((Ingame RP event for the KDF. Anyone interested in RP welcome. This seems the right forum to post it in, if not then I'll happy take directions to the correct one. The event is at 1700 EST, 2200 GMT. On Saturday March 9th. So long as your character has a reason to fly with the KDF (even if it's for a paycheck) you're welcome to come. If you're unsure as how to fit in, send me a message
@zarro and we'll find a way. General Kuruk can be found in the office in the great hall on Qo'noS (#1) up to half an hour before the start of the event, and can be found OOCly in the channel STORP.ORG for any questions. This will be the start of a small series of events, so it's a great chance for Roleplayers new and old to give it a try. Here is the IC bit: ))
By Order of General Kuruk, son of Dal'bar, captains of the Imperial Klingon Defense Forces, auxiliaries of the Gorn Hegemony, as associated individuals in the employ of the IKDF, are to assemble for fleet formation and battle drills in preparation for an assault of Federation space.
The Federations is weakest on the field of battle. Where you can look your enemy in the eye. We will gather our forces and meet them in battle. This is a call to arms. Crush the Federation. It is a good day to die!
((1700 Eastern, 2100 GMT. BoPs required for this one, but any will do. Even if it's the old starter one you haven't touched for months. As always, @Zarro for any questions, and up to an hour before the event Kuruk will be in the great hall on Qo'noS 1.))