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Ground Mechanics ideas for change

wakerwwakerw Member Posts: 18 Arc User
I think its safe to say that all of us love the space combat mechanics of this game, its the reason alot of us play. I also really enjoy playing missions on the ground, and especially love fighting the borg. However, as a fairly active pc gamer, there is room for improvement. Star trek presents a unique challenge for this, and the solution of having weapons with cooldowns on primary and secondary attacks was very creative. However, I think this should be changed, which can be done with items already in the game and series. I have two different ideas for this, based on the Mass Effect series. I know im going to get some replies to the tune of "this isnt mass effect", but Ill be mentioning support for the ideas from the various series.

First idea- Like ME1, weapons cound be fired without regard to ammunition, but were able to overheat. What also could be included is a system with phasers like in the series, where power settings could be altered, trading power for speed of overheating. This could be represented by a bar similar to those used for power level adjustment in space. This would mainly be for beam weapons, and i think pulsewaves would fit well in this category.

Second idea- Similar to ME2&3, power packs found on the ground like in most shooters, dropped by enemies or potentially bought as consumables. These would allow players to fire at a rate that actually makes sense with a rifle labeled as "full auto", while restricting damage by clip size. Clip size could increase with weapon mark. This system would mainly apply to the compression type weapons, i.e. pistols, rifles, and autocarbines. I think i remember seeing something like this put on the rifles in First Contact, when the weapons lockers were opened, and picard was doing his "like a thousand other commanders on a thousand other battlefields i wait for the dawn" speech. or something like that.
Wake@phoenixrw, Supreme Chancellor of Roughneck Alpha Fleet.
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    grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    wakerw wrote: »
    I think its safe to say that all of us love the space combat mechanics of this game, its the reason alot of us play. I also really enjoy playing missions on the ground, and especially love fighting the borg. However, as a fairly active pc gamer, there is room for improvement. Star trek presents a unique challenge for this, and the solution of having weapons with cooldowns on primary and secondary attacks was very creative. However, I think this should be changed, which can be done with items already in the game and series. I have two different ideas for this, based on the Mass Effect series. I know im going to get some replies to the tune of "this isnt mass effect", but Ill be mentioning support for the ideas from the various series.

    First idea- Like ME1, weapons cound be fired without regard to ammunition, but were able to overheat. What also could be included is a system with phasers like in the series, where power settings could be altered, trading power for speed of overheating. This could be represented by a bar similar to those used for power level adjustment in space. This would mainly be for beam weapons, and i think pulsewaves would fit well in this category.

    Second idea- Similar to ME2&3, power packs found on the ground like in most shooters, dropped by enemies or potentially bought as consumables. These would allow players to fire at a rate that actually makes sense with a rifle labeled as "full auto", while restricting damage by clip size. Clip size could increase with weapon mark. This system would mainly apply to the compression type weapons, i.e. pistols, rifles, and autocarbines. I think i remember seeing something like this put on the rifles in First Contact, when the weapons lockers were opened, and picard was doing his "like a thousand other commanders on a thousand other battlefields i wait for the dawn" speech. or something like that.

    I like the idea off a bar like in space you can set power of your weapons but I believe it would also benefit if you can adjust your shields with it .
    And maybe a silly idea but to get a grind for an auto modulator you can plug into your weapon it take a bit longer of reloading for the next shot but thats because it remodulate to a new setting.
    It also would be nice if you can seek cover and shoot from there also seen alot in games, not sure if they would use it in a mmo but would be nice.
    Then with that bar comes an option to set the power of your shields to remodulate shields better against borg elite atacks with those nasty weapons...
    Then aux option to ballance the two powers would be nice...
    But it would also mean three extra console slots on your captain and Boff's I think.

    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
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