The character creation is confusing as hell, I have trouble making sense of it. The old layout at least was very well defined and organised, easy to navigate. The new one is all over the place.
The idea of images to represent the playable races is horrible since most of the aliens in Star Trek look similiar to humans, forcing you to click each individual icon to see what race you're selecting. How am I supposed to tell the difference between a Trill and Joined Trill from these? If you can't tell the difference between two races based on their icons then you shouldn't use icons as a way of doing it.
The quality of the images I hope improves (if you sadly decide to keep them). Some are wearing red uniforms, some are wearing yellow. Some have a starbase or ship window in the background behind the character, some have a plain blue background behind the character. Having them all different like this instead of keeping at least some sort of simularity makes them look cheap and unorganised.
Bring back having the races names displayed as text so you can see what race you click at a glance.
The layout for the character creation screen is just as bad. Just the simply use of scroller windows everywhere is very disappointing. I much would have perfered to have several character creation screens each focusing on a specific part of the character which displays all the options availiable at once on the screen, instead of having as much options crammed into the one screen as you can fit and having to use a scroller window just to be able to see the choices available.
The size you allocate to these choices is also disappointing. Uniform choices taking up 3/4 of the screen while everything else is crammed in around it wherever they have room to fit is not very appealing. Almost every option in this game would have been a lot better with just a number indictating which option you have selected with an arrow to the left and right of it to change it.
The options for face, sex, eyes and hair in the corner of the screen was very nearly overlooked due to the size of the other options in the screen. I almost looked right past the stance and height options as well. For starters it should be "Skin Colour", not "Face"
The LCARS themselves stand out, and not in a good way. The flat boring texture looks incomplete, the default colour scheme is horrible tho I've heard you can change this yourself somewhere, probably a tiny icon in the corner of the screen which was barely visable. It has no sense of depth to it and does not match the rest of the screen well at all. The graphics in STO look absolutely incredible, but now have what looks like a cheap flat cutout UI which a 6 year old could draw covering it up and the two conflict with each other in quality, colour, appearance and depth horribly.
The older character creator was a lot nicer in appearance, easy to navigate and understand, and didn't have so many low quality images that looked identical to each other that the way it actually made the purpose of them useless. I love this game and have always thought the graphics in this game were among the best of any game out there, please don't release the expansion with this as it currently appears.