Hi everyone,
we are glad to show you the new pvp tournament we would like to organize with all premades who will want to participate in the game.
As soon as all the fleets will register their premades, we'll be in date and time to be determined for the dates of meetings
and team pairings that will make random using roll dice emote, through the zone chat.
Registrations open today 03/16/2013 and will close on 03/26/2013
For info: @joker1374 - @NandoPC - @Mad_In_Italy
Torunamnet Rules
Not Allowed:
Temporal Inversion Field;
Eject Warp Plasma ability and Console - Universal - Theta Radiation Vents cause of graphic problems;
Console - Universal - Graviton Pulse Generator;
Console - Universal - Battle Module 3000;
Console - Universal - Aceton Assimilator;
Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech;
Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher and Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher;
Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher.
Max 2 toon per carrier: 2 sci, 2 tac, 1 eng; 2 tac, 2 eng, 1 sci, ecc...
Max 2 toon per team with Tetryon Glider;
Max 4 Hangar Bays;
Max 1 Jem'Hadar Attack Ship and 1 Kumari Escort for team;
( If in a team there won't be 1 jem'hadar attack ship, you'll able to use 2 kumari escort )
It's not possible to make mixed teams, like klingons and fed in a side. Only fed/kli teams. Obviously, there will be matches in which they compete Klinks and Feds.Registration is bound to handle.
If a handle is up for a fleet-team, the same handle can't play with another fleet-team.
The registered premade must declare a minimun of 2 reserves.
The registration cost 2 millions per team. The money will be used as a reward for the first 3 ranked teams.
The premade that doesn't show up on time and prefixed date will lose by forfeit.
The Leader of the teams registered to the tournament will need to meet to select all groups.
The draw will be made by the roll dice emote and the closer numbers will decide the pairings
Thanks to all people who want to partecipate
Except for the Hyper-Plasma and Omega plasma all of these rules can be justified. Given the intention behind these rules, siphon drones and canubes should probably be added.
This is a deal breaker. There really is no place for an engineer in PvP anymore. It's one thing to limit broken abilities, and quite another to force teams to gimp themselves. Teams participating in this tournament will be practicing team compositions that don't work in the real world. Therefore if you want to have a career limit, I suggest you go max of three instead of max of two.
All sounds good, though the tetryon glider limit might be hard to police. Also, to make the last point less confusing I'd just change it to simply "max of one bugship"
Who cares how many reserves a team has if they're bound to a team? Even if you want to have a limit on reserves, two is not enough when you need to have all three career types on a team. If you really want to go though with the "max of two per career type" rule, then you need a minimum of three reserve players - one for an alternate tac, one for sci, and one for eng.
However, if you really want the lot of PvP actually joining you should just restrict all the broken TRIBBLE and dont get too restrictive on team setups, ships, classes, factions etc.
You give every team the highest possible freedom, yet disallowing obviously broken stuff.
This is the best middle way to go, with the rules you set out for your fellow participants people will reject it and dont even bother joining im afraid.
Just some second thought but its my opinion, do whatever you think is best.
Good luck!
This is the ideal. T.F.S. tournament for example is well on it's way to being a giant fail because of one enormously stupid rule "only one of each type of ship allowed per team." It's a giant hassle that turns everyone off, and doesn't do squat balance wise. All of these tournaments that pop up and don't go anywhere seem to die because of some dumb rule that the organizers dig their feet in on.
Anyway, the rules are open to any kind of criticism and discussion, in the sense that they can be changed.
Just a point:
we banned rom and omega torps because, in our fleet based experience, in pvp, and even in pve, they make the game lag a lot, especially if used with doffs.
Maybe even danubes and siphon drones will be banned, just dont know at the moment. We just wanted to be completely sure to eliminate bugged and "glitched" ability/console/whatever to create a s**t-free run of matches...:)
Transcending self imposed glass ceilings n all.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
if you have lag put the graphics to minimum... ive been on matches with high plasma stuff and didnt lag at all with graphics on medium... its not my fault your computer is lame
Federation :: Fleetless :: Klingon
Jorge Silva - Tac | Nayja - Sci | Jorge E. Silva - Eng
Jorge R. Silva - Tac (Romulan Fed)
Nayja K Silva - Sci | Vurg'jah - Tac
I agree engi is not the most useful class... however 3 sci 2 tac teams are just pure cheese and we all know it.
We recently agreed to a private match against a fleet with some odd ideas of what "cheese" is. We had to run without extends or transphasics. They ran with Temporal Inversion and Theta, which they didn't see as cheese somehow. Didn't change a thing though -- still ended the way you'd expect it to against a team that follows the principles of The Guide. You see, it's not a matter of not being able to craft a team around silly rules (Bieber and I used to fly eng healers almost exclusively after all) it's not wanting to go through that hassle for an entire tournament, and certainly not wanting to endorse and help spread a play style that's going to weaken teams if they decide to adopt it.
The other day we saw CSI in the queues with an engineer. Instead of trying to force everyone to adopt their play style they should adopt one that works. Or if they think that taking an engineer is now a good thing to do, prove it against teams that don't.
Cheese is something that is either broken, or obviously overpowered. Not using something because it isn't useful isn't -- and by definition can never be -- cheese... did I really just need to say that? Come on, buddy. Go read The Jorf Guide and see if that helps right your crooked thinking.
To quote from the The Guide:
Well I didn't give you much but a one liner to work with. My thinking is... if we are going to impose rules on ourselves all the time saying X skill or X console or no more then Y. We do it because we don't feel they add to the game.
The complete removal of Engi from the game field is imo just as broken as any of other things any of us feel should not be included in a team game.
Perhaps calling 3 sci 2 tac cheese goes a little far. Still I think we all know it feels a little wrong to remove on captain type from out premades completely. It feels just as broken as tractor beam spamming toys to me.
Ideal team setup right now of course engi makes little sense. Still we are glad to out law boff skills and doffs and consoles because we feel they break the game in some way... I think every team choosing to drop the engi class in favor of another nuke is just as broken as slotting a 30s gravity pulse.
I have no doubt you guys will always do well no matter the rules its about mind set more then anything... I agree with you all the way. But if we are going to impose rules on anything... why should the hard sci team setup not get a look at.
In terms of toruny rules in general... I have always liked the "Max 2 captain types" rule. To me it just feels right and almost makes it like a regulation setup in any sport... where teams field the proper amount of each player at each position.
Of course it feels wrong! One out of the three career types has been made worthless through a series of short sighted decisions from Cryptic. That's terrible, bordering on offensive design. I'm all for making engineers useful again, but it's up to Cryptic to fix -- not up to us to keep taking things that don't work.
Personally, I don't agree much on the "limit of x per team" mentality. Either it's broken or it's not, but I do understand why people deem those types of rules necessary and usually don't complain about them. That being said, before engineers were made useless half the teams were running 1 tac, 1 eng, 3 sci. The other half were running 2 tac, 1 eng, 2 sci, so that engineer wasn't always dropped for another science captain. Hell, I'd rather take three tacs and two sci's than an engineer.
Banning consoles and powers, ships whatever should always be a something on the table..
Sense cryptic frankly can't balance Premade - pvp or pvp in general.
I agree with you it is crazy that we are always compensating for Cryptics terrible ideas with rules... its even funnier when you consider what happened not long ago when they sort of got behinds a turny that broke down due to rule arguments. There system is badly balanced we all agree... (perhaps not as bad as some people go on about still)
By your reasoning of course there should be no rules period. We should just play the game we have and be happy. I don't think a rule on team make up is any different then a rule on console composition.
Still point is we agree... Cryptic is at fault as per normal.
Indeed... no team ever ran more then on engi. I always thought of the team engi as the goal keeper. You don't need or want more then one.... just one to save the teams bacon when the D breaks down.
I agree with you as well... the perfect team designed to win would run Zero engi... 3 tac or 3 sci... both can work. Both will work better then an 1 engi most likely within the current tame meta.
My point is of course... the team with 5 graviton pulse consoles will do better then the team with zero... we make a rule against that.
I don't really see how limiting captain types is any different then limiting consoles or skills.
Regardless. I do also see your point that for practicality right now... not many teams are going to have a practiced quality engi ready to go... let alone a have a proper bench warmer just in case.
normlay the problem with warp plasma is not the lag, but it is often enough invisible, if there a 2 or 3 ae effects running (warp plasma, grav well, tykens rift, ...)
an annoying problem with the engine
Let me reiterate my viewpoint. Banning overpowered things is good, forcing teams to use underpowered things isn't. I'd be equally against a rule that said you needed a minimum of two copies of Jam Sensors on a team
A tactical or science captain isn't inherently broken or overpowered like GPG or Temporal Inversion is. My viewpoint is that if something is broken you should ban it, if it isn't then you should allow it. That means I don't agree with "Max of X" rules (it should either be outright allowed, or not allowed) though I begrudgingly accept them most of the time. The difference between saying "max of three of the same career" (which I begrudgingly accept) and "max of two of the same career" (which I absolutely do not accept) is that the later forces you to take a career that currently has no place in PvP, and thus strays too far from the real world. It's not just an unintended side effect of the rule, but the primary reason for it. The difference is that wording a rule "max of X of a career type" sounds a lot better than "you must take an engineer" or "you can't take more than three science captains", despite the fact we both know that's what people really mean.
Let alone having both of them properly ground up with the rep TRIBBLE and all the other power creep.
Premade Pvp Falchi Tricolori
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Our team needs confirmation of a specific date before we officially register for this tournament.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
we need rule to have a fair battle instead of only spam battle, i hope you understand that all the pvpers can easily spam but drive and use the ability at right time etc isn't for all.
i hope that u understand that u need first of all learn to play then to spam.....
Just to say, we are waiting for other fleets to know dates and hours.
Certain members of our fleet are only available on weekends, can you comment on the prospect of holding it on a weekend?
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
He's already added your team in the list, tell me if u are ok with this. Just to be fair ^_^