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Suggestions thread

david90532david90532 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Hello STO players, and thanks for viewing my thread. I have a few suggestions that I think would be good additions to the game. Some of them are good, I think, but others are fairly silly and almost dumb. So I'll arrange them in a few different categories:

Serious: I would actually like to see this put into the game.

Semi-serious: Not sure how this would work with the game, or if other players would like it.

Not serious: An Idea that I haven't put alot of thought into, and just want to pitch it to the playerbase.

lol no: Random TRIBBLE about the game that pops into my head every day. Implementing these ideas would probably result in the rapid demise of STO as we know it.

Ok, now to get started. Here's some ideas.


Mission Name:
Earth Spacedock: Scheduled maintenance. (Engineering characters only)

Description: Every day, up to 100 starships dock with Earth Spacedock. Thousands of people come and go, causing constant wear and tear. It is the job of our repair teams to make sure that the station stays up and running.

Objectives: Suit up in your EV suit and repair 10 Damaged EPS conduits, plasma fires, hull breaches, or (Insert generic Star Trek problem here) And return to the airlock.

Rewards: 480-960 dilithium (Daily Mission)

**Mission notes: Because of the damage to the station, there will be plasma fires erupting from the hull periodically. The only warning you will get before they erupt is a slight rumble, and the hull plating above the plasma glowing orange from the heat for a second or two. Watch out!**


Mission Name:
Earth Spacedock: Anomalous readings. (Science characters only)

Description: *Rank*, we have picked up some anomalous readings on the outer hull of Earth Spacedock. They are causing malfunctions with the stations computer, and have been responsible for 3 collisions between shuttles and 2 injuries within the last hour. We need you to go out there, find out what is going on, and fix it.

Objectives: Put on an EV suit and head outside, *rank*! Find and fix the anomaly that is causing the accidents.

**Mission notes: Due to the computer malfunction caused by the anomaly, You will have starships passing just feet above your head, and shuttles bumping into the hull of the station. If one of these shuttles collides with you, you die and must respawn.**

Rewards: 480-960 dilithium (Daily Mission)


Mission Name:
Earth Spacedock: Intruder Alert! (Tactical Characters only)

Description: *Rank*, we have an intruder alert! A large group of borg have been sighted moving along the outer hull of Earth Spacedock towards the docking ring. I don't have to tell you what would happen if the borg took over this station. There are thousands of innocent people here, *Rank*. We are counting on you to stop the borg before they get inside!

Objectives: Stop the borg before they reach the docking rings. Or, if they've already reached the docking rings, stop them from cutting their way through the doors.

Rewards: 480-960 dilithium (Daily mission)

**Mission Notes: Since the borg are trying to take over ESD, there will be a fight in space going on. Throughout the mission, to make things more...interesting, debris from both federation and borg ships will collide into the hull, and kill you if they hit you. But, if the debris hits the borg on the hull, it will kill them as well.**


Mission Name: Emergency rendezvous

Description: *Rank*, we have received a message from the U.S.S. Enterprise F, saying that they had a malfunction in their computer causing most of their warp plasma to be ejected. If they drop out of warp with so little warp plasma, their warp coils will depolarize and the reactor will breach. They can't slow down, but right now, they have about 3 hours of plasma left before they will be forced to drop out of warp. *Rank*, I am telling you this because your ship is the closest to the Enterprise. We need you to meet with the enterprise and send someone over to it with new warp plasma. The destabilized warp field of the Enterprise will make the transporters useless, so you will need to put your starship inside the Enterprises warp field, and extend a cable between your cargo bay and the Enterprises. Once you are ready, put on your EV suit and pull yourself, and a canister of warp plasma, along the cable into the Enterprise. Get it to engineering before the warp core goes critical!

Objectives: Meet with the Enterprise and deliver the warp plasma to engineering.

Rewards: Skill points, items matching your rank. (Repeatable, part of an episode)



I think we need a more intuitive and interesting approach to shuttlecraft. I would love to be able to visit my starships bridge, take the turbolift to the shuttle bay, get in a shuttle and manually fly it out of the bay doors. At that point the game would load me into wherever I was before I visited my bridge, but with my shuttle instead of my starship. I would like to be able to land it in the same fashion.


Semi Serious:


It would be cool to be able to take our shuttles down to starfleet academy and land them on landing pads. From there, you could walk to the academy, and return to your shuttle and fly away whenever you wanted. I had this idea when I saw the automated shuttles flying over the academy.



Continuing the previous suggestion, it would be cool to be able to land our starships on earth, in the same general area as the academy, but you'd have to be separated from it due to the size of the starships. There would be landing platforms, and once you exit your starship, you would be on the landing pad next to it, with the option to do a site-to-site transport to the academy. landing your starship on earth would automatically repair any damage for free.


Ground Ability:
Ability name: Site to Site transport

Description: When activated, this ability allows you to transport out of the enemies weapons range, giving you the time to regenerate your shields and hit points. Your away team transports with you.

**Notes: This would be kind of like the subspace jumper console for ships, but instead of putting you behind the enemy, it would just put you out of their weapons range. That way, if you're about to be overrun and don't want to die, you can transport away to safety. You would only be just barely out of weapons range though.**



I think we should be able to go to the captains quarters on our ships. The captains quarters would have replicators, computers with bridge officer assignments, and maybe access to mail. Outside the windows, you would have a good view of the hull of your ship, with the warp speed effect if you were at warp.



Federation Reputation System: This would be like the Romulan and omega reputation systems, but it would be focused entirely on the federation. As you level up, you would gain access to Mk X, XI, and XII equipment and weapons. This equipment would be from several species of the federation, for example, the Andorians. One of the weapons could be the cannons from the Kumari. (Not the big wing cannons, but just the Andorian Dual Heavy Cannons.)


Not Serious:

Don't have anything for here yet.

lol no:


This is more of a "What if" idea. I thought it would be cool to have a weapon, acquired at the end of the Federation rep system, a phaser weapon that has power comparable to that of ship weapons. It would be a one-hit kill to everything, and would always have the phaser-vaporizing effect. I dismissed this idea almost instantly for obvious reasons like game balance.



Unlimited Free zen. Self explanatory.

I plan on adding more ideas to this thread as they come to me. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading. Constructive critisizm is very welcome, and If you have any ideas, put them in a reply below and I'll put it in the list and give you credit. Thanks!
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