So, putting more time into STO lately I've bought some ZEN. Wondering if the Andorian ships are worth the 5k ZEN.
I saw a few of them at release, but not nearly as many now. I know they're squishy, but I'm a Tactical captain so if I'm going to throw money at something this seems like the best bet.
Still running my Breen ship and still very happy with it, but the Andorian ships have gotten my attention. Seems like the wing cannon platforms are pretty TRIBBLE, but the other two consoles seem nice enough.
Anyone bought the 3-pack and have some useful feedback for me?
The three pack is generally worth it for all the vessels just for the console synergy. This one though is debatable because of the charge time for the laser (front facing your target for that long can be dangerous) and that the wing fighters/deployable vessels DPS contribution is questionable and hard to measure.
As a side note the andorian vessels are not nearly as squishy as some people think. In the right hands they are more like adamantium cannons than glass cannons. I think they're actually best for engineering captains.
2 sec charge on the phaser overload is really not a big deal and it hits harder then the javalin as well as it is a aoe hit vs a single target. Ive had 130 to 150k crits off it and its a 2km aoe. With a sci ship debuffing ive had 180k crits with it.
The drones are just added dps, with the 3 set they crf and csv and do about the same if not more then a turret does.
Though i would use the eng or the sci ship. The tac's boff layout is kinda bad and you will want the extra boffs for much needed defense and healing skills.
they were beefed up in damage, lowered the charge time to 2 sec, no longer trigger a 15 cool down on other cannon ablitys, drones health and shields were buffed 25% and also shoot faster.
they were beefed up in damage, lowered the charge time to 2 sec, no longer trigger a 15 cool down on other cannon ablitys, drones health and shields were buffed 25% and also shoot faster.
Yeah I hesitated buying them because I'd figured there would be a patch...seems a bit more useful after the patch.
Will probably pull the trigger on it tomorrow; thanks for the replies everyone.
2 sec charge on the phaser overload is really not a big deal and it hits harder then the javalin as well as it is a aoe hit vs a single target. Ive had 130 to 150k crits off it and its a 2km aoe. With a sci ship debuffing ive had 180k crits with it.
The drones are just added dps, with the 3 set they crf and csv and do about the same if not more then a turret does.
Though i would use the eng or the sci ship. The tac's boff layout is kinda bad and you will want the extra boffs for much needed defense and healing skills.
Unless things have changed there were people complaining about the wing cannons doing less damage than a single turret.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Unless things have changed there were people complaining about the wing cannons doing less damage than a single turret.
again patch notes... the ship was pretty buggy on release and the drones were not fireing when they should of been, instead they only fired when the main ships wing cannons fired and only in the 45 degree arc.. now they fire on there own and more offten and will track targets 360 degrees around the ship.
They are tons of fun in PvE, and I have seen some very effective PvP - just not from me.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Unless things have changed there were people complaining about the wing cannons doing less damage than a single turret.
More specifically, the issue was that the wing cannons reported their damage exactly the same way as some of your ships cannons, so it ACT wasn't reporting it accurately.
Going to say not any more, no. The wing cannons will now clash with all your other weapon options unless you want to restrict yourself to mk XI guns on your supposed "glass cannon". Minus the cannon part of course.
Personally I think not, but I absolutely adore the ship. The consoles are novelties that end up being a waste of space. Sure, they're useful, but you have to sacrifice a lot to use them. The +10% accuracy bonus for 2pc set is great, but in all honesty it's not as good as other console options.
I have the 3-pack, ditched the consoles and I've been much better off since!
My advice would be to get the boff layout and design that you prefer, and be happy with just the one.
Going to say not any more, no. The wing cannons will now clash with all your other weapon options unless you want to restrict yourself to mk XI guns on your supposed "glass cannon". Minus the cannon part of course.
Buyer beware.
Beware, if you want to use the consoles, you have to also use the wing cannons for them to work.
The problem with this is, you will then be restricted to PHASER WEAPONS ONLY to match the phaser wing cannons.
You could simply not bother to use the consoles, but then what bother to get the pack in the first place?
I'd say if you're interested in the Andorian ship, get the 3-pack.
I've been testing out different builds and the 3-console synergy with the Wing Cannon Platforms definitely boost your damage output considerably.
In spite of the recent buff to the Wing Cannon Platform hitpoints, they're still nearly as squishy as mines and quite easily blow up from mines, torps or even simply being within 3km of a destroyed target.
Secondly, you sacrifice a lot of survivability for those 3-consoles.
Otherwise, you could build the Andorian like a regular escort with either 4 cannons and a torp or 5 cannons but the turnrate is generally subpar and very difficult to keep a target in your forward firing arc. Your survivability maybe higher but it doesn't really account for much if you're not doing much damage.
Overall, I'd say it's a pretty balanced ship. A true Glass Cannon.
If you're not willing to accept that, then the Andorian Escort is not for you.
Going to say not any more, no. The wing cannons will now clash with all your other weapon options unless you want to restrict yourself to mk XI guns on your supposed "glass cannon". Minus the cannon part of course.
Buyer beware.
There talking about the d-store weapons not the wing cannons on the ship. Teh d-store andorain weapons are normal dhc etc.
Again they are NOT talking about the wing cannons console just the D-store ones... though the nerf is kinda bs to people who payed the 22k+ dil. per weapon from the d-store
Ya cuase a 100k+ aoe hit from the phaser overload is sooo weak.... Sorry your builds must be messed up or something..
no mister. my dps gets lowered with a 100k shot every 2 minutes.
if the aoe would be larger or the enemy ships would be kind enough to fly closer to each other or a rift would bond them more often together,
yea then i'll change my build maybe.
no mister. my dps gets lowered with a 100k shot every 2 minutes.
if the aoe would be larger or the enemy ships would be kind enough to fly closer to each other or a rift would bond them more often together,
yea then i'll change my build maybe.
you must be just running estf's... the amount of aoe damage it does can be the diffrence of getting 1st or 2nd in fleet actions. On gorn mine field the ships in the back that pats in phase 2 i have 1 shot the whole group solo and I do it almost every match.
In pvp it can throw a player into a 100% defense do to the burst on them. The shield breaker is great for tac cubes and I have 1 shot normal cubes in estfs useing overload (granted that was blowing all my cool downs as well as having a team mate sensor scan it.)
The drones are added dps and with the 3 set its almost the same damage as having a extra dhc on the ship. Its pretty easy to check there damage if you want to test it by doing a flat test with only the wing cannons and drones active and having a friend willing to sit there and let you auto fire and do csv and crf on them and look at the total damage numbers.
Tell me what are you useing thats upping your dps so much in your sci and eng slots, I'm running 3 set consols, the borg uni, 1 net. armor mk12 and 4x phaser relays mk 11 vr's. In a full cannon load out, with wing phasers, quads, 3x dhc mk12, 2 mk 12 turrets and a cutting beam.
I have tested the damage between that and running my HEC and Mobis Destoryer and the andorain does more damage simple as that.
yet sacrificing console slots isnt that great for it.
but its a players choice.
i dont totally disagree with running the 3 consoles
and since u totally agree on running the 3 consoles,
i guess we can presume then that the consoles are worth it.
yet if i had to choose to buy the 3 pack bundle again for 5000 zen or just buy 1 ship for 2500,
i would choose buying 1 ship.
yet sacrificing console slots isnt that great for it.
but its a players choice.
i dont totally disagree with running the 3 consoles
and since u totally agree on running the 3 consoles,
i guess we can presume then that the consoles are worth it.
yet if i had to choose to buy the 3 pack bundle again for 5000 zen or just buy 1 ship for 2500,
i would choose buying 1 ship.
thats fine. But you avoid my question.. what are you putting on your eng / sci slots thats uping your damage so much to make your arugument? I have put out my numbers to help inform the op at what you can do with it. All your saying is there not worth it but not backing that up.
Pre patch I agree the 3 set was not worth it. After the patch I have found they are very worth it. But if someone is pulling massive numbers ahead would love to know how there doing it. Unless its just that you dont have all 3 or that you dont like haveing to manage the consoles and cool downs etc then its just a matter of not likeing the feel / game play vs raw damage numbers.
You do need to play the ship a little diffrent due to the cannon drones and keeping them alive. But after playing a HEC im used to keeping a eye out on my pets. I dont play as aggressive get in your face style as I do on my mobis destoryer. So if your not able to keep your drones up then ya in the long run they arent going to pull there wieght but most fleet actions and stf's I hardly lose them and if I do lose them there cool down is up. So over the longer fight there dps effect is more then if you pop them and they die 30 sec later.
As a side note the andorian vessels are not nearly as squishy as some people think. In the right hands they are more like adamantium cannons than glass cannons. I think they're actually best for engineering captains.
2 sec charge on the phaser overload is really not a big deal and it hits harder then the javalin as well as it is a aoe hit vs a single target. Ive had 130 to 150k crits off it and its a 2km aoe. With a sci ship debuffing ive had 180k crits with it.
The drones are just added dps, with the 3 set they crf and csv and do about the same if not more then a turret does.
Though i would use the eng or the sci ship. The tac's boff layout is kinda bad and you will want the extra boffs for much needed defense and healing skills.
I was under the impression it was 4 seconds. Two seconds is much more manageable.
they were beefed up in damage, lowered the charge time to 2 sec, no longer trigger a 15 cool down on other cannon ablitys, drones health and shields were buffed 25% and also shoot faster.
Yeah I hesitated buying them because I'd figured there would be a patch...seems a bit more useful after the patch.
Will probably pull the trigger on it tomorrow; thanks for the replies everyone.
Unless things have changed there were people complaining about the wing cannons doing less damage than a single turret.
again patch notes... the ship was pretty buggy on release and the drones were not fireing when they should of been, instead they only fired when the main ships wing cannons fired and only in the 45 degree arc.. now they fire on there own and more offten and will track targets 360 degrees around the ship.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
More specifically, the issue was that the wing cannons reported their damage exactly the same way as some of your ships cannons, so it ACT wasn't reporting it accurately.
Exact post people are responding to:
Going to say not any more, no. The wing cannons will now clash with all your other weapon options unless you want to restrict yourself to mk XI guns on your supposed "glass cannon". Minus the cannon part of course.
Buyer beware.
I have the 3-pack, ditched the consoles and I've been much better off since!
My advice would be to get the boff layout and design that you prefer, and be happy with just the one.
Kirk's Protege.
Beware, if you want to use the consoles, you have to also use the wing cannons for them to work.
The problem with this is, you will then be restricted to PHASER WEAPONS ONLY to match the phaser wing cannons.
You could simply not bother to use the consoles, but then what bother to get the pack in the first place?
I've been testing out different builds and the 3-console synergy with the Wing Cannon Platforms definitely boost your damage output considerably.
In spite of the recent buff to the Wing Cannon Platform hitpoints, they're still nearly as squishy as mines and quite easily blow up from mines, torps or even simply being within 3km of a destroyed target.
Secondly, you sacrifice a lot of survivability for those 3-consoles.
Otherwise, you could build the Andorian like a regular escort with either 4 cannons and a torp or 5 cannons but the turnrate is generally subpar and very difficult to keep a target in your forward firing arc. Your survivability maybe higher but it doesn't really account for much if you're not doing much damage.
Overall, I'd say it's a pretty balanced ship. A true Glass Cannon.
If you're not willing to accept that, then the Andorian Escort is not for you.
There talking about the d-store weapons not the wing cannons on the ship. Teh d-store andorain weapons are normal dhc etc.
Again they are NOT talking about the wing cannons console just the D-store ones... though the nerf is kinda bs to people who payed the 22k+ dil. per weapon from the d-store
the consoles are to weak and if the whole server would get a rollback,
i would buy just 1 andorian ship again, but not the bundle.
right now its no comparison to
invincible shield + some other boni - vesta bundle
much needed turn rate + boosts - oddysey bundle
Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba
Ya cuase a 100k+ aoe hit from the phaser overload is sooo weak.... Sorry your builds must be messed up or something..
The consoles aren't at all bad, those that complain about them just want an iWin button.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
no mister. my dps gets lowered with a 100k shot every 2 minutes.
if the aoe would be larger or the enemy ships would be kind enough to fly closer to each other or a rift would bond them more often together,
yea then i'll change my build maybe.
Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba
you must be just running estf's... the amount of aoe damage it does can be the diffrence of getting 1st or 2nd in fleet actions. On gorn mine field the ships in the back that pats in phase 2 i have 1 shot the whole group solo and I do it almost every match.
In pvp it can throw a player into a 100% defense do to the burst on them. The shield breaker is great for tac cubes and I have 1 shot normal cubes in estfs useing overload (granted that was blowing all my cool downs as well as having a team mate sensor scan it.)
The drones are added dps and with the 3 set its almost the same damage as having a extra dhc on the ship. Its pretty easy to check there damage if you want to test it by doing a flat test with only the wing cannons and drones active and having a friend willing to sit there and let you auto fire and do csv and crf on them and look at the total damage numbers.
Tell me what are you useing thats upping your dps so much in your sci and eng slots, I'm running 3 set consols, the borg uni, 1 net. armor mk12 and 4x phaser relays mk 11 vr's. In a full cannon load out, with wing phasers, quads, 3x dhc mk12, 2 mk 12 turrets and a cutting beam.
I have tested the damage between that and running my HEC and Mobis Destoryer and the andorain does more damage simple as that.
yet sacrificing console slots isnt that great for it.
but its a players choice.
i dont totally disagree with running the 3 consoles
and since u totally agree on running the 3 consoles,
i guess we can presume then that the consoles are worth it.
yet if i had to choose to buy the 3 pack bundle again for 5000 zen or just buy 1 ship for 2500,
i would choose buying 1 ship.
Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba
thats fine. But you avoid my question.. what are you putting on your eng / sci slots thats uping your damage so much to make your arugument? I have put out my numbers to help inform the op at what you can do with it. All your saying is there not worth it but not backing that up.
Pre patch I agree the 3 set was not worth it. After the patch I have found they are very worth it. But if someone is pulling massive numbers ahead would love to know how there doing it. Unless its just that you dont have all 3 or that you dont like haveing to manage the consoles and cool downs etc then its just a matter of not likeing the feel / game play vs raw damage numbers.
You do need to play the ship a little diffrent due to the cannon drones and keeping them alive. But after playing a HEC im used to keeping a eye out on my pets. I dont play as aggressive get in your face style as I do on my mobis destoryer. So if your not able to keep your drones up then ya in the long run they arent going to pull there wieght but most fleet actions and stf's I hardly lose them and if I do lose them there cool down is up. So over the longer fight there dps effect is more then if you pop them and they die 30 sec later.
i guess the way you run your setup, u do that way more damage. i recommend to the op, to run your setup.
kudos, u will have it tougher now placing 1st place at gorn minefield
ps: in addition i gotta admit, one of my chars is running the 3 console setup, the other isnt.
Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba