Gear and/or power restricted PvP/PvE would be awesome.
In PvE? Everything is do damage focused it's a feedback loop with the mob's artificial difficulty. Damge keeps going up, so they keep getting harder banking on a player doing unbalancingly huge amounts of damage and having few other alteratives.
In PvP? Cyropulse ambushes do more damage then orbital strikes, on a slow cooldown, no activation time. That's just the tip of the iceberg. The tricobolt nerf? Pounce/Lunge having linked cooldowns? A few others, all fine by them selves until you hook in the massive damage boosts tactical captains get. The dev's solution? Play wack-o-mole with the symptoms. (They haven't even touch how prevalent kockback spam locks have become.)
My suggestion: The absolute most fun I ever had playing this game was
before someone with no impulse control or foresight took the helm.
Let us go back to and lock our selves into level 10 or 20 when things were "simple" and didn't requite min/maxing.
There weren't as many shiny things at level 10 or 20, but then again, as badly balanced as things are,
that was a good thing!
It's very cathartic to repeat that:
The game played better, and was more balanced
before someone went to work as a blind bull in a china shop with ability setups. The game was more fun at lower levels not because lower levels were innately more fun, it was more fun because there wasn't enough cracks in the system showing up yet!
So, Can we get a virtual time-machine, and go back and lock our selves down at level 10, 20, or maybe 30?
I have 6 level 50 toons I play. I care very little about all the DPS Tactical monkies who scream in their sleep "Scotty I need 16K DPS within the next six seconds or we all die!"
I have two science officers in two science ships, and I don't care if I EVER pull the trigger on a bad guy. This month my main goal is to keep Rocket Jock Adorian Escort Captains alive. They do everything in their power to remain dead so it is a challenge I enjoy.
I have two Engineering officers in two Cruisers who control any battlefield I am on. I never die, I kill Tactical cubes and I hold the line HE'ARE!
I have two tactical captains who dish out their DPS and stay alive all by themselves.
What I don't do: sit for hours a day with a excel spreadsheet trying to figure out which consoles are nerfed, which weapons are bugged, and which skill sets when mixed with other skill sets gives me plus/minus ability to glitch the game in my favor.
I also don't flood the forums with endless ideas of how to change the game to more my own personal preference.... mainly because if they can't get the things they input right, how on earth would they ever get anything I think up implemented correctly?
So, I guess what I am saying here is: stop trying to find ways to make the game something it isn't, get more realistic about your builds, and enhjoy the game for what it is. You don't need to go back to level 10 - 20, just have some self control and stop trying so hard. STOP reading how to trick the game, whether you do 16K DPS or only 8K DPS, the PVE content still dies. Move on with your life. I can tell you speaking as a man of 42 years old, I have never met a woman who had sex with my based on my DPS output of any game I have ever played!..... just saying.
Simple answer? I've very sadly lost faith in them to do anything right the first time.
Longer answer? There are a few things done recently abated my ire a little, I'm not holding my breath my view of their craftsmanship will improve. Nor did I suggest even a minor change to the system (here), and being summary dismissed didn't improve my mood.
I never asked them to do it right here. I asked for a way lock my level at a place the problems I do have don't exist or exist in such small ways as to go unseen.
Edit: It would be better if I had a another metaphor, but if PWE was a DM and in D&D game? They wouldn't only be make every mechanical or technical newbie in the book, they adding a few to it aswell. (The arts good, but that's about all I can say for it.) Which considering D&D's long history, is not small thing.