The Eleventh Order
We need your help expanding we are looking for dedicated mature PVE Heros PVP Junkies and Roleplay Characters to join our tier four Federation Fleet. We have an active daily member base that is growing quickly with players from all over the world. We offer Fleet Support points (FSP). FSP can be turned in for gear, doffs or any in game item. FSP is awarded to members that sign up for events via our website...
In 2375, the Allies were progressively wearing down the Dominion, the war seeming to be near its end. With their lines barely holding, the Dominion left many Cardassian worlds open to attack, leaving them nearly defenseless against invasion. Septimus III was just one of these worlds.
The Cardassian Eleventh Order's headquarters were located on this planet, though that Order was badly weakened from numerous battles throughout the Dominion War. General Martok claimed the Order consisted of "old men and walking wounded", and that the planet would fall with ease. Without reinforcements from the Jem'Hadar, his statement was not far from the truth.
Legate Damar realized the Eleventh Order's dire need for reinforcements, and Weyoun promised he would 'deal with it'. However, Weyoun's reassurance was without merit. For within a matter of days, the Klingon Empire, under Martok's leadership, landed 15 divisions and successfully conquered Septimus III - the entire Eleventh Order, comprised of 500,000 loyal Cardassian soldiers, was left to be slaughtered.
The Invasion of Septimus III was a pivotal event of the Dominion War. It revealed to Damar that the Dominion was not only willing to allow the Cardassian people to take the brunt of the allies' assaults, but that they would needlessly sacrifice as many Cardassians as they deemed necessary to win the war. Weyoun's betrayal, as well as the secret alliance made with the Breen fueled Damar's rage to the boiling point. It was after this that Damar decided to rebel against the oppressive Dominion, thus leading to the Cardassian Rebellion. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows")
The remainder of the Eleventh Order fell back to Goralis system and reformed with Federation,Klingon and Romulan forces to create the new ~Eleventh Order~A Military body operating totally autonomous and following their own agenda operating a Fleet of advanced mixed Starships and Starbases.
Join today Friendly Experianced players are availible now to help all new players or those that are looking for a better experiance!!!
Good Luck And Have Fun Out There...
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Thank you very much Regulus the same is to be said for Lag Industries...8D
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
The day has come my friends, the mega bytes are counting down. The Eleventh Order stands ready to welcome all...
Good Luck And Have Fun Out There...
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
Best damned fleet out there if you ask me
Congratulations to The Eleventh Orders very own Vengefuldjinn who this weekend will be crossing the threshold of his own final frontier and getting married.
No more playing sto all night and those secret zen purchases will not be so secret anymore and the needs of the many will definitely out way the needs of the few or the one meaning
But of course I am kidding and I am very grateful to have such a great wife and from both of us Vengefuldjinn we wish you and your new bride a long and happy life together...
Live Long And Prosper...Mr&Mrs Vengefuldjinn
~The Eleventh Order~
11thOrder Youtube
Captain of The Eleventh Order
Enjoy PvP?
Yearn to blow the Borg to bits in PvE?
We in the 11th do a little bit of it all. Come join us on our vent, blow up some pixels!
For those who want raw stats, we have a T4 starbase (about a month or so away from the upgrade to T5 Military), A T3 embassy and T3 mine. There's usually ample opportunity to contribute, if you need fleet marks (BRING DOFFS! PLEASE!!!)
We're pretty small, low drama, tight knit and quite welcoming for a bunch of Trek geeks.
Our leaders dabble in a bunch of things - we have some who PVP, some who PVE, some who dedicate their lives to DOFFing, all kinds of things.
So if you're looking for a decent bunch of people, look us up. If you want to talk to me directly, you can seek me out at @Cokecan in game, and if I'm not up to my eyeballs in Borg Spheres running around like squirrels on meth, I'll talk to you about joining up.
Thanks, and see you in game.
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
Yep, still about.
More Cardassian outlook ? Don't know what exactly you mean about that, but don't worry about it, we gotz lotz going on
New players welcome !
PM me in game for an invite.
To further update my previous post, we're now a T5 Starbase with T5 Military and T5 Engineering.
We are cranking out the projects needed to achieve T5 Science, so there's still lots of room for contribution. (Please bring the sacrificial white DOFFS...)
Also, we have a T3 Mine, Embassy and Spire.
And some cool people.
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
Kudos go out to all members of the 11th Order - former and current alike. I wouldn't have been able to announce this fact without any of you.
Thanks everyone. And see you when the next fleet holding drops!
But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?