I just want to give a big thanks to the team for having a large expansion in the works. I have been here since closed beta, but I got frustrated with the game near the time it went F2P. After coming back as a F2P player I enjoyed the game, but it was never enough content. Now with a third faction that we have all been waiting for, I am happy to say that cryptic now has my subscription back. For such a small team you guys do wonders for an MMO. I hope this is a new beginning for the STO I loved to play 3 years ago.
I just want to give a big thanks to the team for having a large expansion in the works. I have been here since closed beta, but I got frustrated with the game near the time it went F2P. After coming back as a F2P player I enjoyed the game, but it was never enough content. Now with a third faction that we have all been waiting for, I am happy to say that cryptic now has my subscription back. For such a small team you guys do wonders for an MMO. I hope this is a new beginning for the STO I loved to play 3 years ago.
Did you know, that various devs have reported that their team is now about 3 times the size since a year ago?
Indeed! Thanks for finally realizing adventures into all the shades of green. From Army Green, to Viridian! Incidentally the ability to sleep seems to be impaired by the events today. That sadly makes the wait longer!
I just want to give a big thanks to the team for having a large expansion in the works. I have been here since closed beta, but I got frustrated with the game near the time it went F2P. After coming back as a F2P player I enjoyed the game, but it was never enough content. Now with a third faction that we have all been waiting for, I am happy to say that cryptic now has my subscription back. For such a small team you guys do wonders for an MMO. I hope this is a new beginning for the STO I loved to play 3 years ago.
This "expansion" is going to suck....its going to be full of BROKEN TRIBBLE, and bugs that will go unfixed just like it is now.
Quit trying to kiss this company's TRIBBLE and hand them your wallet like a good drone.
I'm genuinely curious how you can live with yourself with all that negativity.
Off-Topic: Your signature is genius seriously because it almost looks like hes about to say the words "Sweet Jesus" Oh man thanks for making such an awesome signature.
On-Topic: They did a wonderful job on getting out there first expansion. It might have taken 3 years to get it out but its better to have it done right with quality. Bugs are likely to happen but that's nothing new with MMORPGs.
I'm genuinely curious how you can live with yourself with all that negativity.
I can see where he is coming from. I am excited for May, but I can see people being skeptical giving past history with Cryptic and this game.
How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
I'm glad people are excited. Everyone on this side of the screen is too.
I think a lot of us are hopeful, but cautious. We're wondering if a new Romulan Faction is just going to end up like the KDF Faction: 10 faction missions and then a lot of grinding to get through level 50?
I have already ground my KDF though 45 levels. I don't want to do that with my Rom too. Still, I'm hopeful that the Romulan Faction will get a decent number of Missions - and that the KDF will eventually get a bunch of new Missions too.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I'm glad people are excited. Everyone on this side of the screen is too.
And I remember similar sentiments for Season 7 which did little to move this game forward, nothing whatsoever to address long-standing issues and brought with it a plethora of new bugs, most of which have gone unfixed.
My hope, my real hope is that you're being given the time and the resources to do the job that needs to be done - and not something like Defera, Nukara and Nomulus.
I just want to give a big thanks to the team for having a large expansion in the works. I have been here since closed beta, but I got frustrated with the game near the time it went F2P. After coming back as a F2P player I enjoyed the game, but it was never enough content. Now with a third faction that we have all been waiting for, I am happy to say that cryptic now has my subscription back. For such a small team you guys do wonders for an MMO. I hope this is a new beginning for the STO I loved to play 3 years ago.
I joined in as well with the expressed above...you guys take so much TRIBBLE from people whining about everything...sometimes needed most times not....still this is HUGE step in the right direction and I'm a happy camper and proud with my LTS sub since Beta.
We know there will be bugs but perfection is not human and we should understand that.
For what is worth thanks to all DEVs and keep up the good work. KUDOS to you all!!!:D
This "expansion" is going to suck....its going to be full of BROKEN TRIBBLE, and bugs that will go unfixed just like it is now.
Quit trying to kiss this company's TRIBBLE and hand them your wallet like a good drone.
Based on YOUR track record over the last day or so, I can almost guarantee that the reality that the rest of share will be totally and completely in opposition to what you post. :P
In other words, you've been completely wrong about everything that you post. You said that there we all would be butthurt and called us dumbasses for even thinking there would be a Romulan faction coming. And what was in the released information yesterday? A playable Romulan faction coming in May. You were completely and utterly WRONG. Eat some crow....and mind the bones and feathers!
And since you lack even the most basic of socially acceptable manners in being thankful for what you are given, please take your deplorable attitude elsewhere. :cool:
Off-Topic: Your signature is genius seriously because it almost looks like hes about to say the words "Sweet Jesus" Oh man thanks for making such an awesome signature.
Likely because that actually is Cromwell's line at that moment.
I'm glad people are excited. Everyone on this side of the screen is too.
Taco, the art has been the one reliable area of STO (especially of late). You've done an excellent job making things look shiny. I just hope that the rest of your comrades have managed to do that shinyness justice when it comes to the mechanics of not-S8. Else we're going to be right back where we started.
I'd like to take a second as well to say a big hearty "Thank-You" to Cryptic for their continued efforts to improve the game.
When the countdown timer first appeared my initial thought was that maybe just maybe we were getting the Romulans as a playable faction. My second thought was that there was no way a developer was going to put that much effort time and resources to do something like that on a game of this 'vintage'. Guess I should have stuck with that first instinct!
Thanks again, Cryptic and PWE for continuing to support my favourite MMO so completely so long into its release.
And I remember similar sentiments for Season 7 which did little to move this game forward, nothing whatsoever to address long-standing issues and brought with it a plethora of new bugs, most of which have gone unfixed.
My hope, my real hope is that you're being given the time and the resources to do the job that needs to be done - and not something like Defera, Nukara and Nomulus.
Best of luck to you all Taco
Speak for yourself. I enjoyed all the stuff we got with Season 7 (including the Taw Dewa sector and New Romulus. Nothing wrong with what they did for S7 (IMO).
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Want to add a great big thank you and encouragement to kick strong to the finish. I swear to you, not every STO player is a whiny, negative and ungrateful person. I love all the things this game does right and the fact that I get to roam around the Trek universe with a custom crew and ship. Keep up the good work and thanks for helping me live out my Trek fantasy!
Speak for yourself. I enjoyed all the stuff we got with Season 7 (including the Taw Dewa sector and New Romulus. Nothing wrong with what they did for S7 (IMO).
And I'm glad of that - I really am - because without satisfied players like you putting money into this game I wouldn't have a F2P Star Trek MMO to play.
But just because you're satisfied with mediocrity doesn't mean I have to be - and just because I'd like this game to fulfill its potential doesn't mean that I want it to be any less fun for you.
I've been a harsh critic of STO but a fair one and whilst Cryptic as a company has major failings, I don't attribute them to the artists, programmers and designers - I'm sure they do the best job they can within the mandate they're given and they deserve all the praise and thanks they get.
This "expansion" is going to suck....its going to be full of BROKEN TRIBBLE, and bugs that will go unfixed just like it is now.
Quit trying to kiss this company's TRIBBLE and hand them your wallet like a good drone.
This and your signature are totally ironic since you are here in these forums, like the rest of the rest of the insane drones. Just because you are a noisy drone doesn't make you any less of one.
there was no way a developer was going to put that much effort time and resources to do something like that on a game of this 'vintage'.
SOE created the Dragonkin playable race for EQ when it was far more Vintage than STO is. Complete with new starting zone, new levelling path, full story line and an expansion to support it.
Did you know, that various devs have reported that their team is now about 3 times the size since a year ago?
Neverwinter Wiki
This "expansion" is going to suck....its going to be full of BROKEN TRIBBLE, and bugs that will go unfixed just like it is now.
Quit trying to kiss this company's TRIBBLE and hand them your wallet like a good drone.
I'm genuinely curious how you can live with yourself with all that negativity.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Off-Topic: Your signature is genius seriously because it almost looks like hes about to say the words "Sweet Jesus" Oh man thanks for making such an awesome signature.
On-Topic: They did a wonderful job on getting out there first expansion. It might have taken 3 years to get it out but its better to have it done right with quality. Bugs are likely to happen but that's nothing new with MMORPGs.
Join our cause now!
I can see where he is coming from. I am excited for May, but I can see people being skeptical giving past history with Cryptic and this game.
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
But it looks nice. Looks. Not is. :P
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
I have already ground my KDF though 45 levels. I don't want to do that with my Rom too. Still, I'm hopeful that the Romulan Faction will get a decent number of Missions - and that the KDF will eventually get a bunch of new Missions too.
And I remember similar sentiments for Season 7 which did little to move this game forward, nothing whatsoever to address long-standing issues and brought with it a plethora of new bugs, most of which have gone unfixed.
My hope, my real hope is that you're being given the time and the resources to do the job that needs to be done - and not something like Defera, Nukara and Nomulus.
Best of luck to you all Taco
I'm more excited about STO now then i have been since before launch.
Cryptic Account: Robert_Praetori
I joined in as well with the expressed above...you guys take so much TRIBBLE from people whining about everything...sometimes needed most times not....still this is HUGE step in the right direction and I'm a happy camper and proud with my LTS sub since Beta.
We know there will be bugs but perfection is not human and we should understand that.
For what is worth thanks to all DEVs and keep up the good work. KUDOS to you all!!!:D
Based on YOUR track record over the last day or so, I can almost guarantee that the reality that the rest of share will be totally and completely in opposition to what you post. :P
In other words, you've been completely wrong about everything that you post. You said that there we all would be butthurt and called us dumbasses for even thinking there would be a Romulan faction coming. And what was in the released information yesterday? A playable Romulan faction coming in May. You were completely and utterly WRONG. Eat some crow....and mind the bones and feathers!
And since you lack even the most basic of socially acceptable manners in being thankful for what you are given, please take your deplorable attitude elsewhere. :cool:
Likely because that actually is Cromwell's line at that moment.
Taco, the art has been the one reliable area of STO (especially of late). You've done an excellent job making things look shiny. I just hope that the rest of your comrades have managed to do that shinyness justice when it comes to the mechanics of not-S8. Else we're going to be right back where we started.
Yes, knowing the kind of post that you make, please, by all means keep saying that stuff! I can feel this game proving you wrong by the minute!
When the countdown timer first appeared my initial thought was that maybe just maybe we were getting the Romulans as a playable faction. My second thought was that there was no way a developer was going to put that much effort time and resources to do something like that on a game of this 'vintage'. Guess I should have stuck with that first instinct!
Thanks again, Cryptic and PWE for continuing to support my favourite MMO so completely so long into its release.
Speak for yourself. I enjoyed all the stuff we got with Season 7 (including the Taw Dewa sector and New Romulus. Nothing wrong with what they did for S7 (IMO).
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
And I'm glad of that - I really am - because without satisfied players like you putting money into this game I wouldn't have a F2P Star Trek MMO to play.
But just because you're satisfied with mediocrity doesn't mean I have to be - and just because I'd like this game to fulfill its potential doesn't mean that I want it to be any less fun for you.
I've been a harsh critic of STO but a fair one and whilst Cryptic as a company has major failings, I don't attribute them to the artists, programmers and designers - I'm sure they do the best job they can within the mandate they're given and they deserve all the praise and thanks they get.
This and your signature are totally ironic since you are here in these forums, like the rest of the rest of the insane drones. Just because you are a noisy drone doesn't make you any less of one.