like 'em, they're pretty cool.
Kirk's Protege.
also - Suliban - Yay!
i really like the senate Robes and the survivor stuff, also the neutral stuff looks pretty cool.
i hope the 22th century uniform is not yet finished?
OP - could you provide us with male options too pls?
I like cats :cool:.
UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
They must promote that GUI artist immediately and the costume designer
I'm unable to at this time, as the broken character creator doesn't let you choose gender and is based on the gender of the character you have selected when you click the button. Since I have no male characters to transfer over, I can't. Gaining access to the broken character creator isn't too difficult though, I'm sure someone else could do so for us shortly.
That's just the pants option I chose (Reman Klingon, I believe it's called). I didn't fiddle too much with shoes/pants, as I'm mainly interested in the tops. There are a few (five, six? I'd have to look again) varieties though, at least.
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
I like cats :cool:.
UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
Agreed. Suliban? Excellent!
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
Seeing Romulan Federation 1 and Romulan Klingon 1 sent a shiver down my spine.
Only when genetically engineered as evil super-soldiers.
Vanilla Suliban were fairly close to human in terms of physical capabilities.
I like cats :cool:.
UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
I can imagine many cat fans being dissapointed if this happens to be true.
Well, since the LoR site states "Create your first character as a member of the Federation, Klingon Empire, or Romulan Republic and level your captain from 1 to 50." and "Play as a Romulan or Reman and immerse yourself in new story-driven missions written exclusively from the Romulan Republic's point of view." I think we're way beyond that.
Unless it's the ultimate trolling of the century. lol
Not that I recall ever being shown. Given the ala-carte nature of the genetic tailoring they received as members of the Cabal, I wouldn't necessarily rule it out though.
These MUST be put in the Foundry lock, stock and barrel of Romulan ale.
I like cats :cool:.
UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
If I had to guess, I'd say those costumes are more indicative of some Romulan storylines (timetravel, Suliban) than actual Romulan outfits.
"Sometimes you have to do things that you hate, so you can survive to fight another day."
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
Furthermore, as far as I know, the Romulan Senate Robes can be unlocked as a costume option in the Embassy tailor and the Reman Senate Robes are worn by the Reman Entourage 'pet' from the Romulan reputation system. Therefore it is not surprising that they are already in the game.
Suliban? Oh Lord. I hope they are a C-store unlock for the Feds, else we will get another multispecies Federation in this game. It's already a joke that the KLINGON Defense Force in STO is more like a Orion/Gorn Defense Force. Romulans are probably the most xenophobic species in the entire universe, they even have a very hard time getting along with Vulcans and Remans (and these are distant relatives!), so why should they suddenly invite other species to serve in their forces to which they have absolutely nothing in common?
The TOS uniform is amazing. Even if it is a c-store unlock, I will definitely buy it!