Yeah, i was really disappointed that it was a countdown for basically another count down. I'm glad it's more than just an invasion like i originally thought but at the same time it seemed like a lot of build up for nothing. It's like christmas eve is two months before christmas and you don't even get to open a little gift, you have to wait for two months starting at all the presents you can't have...
Yeah, i was really disappointed that it was a countdown for basically another count down. I'm glad it's more than just an invasion like i originally thought but at the same time it seemed like a lot of build up for nothing. It's like christmas eve is two months before christmas and you don't even get to open a little gift, you have to wait for two months starting at all the presents you can't have...
A lot of build up for nothing? I disagree, we've finally got an announcement about what's coming in the next big update so we can finally start seeing some dev blogs, interviews, and sneak peaks at content.
People who listen to the interviews and read the forums knew this was just going to be an announcement and nothing else - but I'm still excited as hell!
A lot of build up for nothing? I disagree, we've finally got an announcement about what's coming in the next big update so we can finally start seeing some dev blogs, interviews, and sneak peaks at content.
People who listen to the interviews and read the forums knew this was just going to be an announcement and nothing else - but I'm still excited as hell!
you forgot to add all the flaming and cries of nerf this and nerf that...BEFORE the new content is released :P
The confusion is understandable, however. The countdown on the front page, with vague references to the upcoming Romulan faction; the post on Facebook about the introduction of the Romulans; the poorly-worded press releases - heck, until this morning, I thought that was what the countdown was for!
you forgot to add all the flaming and cries of nerf this and nerf that...BEFORE the new content is released :P
or all the "WE want the REAL RSE not this Romulan Republic" stuff.
I personally would love to see romulans as something a little different than what they were in the TV shows/movies. I mean they lost their homeworld(s) the Empires falling apart at the seams. I'd like to see something than the sneaky manipulators they were in the TV shows. Leave the sneaky backstabbers as the NPC's. I think playing as the RSE would be akin to turning them into the borg of STO's tutorial, Making them seem a lot less of a threat then they should be.
But apparently 'Reading Comprehension' is Trivial Nonsense.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
As the website clearly states, the Romulan Faction is coming May 21st.
The countdown was to let us know what Season 8 was going to be about.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
or all the "WE want the REAL RSE not this Romulan Republic" stuff.
I personally would love to see romulans as something a little different than what they were in the TV shows/movies. I mean they lost their homeworld(s) the Empires falling apart at the seams. I'd like to see something than the sneaky manipulators they were in the TV shows. Leave the sneaky backstabbers as the NPC's. I think playing as the RSE would be akin to turning them into the borg of STO's tutorial, Making them seem a lot less of a threat then they should be.
In STO, the sneaky manipulator role is already given to the Undine and the Iconians, who are arguably better at it then the poor rommies could ever be.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
or all the "WE want the REAL RSE not this Romulan Republic" stuff.
You know, this has had me thinking: The whole Romulan Republic/Empire/New Romulus thing is actually closer to TOS Romulans than anything later.
The original Romulans were based on the Roman Empire. Originally the Roman Empire had a senate and some aspects of a republic, but was still a fundamentally totalitarian empire despite the absence of an actual emperor, just like the RSE.
The position of an emperor was activated as needed - the republic was suspended and a more powerful leader put in place to deal with crisis. Eventually somebody refused to give up this position and eliminated the senate (as Sela has done, though she took the title rather than being given it the following events played out quite similarly), which was a factor in the eastern empire breaking free (New Romulus) and power struggles between the dissolved republic and the new emperor (pretty much exactly what's been described in the situation on Rator III and the little preview blurb for the expansion).
An extremely simplistic and not entirely accurate explanation of things, but enough to see the intention.
If later series had followed more on TOS than TNG, something like this is likely where things would have gone - you can only take an allegory of Rome so far before making an allegory of the fall of Rome.
or all the "WE want the REAL RSE not this Romulan Republic" stuff.
There is no more Romulan Star Empire. The Praetor is missing, presumed dead; the Empress is just plain missing. Ch'Rihan and ch'Havran are gone. Their entire species now consists of refugees. Rator III is little more than a Tal Shiar outpost. Mol'Rihan is the closest the Romulans have to a homeworld at this point. How can the Star Empire possibly survive that?
Meanwhile, they can observe the wealth of their neighbors, the United Federation of Planets. The Federation as a whole has a republican form of government, and sufficient wealth that they can help the surviving Romulans out of nothing more than a sense of altruism. The Romulans are highly intelligent, and capable of being quite logical when they're not angry; is it surprising they might decide a Romulan Republic would be more robust than a new Empire?
In STO, the sneaky manipulator role is already given to the Undine and the Iconians, who are arguably better at it then the poor rommies could ever be.
So you think
but the Iconians are actually being controlled by TOS Romulans and Kermit the Frog
They're not out yet. Wait till May.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
A lot of build up for nothing? I disagree, we've finally got an announcement about what's coming in the next big update so we can finally start seeing some dev blogs, interviews, and sneak peaks at content.
People who listen to the interviews and read the forums knew this was just going to be an announcement and nothing else - but I'm still excited as hell!
Kirk's Protege.
you forgot to add all the flaming and cries of nerf this and nerf that...BEFORE the new content is released :P
Cause you forgot to jump in your time machine and go to May 2013. :P
If you are going to make a Romulan on the FED or KDF you use an alien
or if you want real Romulan you will have to wait for May the 21.
Join date July 08
Just read the release notes next time.
or all the "WE want the REAL RSE not this Romulan Republic" stuff.
I personally would love to see romulans as something a little different than what they were in the TV shows/movies. I mean they lost their homeworld(s) the Empires falling apart at the seams. I'd like to see something than the sneaky manipulators they were in the TV shows. Leave the sneaky backstabbers as the NPC's. I think playing as the RSE would be akin to turning them into the borg of STO's tutorial, Making them seem a lot less of a threat then they should be.
But apparently 'Reading Comprehension' is Trivial Nonsense.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The countdown was to let us know what Season 8 was going to be about.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
In STO, the sneaky manipulator role is already given to the Undine and the Iconians, who are arguably better at it then the poor rommies could ever be.
You know, this has had me thinking: The whole Romulan Republic/Empire/New Romulus thing is actually closer to TOS Romulans than anything later.
The original Romulans were based on the Roman Empire. Originally the Roman Empire had a senate and some aspects of a republic, but was still a fundamentally totalitarian empire despite the absence of an actual emperor, just like the RSE.
The position of an emperor was activated as needed - the republic was suspended and a more powerful leader put in place to deal with crisis. Eventually somebody refused to give up this position and eliminated the senate (as Sela has done, though she took the title rather than being given it the following events played out quite similarly), which was a factor in the eastern empire breaking free (New Romulus) and power struggles between the dissolved republic and the new emperor (pretty much exactly what's been described in the situation on Rator III and the little preview blurb for the expansion).
An extremely simplistic and not entirely accurate explanation of things, but enough to see the intention.
If later series had followed more on TOS than TNG, something like this is likely where things would have gone - you can only take an allegory of Rome so far before making an allegory of the fall of Rome.
Meanwhile, they can observe the wealth of their neighbors, the United Federation of Planets. The Federation as a whole has a republican form of government, and sufficient wealth that they can help the surviving Romulans out of nothing more than a sense of altruism. The Romulans are highly intelligent, and capable of being quite logical when they're not angry; is it surprising they might decide a Romulan Republic would be more robust than a new Empire?
So you think
but the Iconians are actually being controlled by TOS Romulans and Kermit the Frog
I never did trust that frog. Something about him just seemed fishy to me.