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    darimunddarimund Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know, you're tight. Compared to stuff like TNG's 'Samaritan Snare' or YOY's 'Threshold' -- STO makes the Star Trek universe look downright silly....oh, wait...

    Do me a favor and get off that high horse because as someone who's been watching Star trek first run since 1969; every Star Trek series had had it's share of ridiculous TRIBBLE; and overall, the stories and structure of STO aren't that bad (and some are actually quite good.)

    lol sto doesn't have any story or structure. Its a freakin blender of every half baked idea or notion some net nerd had thrown together by a no name game company that somehow managed to obtain a license to an IP that's way out of its league. I admit I got suckered into it and cracked open my wallet, then the "zomg its star trek" goggles wore off and I felt dirty and ashamed. I will not repeat that mistake.

    Just cuz the interwebs can come up with even worse trek doesn't mean this is good.

    Oh, and I don't ride horses, I drive cars... just wanted to be clear on that.
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    direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    darimund wrote: »
    YA RLY

    not saying you can't draw, but come on, what about this game even makes a lick of sense in the trek universe?

    STO to me is like a mcdonalds advertisement. It looks great on the pictures, but what you really get in your meal shouldn't be fed to prisoners.

    What about star trek makes sense in any universe? I'm still waiting for an explanation on how artificial gravity/inertial dampeners could feasibly work as shown. It takes an entire planet worth of mass just to generate enough gravity to hold us down to it, and we can still overcome that force by jumping or lifting anything else up. If I can let that slide, almost everything else gets through easily.
    Raptr profile
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What about star trek makes sense in any universe? I'm still waiting for an explanation on how artificial gravity/inertial dampeners could feasibly work as shown. It takes an entire planet worth of mass just to generate enough gravity to hold us down to it, and we can still overcome that force by jumping or lifting anything else up. If I can let that slide, almost everything else gets through easily.

    Gravitons. ;)
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    darimunddarimund Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What about star trek makes sense in any universe? I'm still waiting for an explanation on how artificial gravity/inertial dampeners could feasibly work as shown. It takes an entire planet worth of mass just to generate enough gravity to hold us down to it, and we can still overcome that force by jumping or lifting anything else up. If I can let that slide, almost everything else gets through easily.

    lol well yeah, that's true... its kinda like that one episode of next gen where ro and laforge were out of phase and could walk through walls and stuff... I always asked myself what kept them from falling through the floor. Every time I see a move or TV show that does something similar to that, always the first thing in my mind, and I can't recall anything that I've seen that explains that.

    I'm not trying to make sense of the fictional universe that Roddenberry created. We all know warp drive isn't real, borg aren't real, etc etc. Just saying STO isn't canon to Star Trek in function or story.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    darimund wrote: »
    We all know warp drive isn't real, borg aren't real,

    Technically, Warp Drive is real. Physicists have confirmed that it's possible for a Warp Drive. Just not possible at this time due to energies involved.

    Heck, Transparent Aluminum is now a reality.

    Cloaking Devices are possible with plasma fields.

    The Borg, well once we mesh man and machine and hook them up to the internet, then they would be. :P
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    collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Borg, well once we mesh man and machine and hook them up to the internet, then they would be. :P

    Wait, you guys aren't all cyborgs, too??? Oh man. I knew I shouldn't have listened to that bald lady who told me assimilation would be fun. :eek:

    Porthos is not amused.
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    sidghostwalkersidghostwalker Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The size of the vulcan woman's TRIBBLE on the front page is greatly exaggerated.. Speaking of which, I think Gene Roddenberry would roll over in his grave if he saw a vulcan woman, the epitome of logic and peace, busting out all over and apparently charging into battle with a phaser blasting away.

    Other scale issues: Any interior level is grossly overscaled. Doors, hallways and details like computer consoles are huge compared to the size of the characters. I know why this is done - to allow freedom of camera movement without getting "outside" the room, and it's not immediately noticeable if you're not really paying attention to it.. But if you look at it, it looks kind of ridiculous when the console one of the NPCs is 'working' at is 10 times as big as they are.
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    altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The size of the vulcan woman's TRIBBLE on the front page is greatly exaggerated.. Speaking of which, I think Gene Roddenberry would roll over in his grave if he saw a vulcan woman, the epitome of logic and peace, busting out all over and apparently charging into battle with a phaser blasting away.

    Considering the stories of Roddenberry's relations with women during the shooting of TOS, I think he would actually approve of T'TRIBBLE. Especially for selling the Star Trek brand.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
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    lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    OH NO!!!!! Come back to us Fuzun!

    * pokes out of his hole.

    Just squashing my ignorance CGI model scaling. I haven't played around with any modeling tools since Lightwave. I have the know how, but found out it's substitute for actual artistic skill.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Considering the stories of Roddenberry's relations with women during the shooting of TOS, I think he would actually approve of T'TRIBBLE. Especially for selling the Star Trek brand.

    As another race? Absolutely. But a Vulcan Kristen Stewart?

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