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Fleet Ambassador PVP worthy? Second Look

magnumoftheblackmagnumoftheblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2013 in PvP Gameplay
I was looking through the ship vendor for a cruiser for my engineer. These days there isn't much for us to fly. I am not sure why Engineers are gimped. I saw the stats on the Fleet Ambassador. I am not one for flying 150 year old ships but with a hull of 43,450 hull, 4 fore and 4 aft weapons, stations: Lt Tac, Ens tac, Cmdr Eng, Lt Eng and LTC Sci. Typical turn rate of 7, crew 700, consoles 4 Eng, 3 Tac and 3 Sci. It seems that it could hold it's own.

This is for all those that enjoy crunching the numbers and designing builds for ships to make them PVP worthy.
What can we do (builds) with this ship to make people (Engineers) want to fly it?
Post edited by magnumoftheblack on


  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    its kind of like an ody, only it has more eng then sci for healing. and built in 2 tac teams with the ens tac. that ens being tac sorta takes away from its support role, but makes it more kirk able

    my advice is to shelf your eng though and use ether a sci or tac
  • renimaltrenimalt Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Haven't flown it myself, but it looks like it could be a healboat similar to what the Oddy gives. Putting a Sci into the universal Lt slot gives a setup very similar to the "standard" healboat Oddy boff seating.

    Boff-wise, here are some setups I would consider:

    Heal setup 1:
    Lt Tac: TT1, APD1
    Ens Tac: TT1 (or FAW/TS for spam clearing)
    Cm Eng: EPtS1, EPtS2, ExS2, AtSIF3
    LtC Sci: ST1, TSS2, TSS3
    Lt Sci: HE1, HE2
    (closest to what Oddy has to offer. the APD admittedly doesn't always measure up to the Eng ability that you could slot on an Oddy, but it's not a terrible trade-off.)

    Heal setup 2:
    Lt Tac: TT1, APD1
    Ens Tac: TT1
    Cm Eng: EPtS1, ExS1, AtSIF2, AtSIF3
    Lt Eng: EPtS1, ExS1/RSP1
    LtC Sci: HE1, TSS2, ST3
    (less sci heals, but you get 2xExtends and 2xAtSIF to compensate. If you don't need the HE cleanse, then you could even replace HE1 with TSS1 and/or swap the sci to ST1, TSS2, TSS3 to get the most shield healing.)

    Console-wise, 4 engineering slots gives you good options for armor or SIF generators; it's true that with only 3 science slots you won't be able to amp up your shield heals using emitter arrays as high as you can on the Sci Oddy, but you'll get fairly close. Slot your 3 favorite universal consoles in the Tac slots for extra fun.

    Surprisingly, it outperforms the Oddy with regards to hull (42k base on Oddy variants). It loses a tiny bit of shields (0.05 less shield modifier than Oddy has), but that won't make too much of a difference. Plus, with 7 turn and a great inertia rating, you'll have far less trouble chasing down and healing pesky puggers than you'd have in the tub that the Oddy is.

    In general, I think that the fleet amby can perform fairly close to the Oddy as a healboat. You lose a small amount of raw healing capacity, but the bridge officer setup isn't terrible and you gain the benfits of more hull, better turn, and better inertia rating. IMO, this fits perfectly with Eng's natural strength at being a pug healer -- able to toss heals around while not relying on outside support. (One of the few strengths that Engineers get :( )
    Resist viewer! See shield/hull resists! Read about it here!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Pre-Post Edit: Saw Renim posted during a preview of this one - I'd ignore this and listen to what Renim has to offer. :)

    Fleet Ambassador Retrofit w/ Engineer Captain

    Traits - Accurate, Elusive, Astrophysicist, Techie

    New Rom - Enhanced Shield Systems, Emergency Secondary Shielding, (QSM)
    Omega - Hull-Repairing Nanites, Superior Shield Repair

    TT1, APD1

    EPtS1, ExS1, ExS2, AtS3
    EPtS1, RSP1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    5x Human BOFFs

    DOFFs - SDO(BFI), 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS)

    Deflector - Elite Fleet Fermion [Flow][Ins][Eng][SciCdr]
    Engine - Aegis
    Shields - Elite Fleet [ResA]/[ResB]

    Fore - Experimental Beam Array, 3x Phased Polaron Beam Array Mk XII [Acc]x2
    Aft - Hyper-Plasma Torp, 3x Phased Polaron Beam Array Mk XII [Acc]x2

    Tac - 0Point, 2x Phase Modulators Mk XII
    Eng - 2x SIF Mk XII, 2x Neut Mk XII
    Sci - Rom Emitter [ShH], Rom Emitter [HuH], FG Mk XII

    Devices - SFM, RMC, Aux Batt, Eng Batt
  • renimaltrenimalt Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Virus: Nah, I'm just a silly pug healer who tries (and fails!) to keep everyone alive. :P

    Your boff setup looks like another good alternative. RSP + 2x ExS is maybe a little iffy -- I thought they shared a 15s global cooldown? -- but it'll give you another nice "oh TRIBBLE" button to fall back on. TBH, I never feel comfortable without ST as a pug healer, since I'm the one clearing most SNBs, but if you've got a wingman with ST then it should be alright.

    Doff-wise, I'm a little confused as to what the EPtX DCEs are for. You have two copies of EPtS on there; the DCE's won't help you cycle it any more quickly. Personally, I run 3xAtSIF doffs (rare) + 2xBFI doffs, but that's because I use 2xAtSIF on my Oddy anyways.

    As always, an good alternative gear setup is 2-piece Borg + shields of your choice. The hull proc is not something to dismiss, especially on the amby with its higher innate hull strength and room for up to 4 SIF generators.
    Resist viewer! See shield/hull resists! Read about it here!
  • magnumoftheblackmagnumoftheblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    its kind of like an ody, only it has more eng then sci for healing. and built in 2 tac teams with the ens tac. that ens being tac sorta takes away from its support role, but makes it more kirk able

    my advice is to shelf your eng though and use ether a sci or tac

    I would but: Even though I've been with this game since beta, I only have two toons. One Fed Engineer and One tac Klingon.

    I am not one for having a lot of toons. Sad really that there are three professions and only two of them work. I hope that Cryptic would fix the issue rather than me wait until May for the Romulans.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    renimalt wrote: »
    Virus: Nah, I'm just a silly pug healer who tries (and fails!) to keep everyone alive. :P

    C'mon, how much easier would your job be if some of the folks in those PUGs did a little to try to keep themselves alive? I'm the guy that jokes about Cryptic selling Friendly Fire. :)

    They're pugging - they shouldn't be expecting any heals and should be bringing whatever heals they can themselves. The combination of their own manual distribution, Tac Team, and whatever else they bring in conjunction with what you can toss them...

    ...but yeah, most of them are going to try to max damage - ignore survivability - then complain.
    renimalt wrote: »
    Your boff setup looks like another good alternative. RSP + 2x ExS is maybe a little iffy -- I thought they shared a 15s global cooldown? -- but it'll give you another nice "oh TRIBBLE" button to fall back on. TBH, I never feel comfortable without ST as a pug healer, since I'm the one clearing most SNBs, but if you've got a wingman with ST then it should be alright.

    Yeah, I'm the one usually complaining about abilities sitting there that aren't going to be used - the dual ExS with the RSP falls into that category (though, I've found it to be less sitting there because of the rest of the build).

    One of those, sometimes they can get by with the TSS - not needing the ExS while you do need that RSP...

    ...but yeah, healing is not really my thing.
    renimalt wrote: »
    Doff-wise, I'm a little confused as to what the EPtX DCEs are for. You have two copies of EPtS on there; the DCE's won't help you cycle it any more quickly. Personally, I run 3xAtSIF doffs (rare) + 2xBFI doffs, but that's because I use 2xAtSIF on my Oddy anyways.

    I normally do DOFFs last in a build and I saw your post...so I stopped. There's only 4 DOFFs there. I hadn't finished with them. I can never decide on the second SDO(BFI) or a WCE(EPt).

    The 2x DCE(EPt) "shouldn't" do anything for dual EPtS1.

    EPtS1(A) 45s CD(A) 30s CD(B) 30s uptime
    EPtS1(B) 30s later 45s CD(B) 30s CD(A) 30s uptime

    When you hit EPtS1(B), it's going to bump the 15s CD on EPtS1(A) to 30s because of the triggered CD. So whether EPtS1(A) is 0s or 15s, it's going to be 30s after you hit EPtS1(B).

    But if you get hit by a Bio'd Scramble or SNB that affects your recharge speed...? The DCEs are a % reduction - not a flat reduction. Was just a case of looking at trying to offset that.

    Healing in general, much less DOFFs for healing, is not really my thing.
    renimalt wrote: »
    As always, an good alternative gear setup is 2-piece Borg + shields of your choice. The hull proc is not something to dismiss, especially on the amby with its higher innate hull strength and room for up to 4 SIF generators.

    It can happen a max of once a minute, no?

    The Mk XII Borg Deflector gives:
    +5 Aux
    +26.2 Structural
    +17.5 Dampeners
    +17.5 Graviton
    +26.2 Insulators

    Combined with the Borg Impulse Engines, you can get that proc.

    What I was looking at with the Fermion/Aegis is the following:
    +17.5 Hull Repair
    +17.5 Threat
    +17.5 Structural
    +8.8 EPS
    +8.8 Flow
    +8.8 Insulators
    10% CD reduction for Sci abilities
    +5% Defense (even while standing still)

    Like I added at the beginning of that post, I'd go with what you'd do. Heck, my "healers" are works in progress - toon #7 and toon #8. I've asked your advice in OPvP for them - and - like I usually do, lol - I've taken some and ignore some. It's just not my thing...meh.

    Were I to build a Fleet Ambassador for my main Eng - it would actually go more like this:

    Fleet Ambassador Retrofit w/ Engineer Captain

    Traits - Accurate, Elusive, Efficient Captain, Warp Theorist

    New Rom - Precision, Sensor Targeting Assault, (QSM)
    Omega - Omega Weapon Training, Omega Graviton Amplifier

    TT1, BO2

    EPtW1, EPtS2, EWP1, AtS3
    ET1, RSP1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    5x Human BOFFs

    DOFFs - SDO(BFI), 3x DCE(EPt), MAS(EWP)

    Deflector - MACO Mk XII
    Engine - Aegis
    Shield - MACO Mk XII

    Fore - Omega Torp, Experimental Beam Array, 2x Romulan Beam Array Mk XII [Acc]x2
    Aft - Hyper-Plasma Torp, Cutting Beam, 2x Romulan Beam Array Mk XII [Acc]x2

    Tac - 3x Phase Modulator Mk XII
    Eng - Borg, 0Point, Tachyo, Neut Mk XII
    Sci - 2x Rom PrtG [Pla], FG Mk XII

    Devices - SFM, Aux Batt, Eng Batt, Wep Batt
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